Read Books Novel

Lyon's Price

Pursing her lips, she gave him a coy look. “Well, I don’t know. Perhaps I should take a look at this fan club you say I have before I make a decision…”

The scowl on Lyon’s face was matched in ferocity by the growl rumbling in the big chest. “Right. You’re better,” he declared and scooped her up into his arms, sheet and all.

“Lyon! What are you doing?”

She grabbed at his broad shoulders as he headed for the door. He wouldn’t drop her, but she liked the feel of the hard muscles under her hands. Remembered what they felt like bunching with power as he took her.

He treated her to a look full of dark heat and intent as he walked down the corridor and emerged through a door into the sunshine. Samara barely noticed the buildings of the settlement, real outpost colony-type constructions, as he started walking again.

“I’m taking you to my home. Our home,” he corrected. “And I’m going to show you why the only fan club you’ll ever need is right here. Forever.”

As they walked through the small settlement, Samara could feel the interest. It beat on them from all sides as people, both male and female, stopped what they were doing to look at them. They were all cyborgs.

Nestling closer to the hardness of Lyon’s chest, she looked back with wide eyes.

This was going to be her home. As long as Lyon was here, then so was she, and she had to get to know these people, integrate into their society.

The sun was hot, prickling across any exposed skin. In the hospital gown and just a sheet, she felt nak*d and a little uncomfortable.

“Why are they all looking at me?” she whispered, tucking her head into the curve of his shoulder and neck.

He chuckled in reply. A deep male sound of triumph-tinged amusement. “They’re not looking at you, sweetling, or they’d better not be. They’re looking at me.”


“Because I’ve never taken a woman home.”

She blinked at that and sat up to look at him directly. “What? Ever? But…you’ve…Uhm…” Her words faltered as she tried to put into words what she was thinking without offending him. Instead she just gave him a “look”.

He read her mind easily. The look on his face was open and brutally honest as he replied.

“Yes, I’ve had women. But I’ve never found one I wanted to spend the rest of my life, or even longer than a night, with. Now that I’ve found her…that’s you in case you missed that…I’m not letting you go.”

The darkness in his eyes changed, heat swirling in the green depths that took her breath away. It made erotic promises of what was going to happen when he got her alone. She shivered, awed at the passion and feeling she could engender in him.

By the time he shouldered open the door of a small, one-level dwelling, the hum of excitement in Samara’s veins had risen to fever pitch. Ducking his head, he stepped into the coolness beyond the door and into a small living area.

It was neat and tidy. The usual for this type of colony building, the hardened plasti-foam walls extended into low couches and other furniture. She knew the type. She’d grown up in one.

He ignored the main room, sweeping right through it with the force of a tsunami, and into the sleeping area. Like all pod housing, the facilities were in a screened-off area in the same room.

Still holding her easily, Lyon stepped into the sonic cleanser and hit the button. The machine hummed as it activated. She sighed in relief as the waves washed over them, disintegrating the dirt and grime of the shuttle journey. It wasn’t as good as a water shower, but she didn’t care.

The cycle still running, he let go of her legs. Silence crowded into the little space with them, not that there was much with two of them in a cubicle designed for one and his massive shoulders taking up most of what was left.

A shiver ran through her as, deliberately, he slid her down his lean, hard body. And it was hard all over. Biting her lip, she pressed closer to him, desperate for the feel of his skin on hers. Ignored, the sheet fell away into a heap at their feet.

“Never letting you go,” he promised as he pressed her against the wall and kissed her. Like a flower opening to the sun, she parted her lips. He groaned in approval, the sound triumphant as he drove his tongue into her mouth and took what he wanted.

Whimpering in need under the onslaught of his lips, she ran her hands over his broad shoulders. She needed to touch him. Needed proof that this was real, that she wasn’t dreaming it. That he’d really said he loved her.

“Don’t. I don’t want you to,” she murmured as he moved onto her neck, hot kisses leaving a trail of fire. One hand braced on the wall above them, he bracketed her body with his, as though he was protecting her from the world beyond.

“This is just ugly as hell.” His other hand snaked around her neck and stripped the hospital gown from her in three quick and efficient movements. The fabric dropped unheeded to the floor to join the sheet.

He sucked a ragged breath in, eyes dark as they swept over her revealed body. A muscle jumped at the corner of his jaw. “You get sexier every time I see you. How do you do that?”

Unsure how to answer that, she just shrugged. The movement set her nak*d br**sts jiggling. Instantly his attention snapped to them and the black of his eyes swallowed the green. Clenching his fists, he looked down at her, but didn’t touch. Unbidden, her n**ples tightened into dark little buds. Inviting the touch of his fingers, his lips. An image of his head bent over her, dark against her pale skin as he suckled her, filled her mind. Heat arrowed through her body, her cl*t aching as she fought to contain her whimper.

“I should have said this earlier. If you don’t want this, you can leave.” The words were low and tightly controlled, as though forced out of him grudgingly.

“Cael will take you back to a Fleet colony or you can stay here. You’ll…” He paused, as though he didn’t want to say what he was going to. When he carried on, the words were little more than a growl of anger. “You’ll find plenty of men willing to offer you their protection.”

The last small knot in Samara’s heart worked its way loose and disappeared. He was offering her freedom. She wasn’t a prisoner. She had a choice.

“Do you know what they say about letting something go?”

He looked puzzled, the scowl still in place. His body almost vibrated with the control it was taking to stay in place and not touch her. Samara smiled and slipped under his arm.

“If it returns to you, it’s yours.” She smiled over her shoulder. “Lyon, if you don’t take me to bed right now, I’ll go look up that fan club.”

The growl behind her was a warning one. She squealed and darted into the bedroom, almost making it to the bed before he caught her. Strong arms wrapped around her from behind, taking her off her feet to be held against a broad chest.

“You like a bit of danger, don’t you, sweetling?” His voice was a rumble in her ear.

Taking the opportunity, she pressed her ass against the impressive erection straining his pants.

“Danger?” she teased, her voice light and her heart soaring. “You call this danger? I’ve seen more action on a ward of geriatrics.”

He dropped her onto the bed. A breathless giggle escaped her as she tried to scramble away up the bed. A hard hand closed around her ankle and flipped her over onto her back.

“So, it’s action you want, is it?”

Looming over the bed, he stripped off his shirt. Caught like a butterfly impaled on a pin, she watched as the wide, heavily muscled expanse of his chest was revealed. She licked her lips, already anticipating exploring him with her lips and tongue.

“Then it’s action you’ll get. If you think you can handle it…”

She pretended to yawn as he kicked his boots off and started on his pants. His c*ck sprang free, purple-headed and heavily veined. A shiver of excitement ran down her spine. Her body was hot and heavy, her p**sy aching to be filled. Lazily she lifted her hands and cupped the heaviness of her br**sts, flicking her thumbs over the beaded n**ples. His gaze followed her every movement.

“All talk, no action.”

His eyes flashed fire. Closing his hand around her ankle, he dragged her over the bed toward him. She giggled and tried halfheartedly to escape. It didn’t work. It wouldn’t have worked even if she was actually trying to get away. Within seconds he had her ass on the edge of the bed, her legs spread.

“All talk, huh?” He lifted an eyebrow. “How about no talk? I have better things to do with my tongue.”

This time she didn’t get a chance to giggle, just moan as he spread her legs further and his hot mouth engulfed her clit. He didn’t bother with exploratory sweeps or teasing her. Instead he tongued the small bundle of nerves, sucking and licking until she saw stars, broken whimpers of pleasure falling from her lips.

With each sweep he drove her higher, until the fire in her veins became an inferno.

It was a sensual attack with one very specific purpose—to take her to the edge at jump speed. Hands hard on her hips, he drove his tongue into her aching cunt and groaned loudly before going back to her clit.

“Yes, yes! I’m…” She panted, holding him to her, the short stubble of his hair like velvet against her fingers. In response, he nibbled on her cl*t and sucked. Hard.

A scream, his name, escaped her as she came, pleasure shattering through her body like a thousand shards of glass. An orgasm so complete and intense it verged on painful.

“Oh God, yes! Fuck me now,” she moaned.

He was moving as she spoke. Crawling up the bed, he caught the back of her knee over a well-muscled forearm. Lifting her leg, he opened her completely to him as her body pulsed and trembled with her cli**x. A groan of pleasure in the back of his throat he fit the thick head of his c*ck against her and drove himself home in one movement.


Her eyes rolled back in her head as her body stretched, feeling that combination of pleasure and pain that was utterly addictive. Before she could savor it, he moved.

Bracing himself with an arm above her, he held her leg high and pulled back, then slammed into her again with a small grunt. Then again and again. Within a minute he’d set the pace hard and fast as he took her with an intensity Samara found breathtaking.

She wrapped herself around him, her hands gentle and her lips softer as she kissed along his jaw. She thought she’d be able to hold out, see him to the end as her h*ps matched his in perfect sync. Not a chance. A familiar tightening started deep in her stomach as he f**ked her…no, it was more than f**king. There was desperation and promise in the way he held her, the way he touched her…as if he was pledging himself to her and claiming her all at the same time.

“Ugh, I’m…”

“Let it go, sweet, I want to feel you come all over my cock. I need to feel your heat over my cock,” he whispered against her ear, nipping the lobe. Unable to hold on any longer, she did on a gasp and a long shudder.

“Fuck me!” he groaned, increasing speed as his c*ck plunged into the slick, heated softness of her body. She was heat and desire and…just everything. She was his everything, his perfect match, and now he had her. As he slammed into her one last
