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Upstairs, Maxie had refused to leave his master’s bed and was snoring as loudly as ever, much to the irritation of Marcia and Aunt Zelda, neither of whom could sleep.

Aunt Zelda got up quietly and peered out of the window as she always did on stormy nights, ever since her younger brother Theo, a Shape-Shifter like her older brother, Benjamin Heap, had decided he had had enough of living his life below the clouds. Theo wanted to soar up through them into the sunlight forever. One winter’s day he had come to say good-bye to his sister, and at dawn the next day she had sat by the Mott and watched as he Shifted for the last time into his chosen Shape, a storm petrel. The last Aunt Zelda had seen of Theo was the powerful bird heading out over the Marram Marshes toward the sea. As she watched the bird go, she knew that she was unlikely to ever see her brother again, for storm petrels spend their lives flying over the oceans and rarely return to land, unless blown in by a storm. Aunt Zelda sighed and tiptoed back to bed.

Marcia had stuffed her pillow over her head in an effort to drown out the dog snores and the high-pitched howl of the wind as it swept over the marshes and, finding the cottage in its way, tried to batter its way through and out the other side. But it wasn’t just the noise that kept her awake. There was something else on her mind. Something she had seen that evening had given her some hope for the future. A future back at the Castle, free from Darke Magyk. She lay awake planning her next move.

Downstairs, Boy 412 couldn’t sleep at all. Ever since he had done the spell he felt odd, as if a swarm of bees was buzzing inside his head. He imagined little bits of Magyk left behind from the spell, spinning around and around. He wondered why Jenna, who was now sleeping soundly, wasn’t awake. Why wasn’t her head buzzing too? He slipped his ring on, and the golden glow lit up the room, giving Boy 412 an idea. It must be the ring. That was why his head was buzzing, and that was why he could do the spell so easily. He had found a Magyk ring.

Boy 412 started thinking about what had happened after he had done the spell. How he had sat with Jenna looking through the spell book until Marcia had noticed and made them put it away, saying that she didn’t want any more fooling around, thank you very much. Then, later in the evening, when no one else was about, Marcia had cornered him and told him she wanted to talk to him the next day. By himself. To Boy 412’s way of thinking, that could only mean trouble.

Boy 412 felt unhappy. He couldn’t think straight, so he decided to make a list. The Young Army Facts List. It had always worked before.

Fact One. No early morning roll call: GOOD.

Fact Two. Much better food: GOOD.

Fact Three. Aunt Zelda nice: GOOD.

Fact Four. Princess-girl friendly: GOOD.

Fact Five. Have Magyk ring: GOOD.

Fact Six. ExtraOrdinary Wizard cross: BAD.

Boy 412 was surprised. Never before in his life had the GOOD outnumbered the BAD. But somehow that made the one BAD even worse. Because, for the first time, Boy 412 felt he had something to lose. Eventually he fell into an uneasy sleep and woke early with the dawn.

The next morning the east wind had died down, and there was a general air of expectation in the cottage.

Aunt Zelda was out at dawn checking for storm petrels blown in after the windy night. There weren’t any, which was what she expected, although she always hoped otherwise.

Marcia was expecting Silas back with her KeepSafe.

Jenna and Nicko were expecting a message from Silas.

Maxie was expecting his breakfast.

Boy 412 was expecting trouble.

“Don’t you want your porridge chunks?” Aunt Zelda asked Boy 412 at breakfast. “You had two helpings yesterday, and you’ve hardly touched them today.”

Boy 412 shook his head.

Aunt Zelda looked concerned. “You’re looking a bit peaky,” she said. “Are you feeling all right?”

Boy 412 nodded, even though he wasn’t.

After breakfast, while Boy 412 was carefully folding his quilt as neatly as he had always folded his Army blankets every morning of his life, Jenna asked him if he wanted to come out in the Muriel Two with her and Nicko to watch for the Message Rat coming back. He shook his head. Jenna wasn’t surprised. She knew Boy 412 did not like boats.

“See you later, then,” she called out cheerily as she ran off to join Nicko in the canoe.

Boy 412 watched Nicko steer the canoe out along the Mott and into the marshes. The marshland looked bleak and cold that morning, as though the night’s east wind had rubbed it raw. He was glad he was staying in the cottage by the warm fire.

“Ah, there you are,” said Marcia behind him. Boy 412 jumped. “I’d like a word with you.”

Boy 412’s heart sank. Well, that was it, he thought. She’s going to send me away. Back to the Young Army. He should have realized it was all too good to last.

Marcia noticed how pale Boy 412 had suddenly become.

“Are you all right?” she asked him. “Was it the pig-foot pie last night? I found it a bit indigestible myself. Didn’t get much sleep either, especially with that awful east wind. And speaking of wind, I don’t see why that disgusting dog can’t sleep somewhere else.”

Boy 412 smiled. He for one was glad that Maxie slept upstairs.

“I thought you might like to show me the island,” Marcia continued. “I expect you already know your way around.”

Boy 412 looked at Marcia in alarm. What did she suspect? Did she know he’d found the tunnel?

“Don’t look so worried.” Marcia smiled. “Come on, why don’t you show me the Boggart patch? I’ve never seen where a Boggart lives.”

Regretfully leaving the warmth of the cottage behind, Boy 412 set off with Marcia to the Boggart patch.

Together they made a strange pair: Boy 412, ex–Young Army Expendable, a small, slight figure even in his bulky sheepskin jacket and baggy rolled-up sailor’s trousers, was made instantly visible by his bright red hat, which so far he had refused to take off, even for Aunt Zelda. Towering above him, Marcia Overstrand, ExtraOrdinary Wizard, strode along at a brisk pace, which Boy 412 had to occasionally break into a trot to keep up with. Her gold and platinum belt flashed in the weak winter sunlight, and her heavy silk and fur robes flowed out behind her in a rich purple stream.

They soon arrived at the Boggart patch.

“Is that it?” asked Marcia, a little shocked at how any creature could live in such a cold and muddy place.

Boy 412 nodded, proud that he could show Marcia something she didn’t already know.

“Well, well,” said Marcia. “You learn something every day. And yesterday,” she said, looking Boy 412 in the eye before he had a chance to look away. “Yesterday I learned something too. Something very interesting.”

Boy 412 shuffled his feet uneasily and looked away. He didn’t like the sound of this.

“I learned,” said Marcia in a low voice, “that you have a natural Magykal gift. You did that spell as easily as if you had been studying Magyk for years. But you’ve never been near a spell in your life, have you?”

Boy 412 shook his head and looked at his feet. He still felt as though he had done something wrong.

“Quite,” said Marcia. “I didn’t think so. I suppose you have been in the Young Army since you were, what…two and a half? That’s when they usually take them.”

Boy 412 had no idea how long he had been in the Young Army. He could remember nothing else in his life, so he supposed Marcia was right. He nodded again.

“Well, we all know that the Young Army is the last place you’d come up against any Magyk. And yet somehow you have your own Magykal energy. It gave me quite a shock when you handed me the Charm last night.”

Marcia took something small and shiny from a pocket in her belt and placed it in Boy 412’s hand. Boy 412 looked down and saw a tiny pair of silver wings nestling in his grubby palm. The wings shimmered in the light and looked to Boy 412 as though they might fly away at any moment. He peered closer and saw some minute letters set into each wing in a fine gold inlay. Boy 412 knew what that meant. He was holding a Charm, but this time it wasn’t just a piece of wood—it was a beautiful jewel.

“Some Charms for higher Magyk can be very beautiful,” said Marcia. “They’re not all pieces of soggy toast. I remember when Alther first showed this one to me. I thought it was one of the most simple and beautiful Charms I had ever seen. And I still do.”
