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Masquerade (Heven and Hell #1)(14)
Author: Cambria Hebert

Someone tugged at my arm. “Come on, Heven. We have to go.”

“Yeah, okay,” I told them without taking my eyes away from Sam.

He nodded once and his lips curved up in a secret smile. A smile directed at only me. My heart fluttered beneath my ribs. Before I could smile back I was pulled away behind the curtains, and I was jarred back to life by the noise and people around me. It was such a stark contrast to what I felt only moments before I actually wondered if I had imagined everything that just happened.

I stood in front of a large mirror, wiping the stage makeup from my face. We nailed the competition and won. Everyone was thrilled. I was just relieved it was over and maybe a little proud of myself for doing it. My nerves were still raw from the stress of all the people, and sometimes it was still hard to draw a breath.

I tossed the cotton pad in the trash and reached for another, dousing it with makeup remover. The makeup was thick, and I wanted it gone. Somehow I felt that it drew more attention to my scars than away from them like it was meant to do.

“Hey, girl.” Kimber smiled, coming up behind me.

“Where is everyone?”

“Loading the bus. Time to go.”

“I’ll be right there.”

“I’ll be outside talking to Cole.”

When all the makeup was gone, I brushed my hands through my hair, already released from the dreaded pony and pulled it over my shoulders. When I reached down to flip the brush into my bag I caught a glimpse of half my reflection. My good side. I straightened up keeping the edge of the mirror splitting my face in half. When I looked at myself this way, I could almost believe my accident had been a horrible nightmare, and what I saw on this half of my face was exactly the same on the other.

Behind me the door creaked open, and I bent to grab my bag. “I’ll be right there.”

I stood to find Sam’s reflection watching me in the mirror. My good side was still the only side of me showing, and for a brief moment I stared at us both and pretended that I was beautiful enough to fit with him. He took a step forward and then another until he stood just behind me. I watched as he slowly reached out and pulled my hair behind my shoulder. His knuckles skimmed along my jaw and then his hand settled around my neck, his fingers splaying lightly over my skin.

Sometimes he seems so familiar. It was a feeling, fleeting at best, and it was too complicated to explain. Mostly it was an instinct that I was safe. I shook my head, unwilling to admit such a thing.

“What do you see?” He hitched his chin at our reflection.

“What will never be.”

He took my shoulders and turned me to face him. When I ducked my head he placed a finger beneath my chin and lifted my face. “I think you’re beautiful.”

“Half of me.”

His hand rested over my heart. “All of you.”

“You don’t know me.”

“I sense you.” The words said in his husky tone dripped with intimacy.

“Why are you here?”

Kimber picked that moment to burst through the door. She stopped cold at the sight before her. I stepped away quickly, but Sam stayed where he was, not even turning to look at her.

“Kimber, I…”

She was shocked and probably hurt by seeing me like this with Sam, but she didn’t say a word. “I’ll tell the bus driver you’re having a lady issue and need a few minutes.”

“No, I…”

“Take your time. I’ll see you on the bus.” And then she was gone.

“Crap,” I said.

Sam smiled.

“You think this is funny?”

“I think you’re cute when you’re flustered.”

I held in a groan. “Why are you here?”

“For you.”


“I thought you might like a friendly face in the stands.”

I felt a warm blush bloom in my cheeks and hoped it wasn’t noticeable. “What about Kimber?”

“Her heart belongs to another.”

So he knew that she really wanted Cole. Was I some kind of consolation prize? Was he taking pity on the disfigured girl to make himself feel better? “I have to go.” I tried to rush past him but he caught my hand.

“What did I say?”

“Nothing.” Exactly nothing.

“I was never interested in Kimber. I’m interested in you.”

I laughed. “Yeah, right.”

“You don’t believe me?” Why did this surprise him?

I shook my head.

He stepped closer.

My knees turned to Jell-O. But I was spared embarrassment from falling because he put those strong hands at my waist and bent his head. I swallowed thickly as he put his lips to my ear. “Sense it.”

He was good. Really good.

“Can you?” he whispered, and then his lips brushed my cheek.


His lips brushed my cheek again, and my eyes closed. But then he stiffened and rose to his full height, keeping his hands at my waist. Behind us the door burst open and something hit Sam hard. He didn’t lose his balance, but the force of the hit vibrated through him into me. His eyes were sad and apologetic while he removed his hands from me.

“Turn around you bastard.”

I gasped and looked around Sam at Cole. He was standing with an aggressive stance and a scowl on his face. His eyes flicked to me then back to Sam. “Go, get on the bus.”

“Cole,” I protested.

“I don’t like you,” Cole spat at Sam. “You took advantage of Kimber, and now you’re doing it to Heven.”

“He isn’t!” I put myself in front of Sam, afraid of what Cole might do.

Cole grabbed my arm and yanked me forward. Behind me I heard a growl, and then Cole was on the ground with Sam in front of me. “Watch it,” he snarled down at Cole.

Cole jumped up and charged, hooking Sam around the waist and pushing him back. Both guys went down in a tangle of fists.

“Stop!” I cried, hearing a fist connect with bone. The sound was sickening.

Kimber burst in and started screeching for them to get off each other. Of course they didn’t listen. “What happened?” she asked me.

“They just started fighting.”

Another sickening thud and I looked down in time to see Cole land a solid punch on Sam’s face. My stomach heaved. “Don’t hurt him!” I said, without the force I intended. The blood drained from my head, and my vision swam.

Kimber stepped over them and grabbed at Cole just as Sam flipped them both over. Kimber went flying backward into the wall, landing on her butt.
