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Masquerade (Heven and Hell #1)(24)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“I’ll help you find her,” I volunteered. It took everything in me not to race to the dumpster and give away that I knew exactly where she was. Instead I poked around for a minute before going over and climbing up the ladder. Thanks to my enhanced vision I could see her in the dark.

The sight both tore my heart and sent flames of anger licking at my insides. She was so small and helpless looking. She was curled into a ball, with her hands balled into fists and hugged tightly to her chest. Tears streaked her cheeks. I could see the rapid rising and falling of her chest and the shaking of her limbs. I leapt down into the container, silently vowing to make things right.

Even if it was the last thing I did.


I was crying before, but as soon as I heard his voice I started sobbing. He was here, and I was safe. Suddenly the dumpster vibrated again, but I wasn’t afraid anymore. My feeling of safety around Sam eclipsed the fear I felt of whatever else was out there. But then I realized that Sam was now in danger too. My lips worked, but no sound came out except for a small squeak.

Then he was there, pulling me up and against his chest. “Heven?” I hardly recognized his voice – which was strained and full of anxiety – but I knew the feel of him, and I dug my hands into his back, trying to get him closer. “It’s all right now,” he soothed.

Once again I tried to warn him, but all that came out were deep sobs. He didn’t demand to know why I was crying or why I was in the trash, and he didn’t try to force me out. He simply sank down into the trash with me and held on.

“I found her!” he called over my tears.

“Heven! Are you hurt?” Mrs. Bennet yelled. I completely forgot about her. Had she seen what had happened? Had she heard the horrible sounds of fighting?

I shook my head in response to her question, not realizing she couldn’t see me. “She’s fine,” Sam called.

“Thank goodness!”

“What happened?” Sam whispered against my ear.

“There was an animal. It tried to attack me.”

“An animal?”

I nodded. “I was so scared. It…it tried to get in here.”

“You’re safe now,” he murmured, stroking my hair.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” I sniffled.

“I wish I’d been here sooner.”

“How did you know I was here?”

“I didn’t. I just got off work and drove by in case you might still be here. When I got here I heard that lady calling for you.”

“I was hiding.”

“I know. It was good thinking.”

“You found me.”

“I heard you crying.”

I took a fistful of his shirt. “It was just like last time.”

“You remember?” He stilled and suddenly seemed tense.

“No. But I remember feeling afraid and alone…” a shudder went through me.

“You’re not alone anymore,” he vowed. “Let’s get you out of here.”

He helped me up and climbed down the ladder first, standing at the bottom with his arms up in case I fell. Mrs. Bennet was pacing on the pavement, and when I hit the ground, she swept me into a hug. “I was so worried! What happened?”

“There was a dog out here, and it tried to attack me. I climbed in the dumpster to hide.”

“Oh, dear. It probably smelled the leftover food in the trash and wanted it.”

We all looked at the trash bag still lying on the ground where I’d dropped it. It was untouched.

“You probably scared it away before it could have its meal,” Sam told Mrs. Bennet.

“Who are you?” Mrs. Bennet asked. Now that she knew I was safe, I could see her switching to chaperon.

“I’m Sam Kavanagh.” He held out his hand. “I’m a friend of Heven’s from school. She told me she would be here, and I wanted to return a book she lent me in class today.”

“Hello,” Mrs. Bennet responded. I could see her taking in his Planet Fitness T-shirt and khakis. Even though he was dirty and rumpled, the proof he had a job went a long way in gaining him some brownie points with her. “I would have been here sooner, but I just got off work.” Sam explained to Mrs. Bennet.

“Very commendable for such a young man to have a job.”

“Mrs. Bennet, would it be okay if Sam took me home? It would give us a chance to discuss the assignment I lent him the book for.”

“Well, I don’t know…” I could see her debating whether or not Sam was trustable. I held my tongue knowing if I begged she might say no. She seemed to come to a decision and nod. “Go straight home.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” I said, trying to calm my shaking insides.

“I’ll help you to your car, Ma’am.” Sam said placing a hand at the small of my back and guiding me along with him toward Mrs. Bennett’s car. His hand was warm against my back, and I shivered. He watched me out of the corner of his eye as he helped the lady into her car and shut the door. He gave her wave as she drove off then he turned toward me.

“Are you hurt?” he asked, the sound of his deep voice brushed over me.


Without another word he guided me around the front of the building and toward his waiting truck. My stomach cramped with nerves – afraid that whatever had attacked me would come back. I glanced at Sam. He didn’t show the least bit of anxiety, and it made me relax. If Sam thought we were safe then we were.

Once inside the truck he turned the ignition but instead of driving away he dropped his hands and turned toward me. “Come here,” he commanded softly, and I couldn’t comply fast enough. I fit myself against him, breathing in his scent and sighed. He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and murmured something too low for me to understand then he put the truck into drive and pulled out of the parking lot.

The next thing I knew he was nudging me awake. “You’re home,” he whispered.

“Want to stay with you.” I yawned, snuggling closer; he was deliciously warm.

“How am I supposed to leave now?” He groaned.


“You know I have to.”

“Yeah.” I sat up, rubbing a hand over my eyes. “Thanks for coming. I would probably still be in that dumpster.”

“I’m beginning to think I should drive you everywhere.”

“I would like that.”

“So would I.”

“Will you text me when you get home?” The thought of him leaving made my stomach hurt.
