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Masquerade (Heven and Hell #1)(30)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“What?” I was drawn in by his raspy tone and interesting tale.

“It was weird.” He shook his head. “As soon as I saw it I felt like it should belong to you.” He looked up, and I saw in his eyes exactly what I’d felt when he’d clasped it around my wrist. But then they cleared and he smiled. “And the fact that I thought it was totally appropriate.”

“Keys?” I lifted a brow. Why on earth would he think that keys were appropriate? I never thought of keys as being romantic before. But now, the way he was looking at me, maybe I was wrong.

“You’ve unlocked every place inside of me and left me completely vulnerable.”

Yep, I was totally wrong. Keys were the most romantic gift ever.

“Vulnerable?” I squeaked. No way could this calm, gorgeous, confident guy feel that way. I felt that way.

“I love you,” he whispered.

“You love me?”

“From the first moment I saw you.”

Joy shot through me, and my heart beat wildly. But the moment was ruined when my dumb brain got involved. For the last ten months my life moved in slow motion, and now everything was going at warp speed.

He was still watching me, waiting for me to say something. Probably wanting the same words in return. I looked into his hypnotic, gorgeous face wanting to say the words.

“Sam.” As soon as his name slid past my tongue his eyes flashed gold. Hesitation slammed through me. Not denial, just hesitation. I struggled to put the feelings together because he was waiting, and I desperately did not want to hurt him. I reached out and splayed my palm over his chest. His hand covered mine. “I…”

His head snapped around toward the trees. Every muscle in him tensed. I swear I saw his ears wiggle and felt the muscles in his legs quiver.

“Come on.” He rose from the swing gracefully, taking me with him. “It’s late. You have a curfew.”

“What’s wrong?” I worried on my bottom lip. Was I too slow to respond?

“Nothing.” He took a deep breath through his nose and quickened his pace. I practically had to run to keep up.

I dug my heels into the ground, but he pulled me right along like I was doing nothing at all. “Sam,” I whined. I shouldn’t have hesitated to tell him I love him back. I just – froze. The words were there, my heart practically beat just for him – so what happened with me?

He practically tossed me into the truck and rushed around to get in. As he drove his shoulders were tense, and he kept giving anxious looks in the rear view mirror. I was stupid and ruined the night and now he was angry. When we turned onto a busy street in town, he pulled to the side of the road. “I’m sorry about that.”

“No – I’m sorry.”

He tilted his head to the side and looked at me. “Why would you be sorry? You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“But, I thought – we left in such a hurry.”

Sam’s eyes softened. “I thought I heard something in the woods, probably an animal, but I didn’t want you to be afraid. After what happened the other night at church…”

“Oh.” He hadn’t left because of what I hadn’t said. But, he was right to have left. I was scared before the fireworks, and another wild animal sighting could have sent me over the edge, but still, we were having a moment, and now, it was lost.

On the other hand, it got me out of saying whatever it was that I was going to say.

“I wished we could have stayed longer.”

He smiled, reaching over to take my hand. After another look in the rearview mirror he pulled out into traffic and drove me home in silence, holding my hand the whole way.

When we pulled up to my house I glanced at the clock. I was a whole hour early for curfew. Why did the night have to end so soon?

“I had a really great time.” I said, hoping he missed the tiny catch in my voice.

“Hey, I’m sorry.” He scooted across the seat to me. “I had a really great time too, and I ruined it by panicking back there.”

“It’s okay.” I fingered the keys on my new bracelet. I knew I should give it back to him; he worked too hard and needed his money too much to spend it on me. I went to undo the clasp, but it slid open and felt into my palm. I lifted my hand out, but Sam shook his head and tucked my fingers around it.

“It belongs to you.”

“It’s too much.”

“It was a steal. The lady practically gave it to me.”

“Really?” I asked, suspicious.

“I promise.” He laid a hand over his heart and bowed his head. I found the action sweet and, from him, believable.

“Okay.” I smiled. “But no more presents, all right?”

He grinned and kissed me quick. “Agreed.”

“Thank you again.” I glanced at the clock. I wished the night was just beginning.

“If I bring you home early a few times then your mom won’t mind when I take you out so often,” he whispered, tracing my lower lip with his thumb.

I smiled because it would totally work.

“I love you, Heven.”

I was once again saved from responding because he kissed me. It was a deep and thorough kiss that left me breathless and fuzzy headed. He chuckled, coming around to get me out of the truck and leading me to the front door. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Already I couldn’t wait to hear his deep, raspy voice. “Okay.” I slipped out of his warm embrace and opened the front door, looking back once before going inside. He was watching me go with an unreadable expression. I waved and went inside.

It was the last time I saw him before he disappeared.

The Hate

My taunting was becoming less of a threat. And now he blatantly ignores what I told him to do. He is more ignorant than I thought, and she is much smarter than I gave her credit for. The little witch has managed to reel him in. He is besotted with her, giving her jewelry and proclaiming his love. Our kind doesn’t love. We destroy love. He knew I was watching, and like a white knight, he swept her away from danger. He knows her days are numbered. Trying to delay the inevitable is stupid. Lucky for him I like to play with my food before I eat, or she would already be dead.

He shouldn’t have chosen her over me. Once I find what I am looking for, he will beg to rule with me. He will see that I am the one he belongs with. But first, she must die.

I watched him kiss her, practically attacking her mouth with his. She pretended to like it and batted her eyes at him as he walked her to her door. An incredible urge to attack her right then came over me. My body trembled with the force of how much I hated her.
