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Masquerade (Heven and Hell #1)(34)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“It doesn’t matter,” he said, his jaw hard, and his eyes flashing. Fear skittered along my spine.

“You were hurt,” I began, pushing away my fear and tentatively reaching for his hair, lifting it to study the cut.

I felt him tense, but he allowed my touch and didn’t respond to my words.

“Lean down,” I whispered.

He lowered his head, and I trailed a finger along the cut. It was red and slightly raised and looked like it had been pretty bad. I brushed his hair further back and wondered how a cut that looked so vicious could be closed already. “Oh, Sam.” I sighed, pulling away.

I opened the glove box, and a small first aid kit fell out. Exactly what I was looking for.

“I’m fine,” he growled.

“That cut needs to be covered, or it’s going to get infected.” I found a bandage and some anti-bacterial cream in the kit and motioned for him to come closer. I knew that it was closed and wouldn’t get infected, but I felt like I should do something to help him. I thought he would argue but he didn’t, and I went about cleaning the cut and bandaging it. When I was done I took his face in my hands and tilted his head to study the yellowing bruise along his jaw. He had another behind his ear, but there was nothing I could do about bruises.

“Why didn’t you call me?” I whispered.

“I didn’t want you involved.”

“I would have helped you.” My voice trembled as I put away the first aid kit.

“I’m fine.”

“But…” He cut off my words by pressing me into his chest and wrapping me in his arms. It felt good and safe, and I had missed being with him even more than I knew. I relaxed against him, surrendering to his warmth and love. We stayed like that a long time, but something intruded through my cloud of contentment. Sam wasn’t completely relaxed; he was holding himself a little stiff. I gasped and sat back. “Where else are you hurt?” I reached for the hem of his shirt, but he caught my hand.

“I’m all right, Heven. I’m just a little stiff and sore, okay?” His eyes begged me to let it go.

After a few minutes I sighed. “You need to move.”

“I’m working on it,” he muttered.

I blushed, ashamed. He already worked two jobs. He was probably trying to save enough for his own place. “Sam?”

His eyes softened when I spoke his name. “Yeah?”

“Next time, call me, okay?”

“I never meant to make you worry.” He held open his arms and I eased into them, not wanting to hurt him. Was he thinner than before?

“I’m glad you’re back.” Everything inside me calmed and settled.

“I wish I could spend the afternoon with you, but I have to work in an hour.”

Disappointment washed through me, but I pushed it back. The more he worked the sooner he could move out away from his roommates. I tilted my head back and smiled. “We have just enough time to go get one of those Bubble Teas you like so much. My treat.”

He smiled. “Deal.” Before releasing me he inched closer, his lips covering mine. Long moments passed as our lips met again and again. When he pulled back my heart was going a mile a minute. He stared at me so intently that I began to squirm in my seat, but then he blinked, pressed a kiss to my forehead and put the truck in drive.

The Hate

I spent three days chasing down a false lead. Three days wasting my time! All because some informant thought he could give me bad information. Now he isn’t giving anyone information. Except for the worms I buried his mutilated body with.

To make matters even worse, I returned, expecting to see Sam back at home. To see that he learned his lesson. Only I was informed that he left three days ago and hasn’t been back. He’s been out watching that little bitch girlfriend of his, protecting her from me.

Little does he know that he can’t protect her from me any more than he protected himself. Clearly, his lesson wasn’t harsh enough. Clearly, he didn’t learn anything.

It’s one thing to see the parts or faces of bodies that you never knew. Let’s see how the pup does when he sees the bloody corpse of someone he loves.

The Hope

I’m frightened for them. How many more people are going to have to die so that virtue can triumph? Can one man really stop the evil one? One man who isn’t even pure of spirit.

I pray that he can turn from the evil inside him, turn to the light.

I don’t know how much longer she can remain in the dark. She must be made aware of the way she is being hunted. Perhaps they could work together to overcome what is coming.

I pray together they can be strong.


Kimber lived on a lake. Even though the house was large, it looked like a cozy log cabin from the road. Only after you came down the driveway to park next to the four car garage did you realize just how big it was. It was a beautiful, peaceful place that had views of the lake from every room in the house. Full-grown trees canopied the lawn making it feel as though you were in your own private space all the way down to the water.

I was surprised that Kimber wasn’t having a huge party like she had last year on her birthday. Instead, all she wanted was to hang out here at her place with the people she was closest to. Frankly, I was relieved. The last big party I went to didn’t turn out too well.

“You look good tonight,” Sam said when he picked me up for the party, opening the truck door to help me in.

I felt my cheeks burn. “Thank you.”

I was wearing one of the new outfits I’d bought when Kimber and I were at the mall. It was a nice outfit, but more understated than what I would have chosen Before. Even though it was early spring, it was still pretty cold, so I was wearing a fitted pair of jeans with a few strategically placed rips, a pair of brown suede boots that came to the knee and a white button up shirt with ruffles around the neck instead of a collar. Over top I added a deep red military-style jacket with pewter buttons that I found hiding in the very back of my closet (leftovers from Before). The only jewelry I wore was the whistle, which was tucked beneath my shirt and the bracelet Sam had given me.

Sam shut the truck door behind me and hurried to get it. He picked up a curl of blond hair from my shoulder. He rubbed the strand between his fingers before giving it a light tug and letting go. His arms wrapped around me and towed me up against his chest. All the breath whooshed out of me and my heart thudded. “Hey, beautiful,” he rasped.

God, that voice of his. And he knew how to kiss. It’s like he knew exactly how to get to the very depths inside me and lure me out and into the palm of his hand. I could never go back to anything less ever again.
