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Masquerade (Heven and Hell #1)(35)
Author: Cambria Hebert

He pulled back, and I was dizzy. When my head cleared a little I looked up – he was watching me with an amused yet smug smile on his face. Could he possibly know what he did to me?

I cleared my throat. “Thanks for coming with me tonight.”

“Where else would I be?” he asked, lacing his fingers through mine. “Besides, I like Kimber.”

I tried not to think about when he was ‘dating’ her. “I guess you got to know her pretty well when you two were together.” I wanted to kick myself for those words. Dumb ass.

“I wouldn’t really say we were together. Even then I knew she was totally hung up on Cole. Besides, I had my eye on someone else.” He looked over at me and winked.

I laughed. “She must be pretty special.”

“Eh, she’s okay. Sometimes she can be a real pain.”

I put my hand to my chest in mock distress. Then I shrugged. “You should dump her.”

He laughed then laced his fingers through mine. “That’s the thing. I kinda love her.”

My belly flipped over and my heart skipped a beat.

“Yeah? I bet that she really …” As I talked I noticed a dark shape – an animal – dart out onto the road. I screamed. The truck swerved violently, and Sam jerked the wheel and let out a colorful swear.

“What was that?” I gasped, trying to slow my racing heart.

“Probably just a deer or something.”

It didn’t look like a deer, but I kept my mouth shut. His hands were gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles were white. His chest was rising and falling as he took in short, deep breaths.

I unhooked my seatbelt and slid closer to him. “Hey, are you okay?”

“Put your seatbelt back on!” He demanded.

I drew back in shock but used the lap belt in the center. When I was done I stared out the windshield.

Sam’s arm slid across my shoulders and his hand splayed over my arm. “I didn’t mean to yell at you. We almost had an accident and then you took your seatbelt off. I was just scared you could get hurt.”

I nodded and laid my cheek against his chest. Sam was very intense sometimes. One minute he was laughing and teasing but the next he was rigid and protective. I often wondered if he was so protective because I was all he seemed to have. I wondered about his parents and why he didn’t live with them. I was just about to ask when he spoke. The words vibrated his chest and tickled my cheek.

“Please don’t be upset. I know that sometimes…I can be kind of an ass.”

“You’re not an ass, Sam.” Then I smiled. “But you are bossy.”

He snorted. “If I am bossy then you are pig-headed.”

I gasped and sat up. “I am not!”

He made the sound a pig makes and I laughed.

Just like that the mood from earlier returned. We laughed and teased each other until we pulled into Kimber’s driveway.

Sam got out and came around to lift me out of the truck. It wasn’t that high of a step but I let him help me because I enjoyed when he touched me. As he lifted, he brought me close and let my body slide down his. He made a deep sound in the back of his throat and his eyes darkened.

“Kiss me,” I whispered.

He lifted me back off the ground and covered my mouth with his. When he finally set me down my skin was flushed and my vision was blurred. He chuckled at my state and put an arm around me, leading me toward the house.

It wasn’t fair. I always seemed to be the one affected when we kissed.

“How big is this party anyway?” Sam asked as we walked along the deck toward the back of the house.

“She said just a few of her closest friends.”

Sam looked over at me with a small smile.

We rounded the corner of the house, and I stopped cold. I absolutely should have known. There were at least fifty people in the back yard. How had I not seen this one coming? I felt relaxed all day thinking that this was some sort of small get-together, so now seeing the crowd, my nerves skyrocketed.

“You alright?” Sam asked, concerned, moving to stand in front of me. What a favor that was because he blocked everyone from my sight.

“I guess I didn’t expect this many people.”

“You didn’t see the cars out front?”

I shook my head, dumbly. All I saw was him.

“Hey,” he said softly. “Want to go?”

“No! It’s Kimber’s birthday, I cannot miss this party. She’s my best friend.”

He nodded and turned back to the party. I saw Kimber making her way through the crowd toward us. I took a deep breath.

“Would you mind sticking close to me tonight? I don’t know many people.” He shrugged. “New kid and all.”

Everyone loved him, and he knew it. He’d said that for me, and I loved him for it. “Like glue,” I said, grateful.

“Happy Birthday!” I sang out to Kimber and went to hug her.

“‘Bout time you got here!”

“I thought this was a small party,” I laughed, hoping my nerves didn’t show.

“It is,” she said, exasperated. “Gifts go on the table inside the door. There’s a bonfire with marshmallows at the fireplace, and the food and stuff is on the upper deck. The spiked punch is on the lower deck.” She leaned in to whisper, then laughed. Someone called her name, and she spun to wave. “I’ll be back,” she said, scampering away.

I turned toward Sam. He was watching me. “Guess I’ll go put this gift inside.”

He took my hand and deftly steered us through the crowd. By the time we made it to the gift table I was shaking inside. “Everyone is staring,” I said, feeling silly and self-conscious.

“It’s because you look so beautiful.”

I snorted. It was very unladylike. I gasped and brought my hand up to cover my mouth.

Sam laughed. “You’re so cute.”

I put the gift on the table and then turned to look out the huge glass doors at the crowd.

“This is a nice place,” Sam said into my ear from behind. He was standing super close, and I knew all I had to do was lean back, just slightly, to be surrounded by the warmth that emanated from him.

“It’s beautiful.” Past the multi-tiered deck and across the grass-covered lawn, the trees seemed to part just for the gorgeous view of the rippling lake. Evening was falling, and the sky was streaked with pink. Soon the sun would slide beneath the water, and we would be blanketed by night.

“So where are the marshmallows?” Sam asked.
