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Masquerade (Heven and Hell #1)(38)
Author: Cambria Hebert

She didn’t respond, and I looked over at her. She was drinking her punch and looking out across the water. “What did Brice want?”

I rolled my eyes. “To get back together.”

She turned and stared at me.

“He somehow got it in his head that I would be back on the squad next year and be team captain. He’s only interested in popularity.”

“Sam and Brice.”


“You have two hot guys after you.”

“C’mon Kimber. You know how Brice is. Sam and I are together.”

“Soon you’ll be back on the squad, head cheerleader.”

I shook my head. “I don’t want that anymore.”

She snorted and rolled her eyes. “Get real. I saw you earlier with the girls. Giggling, laughing – just like old times. Everyone just loves Heven, even my own boyfriend. ”

I drew back in shock. She seemed angry that I was having a fun time tonight. “We were just reminiscing, telling Sam about that campout last year.”

“They just ate up your words. This is my party. My night.” She pointed to herself as she spoke.

“I wasn’t trying to take anything from you.” I said, still trying to understand what her problem was. How drunk was she?

“You never mean to take anything – but somehow you are always the one who has it all.”

“Kimber–” I started but she ignored me and plowed on with her words.

“Before your accident everything was always all about you. No one ever saw me. I was always in your shadow. But then you started hiding and everyone started to see me.” She looked over at me, her eyes spearing me through the dark. “Now you’re trying to take what I finally have.”

“Kimber, I had no idea that you felt this way – I …” My words trailed away when she pulled her shirt over her head and kicked off her shoes.

“What are you doing?” I asked nervously.

“Doing what you’re too chicken to do.” With that she dove off the deck and into the dark water.

“ Kimber!” I yelled after her. Was she insane? That water had to be freezing! And she was half-naked.

I waited a few beats, but she never came back up.

“Kimber!” I yelled again. “This isn’t funny.”

My stomach began cramping. What if she’d hit her head? What if she was too drunk to swim? I looked across the water, praying she would pop up and laugh.

She didn’t.

I itched to jump in after her, but I couldn’t. She knew I couldn’t. Terrified of the water from a young age, I’d never learned how to swim.

I wondered if my stupid fear would get my best friend killed.

Frantic now, I turned to yell for help. I knew Sam was close by. Just as I was about to yell, a group of guys ran by without their shirts.

“Skinny dipping!” one yelled and they all began jumping.

I tried to step back, to hurry out of their way. But the dock was narrow and there wasn’t anywhere else to go.

Except down.

I slipped right off the dock and plunged down into the dark water.

I struggled, trying to find my way to the surface, but everywhere I turned there was water. I couldn’t see anything, and it was so cold. Panic seized me, and I felt as if a giant hand reached out and squeezed my lungs. My chest burned as I struggled to figure out which way was up. I forced my eyes opened searching for light, but there wasn’t any. Only darkness. I felt something brush against me, and I reached out, hoping that Kimber had seen me fall and was trying to help. My hand closed over something soft. Something furry. I let out a scream, bubbles filling my vision. The next thing I knew I was being tugged down, toward the empty bottom of the lake. My body spun into action, kicking out, trying to get away. I looked down trying to see what had me but strands of my hair covered my face and I pushed at them all the while kicking. When I realized that my kicks weren’t strong enough I let go of my hair and started punching. I felt a surge of satisfaction when my fist connected with something solid.

Unfortunately, my satisfaction was short lived, and I blacked out.

When I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was the stars. Then I felt an enormous pressure on my chest, like someone was sitting on me. Then, Sam’s face filled my sight, and I stared up at him, breathless. My face and limbs were numb from the cold. I opened my mouth to breathe or speak but nothing happened. Swiftly, Sam flipped me onto my side and water poured out of my mouth. I gagged and coughed, gasping for precious oxygen to fill my lungs.

“That’s my girl,” Sam murmured, his voice sounded strained. “That’s it, breathe.”

My throat and lungs burned, and I coughed some more. Sam hunched over me, rubbing my back and whispering words of encouragement. I collapsed back onto the deck, exhausted. I heard someone screaming and noticed a commotion just off to my side. Then Sam was shoved aside, and a dripping wet Kimber shoved her face close to mine.

“Oh my God, Heven! Are you okay? I was so worried!” Her hands pushed at my wet hair, and she checked me over for injury. “Should I call 9-1-1? I am so sorry! I don’t know what I was thinking!”

“I’m okay,” I whispered, grabbing at her flailing hands.

She collapsed on top of me, the strands of her hair felt like icicles against my already frozen skin. I wanted to push her away, but I couldn’t seem to find the strength. But then Sam was lifting her away and crouching over me.

“Hey, beautiful.” He tried to smile but it didn’t reach his eyes. “What happened?” he asked, trailing a finger down my cheek. His skin was blissfully warm, and I turned my face toward his hand. He splayed his palm out, cupping my face and looked at me expectantly.

I tried to explain, but my teeth were chattering together.

“She can’t swim.” Kimber wailed from behind him.

“So you brought her out to the end of a dock?” Sam asked, standing to face her.

She had the grace to look embarrassed. “I’m sorry, Heven, I just wasn’t thinking. I just wanted to…I don’t know, I wasn’t thinking, I’m so sorry!”

Sam made a rude noise and turned his back on her. I had managed to sit up but was still shaking from the cold. He pulled off his sweatshirt and yanked it down over my head. Delicious heat surrounded me. “Relax, honey. Just breathe and try and get warm.” He sank down onto the deck and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his lap. My shivers eased immediately; his warmth was exactly what I needed. I noticed that there was a crowd gathered around where the dock met the yard, but I didn’t care. I closed my eyes and leaned into Sam’s chest.
