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Masquerade (Heven and Hell #1)(65)
Author: Cambria Hebert

“Tell me.”

So I did. I told her about Mom finding me in the kitchen with Sam, and how he was only there to check on me because I was sick (she still didn’t know the real reason I’d missed school). I told her the things Mom said and about the camp she was forcing me to go to this summer.

When I was finished talking, she looked at me with wide eyes. “Whoa. Makes me kind of glad my parents ignore me all the time.”

“I don’t know what to do,” I whispered.

“It’s going to be okay.” Kimber leaned in and side-hugged me. “Your mom will realize she’s being crazy and back off.”

“You think so?” I’d never considered that before. I was always too busy wondering if she was right.

“Absolutely. Your mom is strict, but she loves you. Maybe you should talk to her; try to work it out.”

“Maybe,” I murmured. The idea had some merit. Maybe I wasn’t giving Mom enough credit. Maybe if I went to her to talk, like an adult, then she would see I was still the same girl I’d always been. I looked up at Kimber. “Thanks.”

She smiled. “Anytime. Next time, don’t be so slow in telling me what’s wrong.”

If she only knew.

At least she was satisfied that she knew everything. I changed the subject. “How are you and Cole getting along?”

“Great! I would totally suggest a double, but what the heck is up with Cole and Sam?”

I rolled my eyes. “I have no idea.”

“Why can’t they just get along?”

“They would if they could get over the ‘who’s more macho’ thingy.” I said.

“For real, girlfriend.”

Downstairs the doorbell rang. I stiffened, a moment of panic freezing me. Would China find me here? Was Kimber in danger by being with me?

“Pizza’s here!” Kimber sang out and left the room.

I took a moment before following her, taking a deep breath as my fingers found my bracelet. The metal was warm, and I thought of Sam. The safety I felt with him was so strong that when we weren’t together it was like a hole in my chest. My hand found my cell and my fingers itched to call or text him, but I resisted. I shouldn’t rely on him for everything – how exhausting that must be for him. I was his girlfriend, not his child. I needed to act like it before I pushed him away.

Chapter Nineteen


“I was hoping we could talk,” I said, using the most respectful tone I knew.

“Sure honey, come on in.”

We both sat on the sofa. It was the same sofa we’d been sitting on for years. “I wanted to apologize for just leaving that day. We didn’t really have a chance to talk things over.”

“You mean the fact that you are marked by evil?”

She said it so casually, like she just accepted it.

“I don’t really feel like I am marked by evil, Mom. I feel like the same girl I’ve always been.”

“That’s the evil inside you, influencing you, making you think that you are on the right path.”

“I am not on an evil path,” I said, trying to hold on to my patience.

“You need to come back to church.”

“I will. That’s a great idea.”

“Break up with that sinner boyfriend of yours.”

“I won’t do that, Mom.” How could she ask that of me?

“I know what he is, Heven. He’s part of the evil in your life.”

“No, Mom. Sam is a good person.”

“Don’t worry, Heven. I found someone to help get the evil out of you.”

“You have?” A knot formed in the pit of my stomach.

Mom got up and went to the front door. She opened it and in walked China. She had long, flowing black hair, and her red nails looked like claws. She smiled a feral smile. “I’m here to help you.” She laughed.

I jumped up from the couch and screamed. “She’s the evil one! Don’t trust her!”

“Turn away from the evil, Heven.”

China advanced on me, her movements like that of a big cat.

“Sam,” I whimpered.

China laughed. She laughed so hard that I could see the back of her throat. In a low, flat voice she said, “He’s dead. I killed him. You’ll never see him again.”

“No!” I screamed, panic filling my chest. “Sam!”

China leaped on me and I fought. I fought so hard…

“Heven! Wake up, sweetheart. Wake up!” Sam shook me, whispering fiercely.

“Sam?” I blinked. Fear made me tremble.

“I’m here, honey.”

A broken sob escaped me, and I fell into him. “You’re safe,” I murmured. “You’re safe.”

He tensed and swiftly pulled away. “No!” I cried. He disappeared out the window. Tears streaked my face. He was gone.

The bedroom door swung open and Grandma was backlit by the hall light. “Heven? Are you all right?”

I cleared my throat. “I’m fine, Gran. I’m sorry I woke you. I was having a bad dream.”

“Want me to sit with you awhile?”

“No. Thanks. I hardly remember what it was about.”

“Well if you’re sure…” she came farther into the room to peck a kiss on my forehead. “Sleep well.”

“I love you,” I told her.

“As I love you.” She closed the door softly behind her.

I looked at the window. I waited and waited. More tears gathered in my eyes only to spill over. Where was he? I buried my face in the sheets and cried softly, trying not to disturb my grandmother again.

Gentle hands pried the sheets from my fingers and smoothed them on the bed. “I’m so sorry I had to leave like that,” Sam said, his voice pained.

I nodded.

“She went downstairs for a drink before she went back to bed. I had to wait. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay.” My voice was husky, like I hadn’t used it in years.

“You had a nightmare.” He slid beneath the sheets and gathered me against him, pulling the blankets around us. “You’re shaking.”

“China said she killed you.” My voice wobbled. “She said I would never see you again.”

“I’m here,” he murmured, brushing his strong hands through my tangled hair.

“I tried to be strong.”

“You are strong.”

“I need you,” I admitted. I couldn’t help it.

“You’ve got me.”
