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Masquerade (Heven and Hell #1)(9)
Author: Cambria Hebert

The back yard was huge, and it had a kidney-shaped pool, a hot tub, and a gazebo. People were dancing and yelling to each other over the loud music, but at least it was fairly dark. The only illumination came from the few lights on the deck and the back of the house. Kimber pulled me off to the side of the deck and pointed. “There he is.”

Cole was on the other side of the pool, lounging against a large brick planter. He was surrounded by half the football team, and while he was smiling, his eyes scanned the crowd every few seconds. “He’s looking for you.”

“Yeah, and I’m going to give him something to look at.” With her declaration she released me and strutted away, her hips moving seductively and attracting the gaze of every guy she passed by. Except she wasn’t walking toward Cole. I felt the blood drain from my face when I looked past Kimber to whom she was strutting toward.

Sam was standing in a crowd of people who were all openly staring at him, yet he wasn’t really part of the group. He seemed separate somehow. He was wearing a black leather jacket, a snug navy shirt, and a pair of beat-up jeans. His dark blond hair was messy, falling over his ears and right eye, and when he saw Kimber heading toward him, he pushed it up onto his forehead. He didn’t smile as he watched her slinking toward him but watched her like a predator might watch his prey. It made gooseflesh rise along my arms. As he watched her his eyes flashed up over her shoulder – searching for something or someone – and not knowing why, I stepped back into the shadows so he wouldn’t see me. Kimber walked around the open fire pit that separated her from her target and reached out her manicured hand and placed it on his arm, drawing his eyes back to her. Her mouth moved, and the side of his mouth kicked up in a small smile. His lips barely moved, but I knew he’d spoken, and I wished I was closer to hear the deep, raspy tone of his voice. Kimber laughed and her hand went a little more firmly around his arm. It made my stomach hurt, and I looked over at Cole to see if he was watching the show.

He was seeing it all right. He was standing erect, watching with his fists balled at his sides and an angry expression on his face. Kimber laughed again, and I looked back in time to see Sam turn fully toward her and look down to smile. God, he was so beautiful. For a split second I imagined that he was looking down at me smiling that way, and my heart nearly stopped. From behind, someone bumped into me, and I stumbled forward.

“Sorry,” the guy mumbled, but I ignored him because as soon as I moved, Sam’s eyes flashed up to where I was standing, like he knew I was there. But I knew my imagination was working on overdrive because I was in the shadows, and I knew he couldn’t see me. As if to prove my point, his eyes went back to Kimber who brazenly leaned up and whispered something in his ear.

I glanced at Cole who was clearly having a hard time staying rooted to his spot. He was so angry that the guys with him were turning to see what he was staring at. In fact, it seemed Kimber and Sam were attracting quite an audience. Unfortunately for Kimber, one of her audience members stepped forward, making a beeline for the pair.

Jenna looked like a woman with a mission and by the evil glint in her eye, whatever that mission was would not be good for Kimber.

Somehow Jenna managed to wedge herself between Sam and a perturbed Kimber. She flicked her dark locks over her shoulder and placed a single finger on his chest and leaned into him. She really was a skank, and I wanted to gag at the thought of her touching Sam. He stared down at her with an unreadable expression on his face. She said something that made Kimber go red in the face and glare daggers at her back. With a sigh I headed over toward the unfolding drama. Cole was stepping through the crowd also, and I caught his eye and waved him back. He would only make things worse.

I stopped beside Kimber who gave me a ‘can you believe this?’ look before putting her hand on Jenna’s arm and yanking her around. “Why don’t you go torture someone else with your presence?” she snapped.

Jenna hissed and slapped her hand away. “Don’t touch me.”

“Chick fight!” someone behind us yelled, and a crowd began forming.

Kimber pressed in close to Jenna, and I put an arm between them. “This is so third grade,” I said, trying to sound bored.

Jenna turned her icy stare to me. “Careful freak, might find yourself with some more unsightly scars.”

Some ‘oohing’ and ‘ahhing’ went through the crowd, but I barely registered it. Her words made my face flame with embarrassment. I knew that everyone was now staring at the girl with the disfigured face.

“You dirty bitch!” Kimber yelled, pulling back her fist. Unfortunately, my arm was still in the way, and Jenna used it as her shield, pulling my arm up so it would take the impact of the hit. It was solid and spun me backward toward the roaring fire pit. Jenna shrieked, trying to pull away from me, but like anyone who loses their balance, I groped for something to grab and right myself; it happened to be her. She didn’t pull me back up, rather, I pulled her down with me. I felt the back of my knees buckle at the impact of the edge of the stone border and felt the heat from the flames through my clothes and panic stole through me. As I fell, I wondered where my scars would be this time.

One minute I was falling toward a flaming death, and the next I was lying on the ground, away from the flames, unburned and unhurt. I heard Kimber asking me if I was all right, and I blinked, trying to clear my head, trying to decide if I was or wasn’t. But I couldn’t think because my heart was thundering in my chest, and Jenna was screeching at the top of her lungs.

I sat up and looked at Jenna who was lying on the ground clutching her arm. “It’s broken! She broke my arm!” As she screeched she rolled to the side and glared at me.

I drew back. I did not do that to her. Did I? What the heck happened? I thought for sure I was going into the flames.

Kimber stood, placing herself in front of me. “Heven isn’t responsible for your arm,” she spat. Then, dramatically, she flung herself to the side at someone. “Thank goodness you were here!”

Sam caught her easily and patted her shoulder as she wrapped her arms around his waist. Pain lanced through my chest, and I winced. Maybe I was hurt after all…

I looked up and my eyes fastened on Sam, who was watching me. Emotion flashed through his eyes, but it was gone so quickly I was unable to name it.

“Heven? Hey, you okay?” Cole leaned over me. He looked so sad I couldn’t be angry at him for blocking my view of Sam.
