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Master of the Game

"Whatever you like. Gran thinks – "

He caressed her cheek. "Let’s keep your grandmother out of this. I adore her, but don’t you think we should keep our personal affairs personal?"

"You’re right, darling. I won’t say anything to Gran. Could you make an appointment for me to see your attorney tomorrow?"

"Remind me to call him. Now, I’m starved. Why don’t we start with the crab…?"

One week later George met Eve at her apartment.

"Did Alex sign the new will?" Eve asked.

"This morning. She inherits her share of the company next week on her birthday."

The following week, 49 percent of the shares of Kruger-Brent, Ltd., were transferred to Alexandra. George called to tell Eve the news. She said, "Wonderful! Come over tonight. We’ll celebrate."

"I can’t. Kate’s giving a birthday party for Alex."

There was a silence. "What are they serving?"

"How the hell do I know?"

"Find out." The line went dead.

Forty-five minutes later George called Eve back. "I don’t know why you’re so interested in the menu," he said nastily, "since you aren’t invited to the party, but it’s Coquille Saint-Jacques, Chateaubriand, a bibb lettuce salad, Brie, cappuccino and a birthday cake with Alex’s favorite ice cream, Neapolitan. Satisfied?"

"Yes, George. I’ll see you tonight."

"No, Eve. There’s no way I can walk out in the middle of Alex’s – "

"You’ll think of something."

God damn the bitch! George hung up the phone and looked at his watch. God damn everything! He had an appointment with an important client he had stood up twice already. Now he was late. He knew the partners were keeping him on only because he had married into the Blackwell family. He could not afford to do anything to jeopardize his position. He had created an image for Alexandra and Kate, and it was imperative that nothing destroy that. Soon he would not need any of them.

He had sent his father a wedding invitation, and the old man had not even bothered to reply. Not one word of congratulations. I never want to see you again, his father had told him. You’re dead, you understand? Dead Well, his father was in for a surprise. The prodigal son was going to come to life again.

Alexandra’s twenty-third birthday party was a great success. There were forty guests. She had asked George to invite some of his friends, but he had demurred. "It’s your party, Alex," he said. "Let’s just have your friends."

The truth was that George had no friends. He was a loner, he told himself proudly. People who were dependent on other people were weaklings. He watched as Alexandra blew out the candles on her cake and made a silent wish. He knew the wish involved him, and he thought, You should have wished for a longer life, darling. He had to admit that Alexandra was exquisite looking. She was wearing a long white chiffon dress with delicate silver slippers and a diamond necklace, a present from Kate. The large, pear-shaped stones were strung together on a platinum chain, and they sparkled in the candlelight.

Kate looked at them and thought, I remember our first anniversary, when David put that necklace on me and told me how much he loved me.

And George thought, That necklace must be worth a hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

George had been aware all evening that several of Alexandra’s female guests were eyeing him, smiling at him invitingly, touching him as they talked to him. Horny bitches, he thought contemptuously. Under other circumstances, he might have been tempted to risk it, but not with Alexandra’s friends. They might not dare complain to Alexandra, but there was a chance they could go to the police. No, things were moving along too smoothly to take any unnecessary chances.

At one minute before ten o’clock, George positioned himself near the telephone. When it rang a minute later, he picked it up. "Hello."

"Mr. Mellis?"


"This is your answering service. You asked me to call you at ten o’clock."

Alexandra was standing near him. He looked over at her and frowned. "What time did he call?"

"Is this Mr. Mellis?"


"You left a ten o’clock call, sir."

Alexandra was at his side.

"Very well," he said into the phone. "Tell him I’m on my way. I’ll meet him at the Pan Am Clipper Club."

George slammed the phone down.

"What’s the matter, darling?"

He turned to Alexandra. "One of the idiot partners is on his way to Singapore and he left some contracts at the office that he needs to take with him. I’ve got to pick them up and get them to him before his plane leaves."

"Now?" Alexandra’s voice was filled with dismay. "Can’t someone else do it?"

"I’m the only one they trust," George sighed. "You’d think I was the only capable one in the whole office." He put his arms around her. "I’m sorry, darling. Don’t let me spoil your party. You go on and I’ll get back as soon as I can."

She managed a smile. "I’ll miss you."

Alexandra watched him go, then looked around the room to make sure all her guests were enjoying themselves. She wondered what Eve was doing on their birthday.

Eve opened the door to let George in. "You managed," she said. "You’re such a clever man."

"I can’t stay, Eve. Alex is – "

She took his hand. "Come, darling. I have a surprise for you." She led him into the small dining room. The table was set for two, with beautiful silver and white napery and lighted candles in the center of the table.

"What’s this for?"

"It’s my birthday, George."
