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Master of the Game

Dr. Crawford replied, "We certainly have, Mr. Blackwell. We’ve been over them thoroughly."

David took a deep breath. "And?"

"I understand that the United States Patent Office has granted a patent on this?"

"That’s right."

"Well, Mr. Blackwell, whoever got that patent is going to be one very rich man."

David nodded slowly, filled with conflicting emotions.

"It’s like all great inventions – it’s so simple you wonder why someone didn’t think of it sooner. This one can’t miss."

David did not know how to react. He had half-hoped that the decision would be taken out of his hands. If Tim O’Neil’s invention was useless, there was a chance of persuading Josephine to stay in South Africa. But what O’Neil had told him was true. It did work. Now David had to make his decision.

He thought of nothing else on the journey back to Klipdrift. If he accepted, it would mean leaving the company, starting up a new, untried business. He was an American, but America was a foreign country to him. He held an important position in one of the most powerful companies in the world. He loved his job. Jamie and Margaret McGregor had been very good to him. And then there was Kate. He had cared for her since she was a baby. He had watched her grow up from a stubborn, dirty-faced tomboy to a lovely young woman. Her life was a photo album in his mind. He turned the pages and there was Kate at four, eight, ten, fourteen, twenty-one – vulnerable, unpredictable…

By the time the train arrived at Klipdrift, David had made up his mind. He was not going to leave Kruger-Brent, Ltd.

He drove directly to the Grand Hotel and went up to the O’Neils’ suite. Josephine opened the door for him.


He took her in his arms and kissed her hungrily, feeling her warm body pressing against his.

"Oh, David, I’ve missed you so much. I don’t ever want to be away from you again."

"You won’t have to," David said slowly. "I’m going to San Francisco…"

David had waited with growing anxiety for Kate to return from the United States. Now that he had made his decision, he was eager to get started on his new life, impatient to marry Josephine.

And now Kate was back, and he was standing in front of her saying, "I’m getting married."

Kate heard the words through a roaring in her ears. She felt suddenly faint, and she gripped the edge of the desk for support. I want to die, she thought. Please let me die.

Somehow, from some deep wellspring of will, she managed a smile. "Tell me about her, David." She was proud of how calm her voice sounded. "Who is she?"

"Her name is Josephine O’Neil. She’s been visiting here with her father. I know you two will be good friends, Kate. She’s a fine woman."

"She must be, if you love her, David."

He hesitated. "There’s one more thing, Kate. I’m going to be leaving the company."

The world was falling in on her. "Just because you’re getting married, doesn’t mean you have to – "

"It isn’t that. Josephine’s father is starting a new business in San Francisco. They need me."

"So – so you’ll be living in San Francisco."

"Yes. Brad Rogers can handle my job easily, and we’ll pick a top management team to back him up. Kate, I – I can’t tell you what a difficult decision this was for me."

"Of course, David. You – you must love her very much. When do I get to meet the bride?"

David smiled, pleased at how well Kate was taking the news. "Tonight, if you’re free for dinner."

"Yes, I’m free."

She would not let the tears come until she was alone.

The four of them had dinner at the McGregor mansion. The moment Kate saw Josephine, she blanched, Oh God! No wonder he’s in love with her! She was dazzling. Just being in her presence made Kate feel awkward and ugly. And to make matters worse, Josephine was gracious and charming. And obviously very much in love with David. Bloody hell!

During dinner Tim O’Neil told Kate about the new company.

"It sounds very interesting," Kate said.

"I’m afraid it’s no Kruger-Brent, Limited, Miss McGregor. We’ll have to start small, but with David running it, we’ll do all right."

"With David running it, you can’t miss," Kate assured him.

The evening was an agony. In the same cataclysmic moment, she had lost the man she loved and the one person who was indispensable to Kruger-Brent, Ltd. She carried on a conversation and managed to get through the evening, but afterward she had no recollection of what she said or did. She only knew that every time David and Josephine looked at each other or touched, she wanted to kill herself.

On the way back to the hotel, Josephine said, "She’s in love with you, David."

He smiled. "Kate? No. We’re friends. We have been since she was a baby. She liked you a lot."

Josephine smiled. Men are so naive.

In David’s office the following morning, Tim O’Neil and David sat facing each other. "I’ll need about two months to get my affairs in order here," David said. "I’ve been thinking about the financing we’ll need to begin with. If we go to one of the big companies, they’ll swallow us up and give us a small share. It won’t belong to us anymore. I think we should finance it ourselves. I figure it will cost eighty thousand dollars to get started. I’ve saved the equivalent of about forty thousand dollars. We’ll need forty thousand more."

"I have ten thousand dollars," Tim O’Neil said. "And I have a brother who will loan me another five thousand."

"So, we’re twenty-five thousand dollars short," David said. "We’ll try to borrow that from a bank."

"We’ll leave for San Francisco right away," O’Neil told David, "and get everything set up for you."
