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Midnight Sins

Midnight Sins (Midnight #2)(11)
Author: Cynthia Eden

And admitted to herself that, hell, yeah, she’d been running.

Because Todd Brooks scared her. Oh, he didn’t scare the demon inside her. The demon could handle just about anything.

No, the demon wasn’t particularly worried, but the woman was scared spitless.

Moments later, she heard the growl of his car pulling away. Her shoulders dropped as relief swept through her.


For now.

Detective Brooks had finally called it a night, but she knew he’d be back.

Sooner or later.

The faint light of dawn snuck through her blinds just as Cara finally crawled into bed.

Her gritty eyes closed, shutting out the light. The bed was soft beneath her, the sheets faintly cool.

Sleep pushed down on her as exhaustion swept through her body. One deep breath, two, and the dreams claimed her.

The dreams…

She didn’t know the apartment. Didn’t recognize any of the furniture. Cara walked slowly across the floor, her bare feet soundless as they crept over the hardwood.

Where was she? She thought of calling out, but fear stilled her tongue.

Dream or reality? The question bored into her mind as she ventured forward. Succubi always had such strong, vivid dreams.

Sometimes it was nearly impossible to tell the dream world from the real one.

A door waited in front of her. Wooden, painted white. Partially open.

Her hand lifted. Pressed lightly against the wood and sent the door swinging inward with a soft creak.

A man’s room. The furniture was dark, heavy. Clothes—a shirt, pants, socks—were tossed haphazardly onto the floor. A king-size bed with rumpled covers waited in the middle of the room. An occupied bed.

Cara took a step toward the bed, then another, her movements almost helpless. She knew who would be in that bed, of course.

There really wasn’t any doubt in her mind.

She could smell him.

She’d thought of him before her eyes closed. Still tasted him on her lips.

His dark hair was a sharp contrast to the white pillowcase. His eyes were closed, his features softened in sleep.

Todd Brooks.

Dream or reality?

The floor creaked beneath her feet.

His eyes flew open. Locked on her.


Too late, she realized what was happening. But it had been such a long time since she’d taken a walk in dreams.

He grabbed her arm, pulled her toward him and had her tumbling into the bed. “You’re not real,” he muttered. “Damn it, I know you can’t be, but I’ll take what I can get.” Then his mouth was on hers. Hard. Hot. His tongue thrust deep and a growl rumbled in the back of his throat.

His arms wrapped around her, holding her tight. His chest was bare, the muscles strong and warm against her. She wore a thin nightgown, just like the one she’d jerked on before stumbling into bed.

Her ni**les pebbled, aching, and the stiff points pushed against the soft silk of her gown.

She straddled him. The bedsheets covered his hips, but she could feel his arousal nudging against her core.

The man was most definitely aroused.

No. No. This shouldn’t be happening. She had to stop, she—

His fingers eased under the spaghetti straps of her gown. His callused hands felt so good as they eased over the length of her arms, pushing down the gown and baring her br**sts.

He tore his mouth from hers. Eased back so that he could get a better view of her. “God, baby, you’re the best dream I’ve ever had.”

The man had no idea.

She could feel the spark of magic in the air as his lust grew. His hunger swirled around her in waves of pulsing need. Her skin began to tingle with the promise of such pleasure.

And such dark power. Hers to take.

The strength it would give her…

But she shouldn’t. Cara shook her head, fighting for her own control as arousal had her sex moistening and her back arching in silent demand. No, this was wrong, she—

His lips closed over her breast. Pulled the mound deep into his mouth. Sucked.

Cara shuddered as her fingers dug into his arms. His teeth pressed against her, lightly scoring her flesh, and then he was licking her, long, hungry swipes of his tongue that had her moaning and twisting against him as she fought for more, more.

His hands slid down her body. Eased over her stomach, where the gown had pooled in a soft heap. His knuckles brushed across her belly button. Smoothed over her abdomen.

“Todd—” His name broke from her lips. She didn’t usually speak while dreamwalking. It was too dangerous. Power was in her voice. A command that had his head snapping up and his eyes flying to hers.

His c**k was rock hard now and she realized that she was moving her hips against his. Rocking back and forth. Faster with each stroke of her body.

Red stained his cheeks. His pupils dilated as she watched. And his lips gleamed with a faint sheen of moisture.

Cara fought for sanity once more. “No, I-I can’t—”

In a instant, he tumbled her back onto the bed. “It’s a dream, baby. We can do anything.” He kissed her again. A kiss so sweet and soft that she swore she felt her eyes fill.

If only…

But some dreams could turn into nightmares far too easily, and if they didn’t stop soon, Todd would learn that lesson. Every moment she stayed with him, she was stealing a little of his life force. Taking a bit of his power as she stole into his mind.

She’d sworn not to take from a lover again.

Damn it, she hated to take!

It reminded her that she was little more than a parasite, living off the power and pleasure of others.

Her hands lifted, caught his face in her palms. She wanted to keep kissing him, to let the passion rage.

Not a choice for her.

His head lifted. His gaze met hers. “You feel so real.”

Her lips curved in a smile she knew was sad. “Close your eyes for me.”

He obeyed at once, but then, she’d put force into her voice, a compulsion he couldn’t resist. Humans were always at their weakest in the dream state.

Her index finger smoothed over his lips. Then she tilted her head, just a few inches, and urged his mouth back to hers. His lips were parted as he readied to kiss her—

She blew a light stream of air into his mouth. A soft, sweet stream that she knew would taste of magic.

His eyes opened, bleary, confused.

“Sleep,” she whispered the command.

Then she closed her own eyes, and left the dream.

“Oh, damn.” Cara’s eyes jerked open and she glared up at the ceiling.

What in the world had just happened?

A walk in dreams. She hadn’t snuck into a man’s dreams in over five years. She’d vowed never to enter without permission again.
