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Midnight's Master

Midnight’s Master (Midnight #3)(43)
Author: Cynthia Eden

Her heart lurched in her chest. "What kind of trouble?" It was the middle of the night. The place should have been all but deserted. Security guards, sure. A skeletal staff to monitor the phone lines but-

He pointed one beefy finger at her. "According to what I just heard, you were attacked."


"Obviously, someone’s wrong about the victim." His voice was a rumble. "But the body was found in your office. A female body and-"

The body was found… "Someone was killed at the station?" That wasn’t possible. They’d stepped up security and-

In her office. Her face went numb as understanding dawned.

You were attacked.

No, no, she wasn’t the one who’d been hurt, but it sure was a safe bet she’d been the intended target.

Only someone else had gotten caught in the killer’s sights.

Holly took off for the door at a run.

All-too-familiar blue lights swirled in front of News Flash Five. Reporters were out en masse.

Cameras rolling as the competition cashed in on another Flash Five tragedy.

Dammit. This was not-

"Easy, Holly." Niol’s voice in her ear. He’d caught her just outside Paradise. Driven her here.

Probably a good thing, that. Her hands had been shaking a bit too much for control of the steering wheel.

I have to find out who’s been attacked.

In my office.

"There’s Gyth," he continued quietly. "We’ll figure out-"

Gyth looked up right then and zeroed in on her. Then he started stalking toward them, fast, and the cop sure didn’t look happy.

Good. She wasn’t feeling particularly happy, either.

Scared. Furious.

Not happy.

Gyth pushed past the line of cops and reporters. In seconds, he stood in front of them, arms crossed over his chest, a muscle jerking along his jaw. "When I got the call about a woman’s body being found in Office B-12, I f**king thought you’d bought it, Storm."

A ripple of movement beside her as Niol slid forward. "Watch the tone, ass**le, and just tell us what’s happening here."

The cop’s brows rose. "Don’t know this time? And here I thought you were always one step ahead."

" What happened? " The fury in her voice surprised even her.

Gyth glanced at her again, and a line appeared on his forehead as he squinted, saying, "You look different-"

"What she looks is mighty fine for an attack victim." Brooks. She hadn’t even seen the guy sidling up to them. He motioned with his hand, indicating they needed to step back and, "Away from the vultures."

She was one of those "vultures" and if she hadn’t already had so much crap on her mind, she would have torn into him.


They stepped away from the crowd.

"Kim Went was found by one of the station’s security guards. She was on the floor of your office-"

"Dead?" Niol’s emotionless voice.

A shake of Gyth’s head. "Alive."

Holly finally took a deep breath. Thank God. "I don’t understand. What was she-"

"Someone hit her, hard, looks like with the lamp on your desk. Bashed the hell out of her head, but the EMTs say she should pull through. She’s concussed, but after a few days in the hospital, they expect her to recover."

"We don’t think the attacker was after Ms. Went." Brooks stared straight at Holly. "When the guards found her, the lights in your office were off." One shoulder lifted. "Kim is your rough height and size, and in the darkness-"

"She looked like me." Another blood mark on her soul. Another innocent hurt because of her.

She was so tired of this. "Why? Why was Kim even in my office? She should’ve gone home hours ago."

"Looks like she was searching your files." Gyth tilted his head to the left. "Any idea just why she’d be doing that, Storm?"

Searching your files. Holly shook her head. "No." There hadn’t been anything important in her desk files. The only case she’d focused on lately was the demon hunter and-

Holly glanced at Niol. Kim had seemed like such a nice, normal girl. Smart. Pretty. Eager to please.

Too eager?

Holly remembered her own interning days at the station over in Birmingham. She’d spent too many hours fetching coffee and not enough chasing stories. She’d been about to go crazy when she’d literally stumbled into an armed robbery and made the evening news.

Her big break-one that had left her shaking.

In those early days, she’d been desperate to make her mark, though. Desperate to get the camera on her and to broadcast her stories.

Had Kim felt that same desperation? It would sure explain a little late-night snooping.


Or maybe there was more to the story.

Either way, Kim hadn’t deserved to get her head bashed. Holly licked her lips. "I want to talk to her."

"I’m sure you do." Gyth offered a hint of fang. "But we get first crack at her, once she wakes up." He pinned Niol with his stare. "Anything I need to know about this attack? This woman?"

What did he think Niol knew?

Her lover just shrugged.

"Fucking thought so." Gyth shook his head and turned his attention back to Holly. "Be careful, Storm. Looks to me like you’re starting to run out of lives."

Yeah, tell her something she hadn’t already figured out. "Do you think this attack is connected to the other killings?" From what they’d said, it sure didn’t fit the MO.

"I think you’re connected to the killings," Brooks answered. "And I don’t believe it was any coincidence that a woman in your office had her head smashed in the same night you went live with your story on the killer."

She’d never been big into coincidences, either. Her gut was in knots. Shouldn’t have been Kim.

Shouldn’t have been her.

Should have been me.

"You’re gonna need protection." Gyth made the announcement with his eyes on Holly.

"She’s already got it," Niol responded quietly.

"I hope so-and I hope it’s damn good." Gyth rubbed the bridge of his nose. "You wanted the bastard’s attention. Well, no doubt, Storm, you’ve got it now."

Her gaze tracked back to the line of police cars. The swirl of blue lights danced before her eyes.

Yeah, she’d gotten the bastard’s attention.

Now if she could just get him, before he hurt anyone else.

I’m so sorry, Kim.


"Mom? Listen, it’s Holly…" Like her mom wouldn’t recognize her own daughter’s voice. Holly juggled her purse, kept her cell phone to her ear with a raised shoulder, and fumbled with her car door. "You might see some stuff on the news-ah, damn-I’m okay ." Talking with her mom’s machine sucked, but, generally, it was the way they communicated.
