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Mind Game

Mind Game (GhostWalkers #2)(78)
Author: Christine Feehan

She set out with them in the boats. Nicolas was with her and Kaden was with Tucker and Sam in a second boat while Ian and Gator took the third. They moved without haste along the channel toward another small inlet only yards from Gator’s cabin.

Dahlia cleared her throat as they began to pull the boats through the reed-choked marsh. “Exactly why aren’t we headed for the airstrip?”

“Don’t worry, Dahlia,” Sam called cheerfully.

Too cheerfully, she decided. She looked at Nicolas suspiciously. “What exactly are you doing?”

“I’m going to stash you somewhere safe, and we’re going to do a little recon.”

“And you didn’t think it necessary to tell me about it?”

“I should have,” he admitted, “but to be honest, I just presumed you’d know we’d bait the trap and draw them in. We don’t like unfinished business, Dahlia. These people are here for one purpose only. That’s to get you. I’m not leaving until there’s no threat to you from anyone here.”

His merciless tone sent a shiver down her spine. She looked away from him, back toward the river. Whatever code Nicolas lived by, hunted by, believed in, was intertwined inexorably with the man he was. The man she was beginning to fear she was falling in love with. She should have known he would never leave a threat to her. He was incapable of such a thing. There was no point in protesting the danger, or pointing out they could make a run for it. Running wasn’t in his character unless it suited his purpose—unless it suited his hunt.

She looked at him and saw the warrior in him, a throw-back to a people of integrity and honor. To a people valiant and courageous. He would take the fight wherever he needed to go, and he would be relentless in his pursuit. Dahlia sighed softly. “I can just bet what your recon is going to be.”

Nicolas turned to signal the others to get rid of the boats. He took her arm. “Let’s get you out of the line of fire. How far do you have to be to keep the energy from finding you?”

“I’ve never actually measured the distance.” She didn’t know whether to be angry or grateful. That was the trouble with relationships, she decided, a woman was always torn between feeling protected by a man like Nicolas and wondering if she should just kick him for his overbearing behavior.

He brought her hand to his mouth and nibbled on her fingers, his black gaze studying her face even as they picked their way through the brush. “You aren’t worried, are you?”

“Why should I be worried? It’s just another day in the neighborhood. You know—bombs, fires, people shooting at you. Why would I be worried? Especially since we could be clothes shopping or boarding a plane. I’m not in the least worried.”

“Hmmm,” he mused aloud. “I read about this in the relationship manual. It’s called womanly sarcasm and usually means a man is in deep trouble.” He found a cool spot hidden near the center of the island. “You stay here until I come and get you.”

“What exactly do you think you’re accomplishing by this?”

“I’m keeping the enemy off our backs while we hunt the traitor and recover the data,” Nicolas replied. He bent his head to kiss her. “Be here when I get back.”

He made himself walk away from her, telling himself she’d be there waiting for him when he returned, knowing her decision could go either way. As he approached the others, he signaled and they immediately went into combat readiness, taking out their weapons and shouldering their packs, scattering into the thick reeds to lie in wait for the enemy to arrive.

The sound of oars splashing in the water was enough to send several birds into the air and to silence the hum of insects for a few moments. And it was enough to warn the GhostWalkers. Gator signaled he’d spotted the boat as it cautiously circled the island, looking for a suitable landing spot. Gator used the sounds of the bayou, a perfect imitation of an aroused alligator to give them a number. Five occupants. Nicolas spread his fingers, gestured to the others.

The moment they knew the incoming boat was docking exactly where they’d planned, the occupants tying up to the two posts standing upright in invitation, the GhostWalkers slipped into the water, using reeds as breathing tubes as they sank beneath the surface to make their way across the canal to box in the enemy. Once in position, they waited beneath the murky water for the signal from their point man to proceed.

Nicolas felt the tap on his arm and sent the gesture through the line to his men. They raised slowly, blackened water creatures armed with M-4s and knives, their choice weapons of war. As still as statues, they remained in the water, camouflaged by the reeds and plants with only their heads and shoulders above the surface, rifles trained on the enemy.

The five killers spread out, moving onto the island in silence, two using the path that had been made for them, the other three a good distance away. Nicolas and the GhostWalkers rose up out of the depths of the waters without a sound, slithering onto shore, bellies to the ground, rifles ready. They were a solid unit, had worked many missions, and knew exact positions without ever having to look. They pushed their way through the dense shrubbery following the five assassins, staying low to the ground, unseen, unheard.

A frog set up a chorus of sound. An alligator bellowed. A large bird rose into the air with the flapping of great wings, and the wind moaned through the brush. Gator lay flat, concentrating on the beehive clinging to the branches of a tree just ahead of the five men. At once the bees became agitated, buzzing angrily, emerging from the hive in a black swarm. Snakes plopped into the water, the sound carrying loudly through the waterway. Lizards and insects skittered in large masses across the ground.

The five men began slapping at the bugs and bees swarming around them. They ran in an effort to get away from the stinging bees. One ran into the first claymore mine and tripped the wire. The explosion was loud, and the others immediately went to ground, blasting away with weapons at empty air.

Nicolas took the higher ground, maneuvering into position to pick them off one at a time. Kaden flanked him, choosing a target as well. They fired almost simultaneously. The two remaining turned their weapons toward the sound of the rifle fire. Sam signaled he had the shot and took it, Tucker following suit.

Almost at once they heard the explosion behind them, coming from the other island. A fireball whooshed through the air and landed in the water, sizzling as it disappeared in the midst of black smoke. Nicolas swore. “Clean up here,” he snapped and ran to the water to cross the canal.
