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Mine Completely ~ Simon

Mine Completely ~ Simon (Billionaire’s Obsession #1.4)(7)
Author: J.S. Scott

Hmm…Kara doubted that. “If you spend some time together you might discover that he isn’t quite the ogre that you think he is. Maybe he’s matured since you knew him.”

Maddie shot her a doubtful look. “Pleeeze! I do read the newspaper and magazines. The man still has a set of horns underneath those golden curls of his. Don’t hold your breath on that assumption. You might pass out, and it wouldn’t be good for the baby.” She followed Kara out the door and into the reception area. “Headed for home?”

Kara slipped her arms into her jacket and zipped the front, a mysterious smile on her face. “Shortly. I have some shopping to do first. It is Valentine’s Day. I need to pick something up and hit a few other stores. I had my lucky penny made into a medallion with a men’s gold chain for Simon so he can’t give it back. The jeweler was able to do it without ruining the integrity of the coin.” The coin collector in Simon would have flinched had she made the rare penny into a piece of jewelry that would destroy the rare coin. “I need to pick it up at the jewelry store.”

“I guess it is Valentine’s Day. I actually forgot,” Maddie answered, her expression distant and slightly sad.

Kara said her goodbyes and slipped out the front door, sending a silent Valentine wish to Cupid for Maddie to find the extraordinary man that her friend deserved.

Chapter 3

Simon paced his computer lab like a caged tiger, knowing the thoughts he was having about Kara leaving him were probably irrational, but he wasn’t exactly feeling levelheaded at the moment. He’d felt better after Sam had left – his brother had talked some sense into his thick head – but after getting a text from Kara telling him that she would be home later than normal, he’d gotten anxious all over again, expecting the worse. He hadn’t been reassured by her responses to his text messages, which had been incredibly vague. The only positive had been the fact that she had sent him a message telling him she loved him.

I love you so much. I’ll be home soon.

Simon stopped pacing long enough to trace the words she had typed in her text message, hoping they would lighten his mood, give him hope. And maybe they would have, but he spotted that damn premarital agreement on his desk out of the corner of his eye, making him grunt with irritation.

Maybe I should have just signed it if it would make her happy. What does it matter? Is a stupid piece of paper really that important? He’d always take care of Kara, regardless of whatever agreement was signed.

Simon snatched up the contract from his desk and flipped the pages. Gritting his teeth, he picked up a pen and signed his name with angry strokes. Slamming the pen on top of the papers, he muttered, “Fine. It’s done. The world isn’t going to end because I signed the stupid thing.” He was never leaving her, and he’d move heaven and earth to keep her at his side. The damn papers could just rot, collecting dust in some quack attorney’s office, while Simon lived his life with the woman he loved. “I just want her to be happy,” he whispered fiercely, hoping his signature would end her sadness. Kara’s behavior the last few weeks was making him crazy. His woman was usually so serene, so upbeat and positive, even though life had thrown her a very rough deal. It was hell seeing her beautiful face with anything less than a smile. If the prenup was what she needed to bring her peace, he’d sign a hundred of them. Sure, he might not like the fact that Kara had doubts about them, had thoughts about them someday separating, but he’d do whatever it took to convince her otherwise. Maybe she just needed more time. Kara had given him so much, most importantly her unconditional love and support over the last year. If she could put up with his cranky, irritated, scarred self, most of the time without complaint, he could sign a damn paper for her. “I should have done it before,” he said quietly, cursing himself for being so argumentative about something so trivial. He knew Kara was sensitive about their differences in financial positions. He’d hoped she would get over it, begin to consider the fact that what was his also belonged to her, but he guessed she just wasn’t there yet.

“Should have done what?” The husky, feminine voice flowed over him like fine silk, lilting softly behind him.

Simon turned, drinking in the sight of the woman he loved, his heart accelerating. “Should have signed the f**king papers when you wanted me to sign instead of fighting over it,” he told her in a husky voice, needing desperately have her in his arms, feel her warm softness against him.

Still in her soft pink scrubs, her sneaker-clad feet padded softly around the desk and picked up the papers, sending the pen that Simon had used to sign the documents rolling across the desk. “You signed them?” Kara sounded shocked, surprised.

“Yes. I’m sorry for what I said.” And Simon was sorry. More sorry than he could convey in words because he’d never been very good with flowery speeches or finding the right words to say to Kara. Honestly, most of the time he was obsessed with his need to possess her, protect her. Tender emotions and sweet words weren’t exactly his forte.

Kara’s gaze flew to his face, scanning his features as though she were looking for something. “Why? I thought you didn’t want this.”

“I don’t.” He shrugged. “But I want you to be happy. I know the money issue bothers you.” He speared her with a dark look. “I signed them for you. But you’re still not leaving me. Ever.” And the papers would never be used or important. They were just a damn poor use of trees as far as Simon was concerned.

Kara’s lips turned up in a small smile. Her eyes never left his as she picked up the agreement and tore the papers in two. And then ripped them again. And again. “You’re right. I’m not leaving you. Not as long as you love me.”

His heart racing, he replied, “That would be as long as I’m still breathing. Why are you doing that?” he asked, watching her scatter the little pieces of the contract across the desk.

“Because I never should have let money be an issue between us. I’m so sorry, Simon. So very sorry.” Her voice cracked as she moved quickly around the desk, throwing herself into his arms.

Simon savored the contact, wrapping his arms around her, closing his eyes with relief. He kissed her temple, her cheek, holding her as closely as he could without crushing her. “I shouldn’t have said what I said.”

“I hurt you because of my own insecurities. You’ve never let money be a problem in our relationship, and I shouldn’t have either. You were right. I was wrong,” she murmured quietly against his chest.
