Read Books Novel

Mine to Have

Mine to Have (Mine #5)(21)
Author: Cynthia Eden

He surged into her. Again. Again—

Then he was the one to bellow because the release was that f**king good. Good enough to gut him. Good enough to make every muscle in his body shake.

Good enough to tell him…

I must have more.

Her lashes slowly lifted and her bright stare met his once more. Her breath was coming fast, so was his, and he waited for her to speak.

“That was…” She smiled. “Can we go again?”

Fuck, yes.


In the last twenty-four hours, five men had died…men all connected to Elizabeth Ward.

Victor paced in front of the Moontree motel.  None of those five men had exactly been amateurs when it came to the criminal underworld. Yet they’d been taken out with brutal efficiency.


He ran a hand over his face. “I think we’re looking at this all wrong,” he told Tracy.

“Then how do we need to look at it?”

“We need to look at her. Elizabeth Ward.” She was the one in the middle of this clusterfuck.  A woman that he’d thought was just an innocent who’d been targeted for death…

But that had been before her would-be executioner wound up with a knife in his throat and before the three flunkies sent after her were found with bullet holes in their vital parts.           “We can look at it two ways,” Victor said. “Either someone is hunting Elizabeth Ward and killing anyone who gets in his way…”

Tracy waited.

“Or else,” he said, and this suspicion was making his gut clench.  “Maybe someone is out there, eliminating any threats to her.”  Making absolutely sure that she didn’t have to fear from Taggert or Locke again. Or fear an attack from the guy’s goons.

“You’re thinking she’s not so innocent?”

“I’m thinking I want to know every single detail about her life.  I want to know the name of the doctor who helped bring her into this world and the first boy who kissed her. Everything.” Because by looking at Elizabeth’s present, they were limiting themselves far too much.  A bigger game was at play there, a game centered completely around Elizabeth.

“Get Gary to start digging into her life. Tell him I want those answers yesterday.” He headed for his car. It was getting close to his check-in time with Saxon, and he needed to warn the guy to be on guard with Elizabeth. The woman might not be the victim he’d assumed.

She might be something entirely different.

Someone that Saxon would need to take down.

Chapter Seven

Elizabeth fought to slow her racing heartbeat. Saxon was above her, still in her, and from the way he felt—long, thick, and hard—the guy was more than ready for another round. So was she. Once she managed to uncurl her toes and draw in a normal breath, anyway.

He slowly eased her legs back down to the mattress. Then he withdrew, and she couldn’t help the sound of protest that sprang to her lips.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’m just getting a fresh condom.”

He headed into the bathroom, and reality started to come back.  Her gaze slid to the box of condoms near the bed. A whole freaking box.

And some of that happy, sensual glow began to fade.

“Now…where were we?” He leaned over the bed.

Her hand pushed against his chest. “How many women have you brought here?”

His dark eyes narrowed.

“Saxon?” Elizabeth pushed. She recognized the emotion eating at her, twisting her guts all up—it was jealousy, and she sure didn’t like that feeling.  Not one bit.

“You’re the first.”

Her left eyebrow rose as she stared at the box of condoms. Did he seriously expect her to buy that line? He had a whole box of condoms. A box!

“What? You’re gonna get pissed because I believe in being prepared?” He caught her hand. Brought it to his mouth. He licked the center of her palm and her body seemed to quake.

“I…I…” Oh, hell, she didn’t even know what she’d been going to say. Elizabeth just knew that she didn’t like the idea of Saxon with other women. Not even a bit.

He smiled at her.  That sexy grin that made her stomach knot. “I believe in taking care of what’s mine.”

He bit her palm, the little mound of skin there, and her breath hissed out.

“I like the way you look after I’ve had you,” Saxon said. “Didn’t think it was possible for you to become more gorgeous to me, but you are…”

He lowered her hand back to the bed. He reached over for a condom.


Saxon stilled.

“Not yet.” He’d been the one in charge before. Shouldn’t she get to have some fun, too? “I want you to lay back.”

His gaze seemed to harden. “You don’t want to push me too far.”

“I’m not pushing you anywhere.” Her heart still raced far too fast. “I’m just going to give you pleasure.” The same as he’d done for her.

Because Elizabeth had realized something important. When she left him, she wasn’t going to forget him easily. He’d been right on that note. So now she wanted to make absolutely certain he didn’t forget her, either. The other women that might come into his life—they’d have to compete with her ghost.

Saxon slowly spread out on the bed. He was so big that he filled the space.  And his cock—it shot straight up into the air.  Heavy and thicker than her wrist. Her gaze was on that cock, and she bent toward him.  Her mouth was poised to—

“You think I’m going to hold on to my control once I feel your tongue against me?”

She slanted her gaze up to meet his stare.  “Let’s just see how long you can last.”

And she put her mouth on him.  Her lips slid over his c**k and she put her tongue right against the head of his arousal.

“Fuck!”  His hands clamped around her shoulders, but he didn’t force her away from him. His fingers were so tight on her, but he was…

Holding onto his control.  Good.

She licked him again. Feathered her lips over him. Took a bit more of his length in her mouth. Then she started moving her head. Taking even more. Sucking him. Enjoying the taste and the texture of his c**k in her mouth.  He was salty and rich, and he was getting even bigger as she tasted him.  A moan worked in her throat and vibrated along his length. She felt wild then, sexy, all alone in this little cabin with Saxon and far away from prying eyes and—
