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Mine to Hold

Mine to Hold (Mine #3)(52)
Author: Cynthia Eden

“I don’t remember you mentioning to us that you’d been to see the senator right before he died,” Lane murmured. “Want to tell us why you didn’t mention that fact before?”

Not particularly, but it seemed like there wasn’t a choice then. “I didn’t see him before he died.”

Claire was staring down at the picture. He wondered what she was thinking. Keep believing in me, baby.

Her eyes rose. Met his.

“I got to the hotel after he was dead. His door was open. I went inside, just a foot or two, and I saw him.” He’d intended to warn the senator off. To tell the man to stay the hell away from Claire.

But his warning hadn’t been necessary.

“We’re supposed to buy that story?” Lane demanded. “I don’t think so.”

“Buy whatever you want.” Noah kept his voice mild, and he managed to drag his gaze off Claire. “I didn’t kill him.”

Gwen was watching him with narrowed eyes. “You’re used to getting exactly what you want, aren’t you, York?”

“Most days,” he allowed.

Trace had stepped closer to stare down at the photos.

“You walk in,” Lane’s voice had roughened. “You find a dead body, and you don’t call the cops? Bullshit.”

“I walked in,” Noah said, “I found the dead body, and I got worried.”

Claire jerked.

“Worried about Ms. Kramer?” Gwen scooped up the photos. “Because you thought she’d killed Harrison?”

He had to give them the truth here. “Yes.”

Claire rocked back on her heels.

“I thought she’d killed him, and my first instinct was to get to her.”

“Because…” Now Gwen’s sharp-eyed stare raked him, then Claire. “Because Ms. Kramer has a history of instability, and you worried that the confrontation in the lobby had—what? Driven her over the edge?”

Claire’s hands fisted at her sides.

“I just wanted to make sure she was safe,” Noah said. Damn, this sucked. He wanted to grab Claire and pull her close. He wanted—

You’re used to getting exactly what you want, aren’t you? The detective’s question had been spot-on.

Hell, yes, he was used to getting what he wanted. Noah shifted his body, and his hands curled around Claire’s shoulders. “It wouldn’t have mattered to me,” he said as he stared into Claire’s eyes. “I want you to know that.”

“Uh, it wouldn’t have mattered if she’d just killed a man?” Lane asked in disbelief.

Noah didn’t take his gaze off Claire. “I needed to find you and see that you were safe.” His breath heaved out. “You were, and I realized damn fast that you hadn’t killed the senator.” His eyes searched hers. For once, Claire seemed closed off from him. He couldn’t tell what she was thinking or feeling and that drove him crazy. “My priority is protecting you, it has been from the beginning.”

Not because of some debt he owed.

Because she was…Claire.

“Another little interesting coincidence we found,” Gwen announced, drawing Noah’s attention. “When I was down in Alabama, I met a man named Drake Archer.”

Hell. Noah kept his hold on Claire as he waited for Gwen to drop another bombshell.

“It turned out the guy has a military record, one linked to you and…” She inclined her head toward a silent Trace. “You, too, Mr. Weston. You are Trace Weston, correct? Because you look just like the pictures I saw online.”

“I’m Weston,” Trace agreed. His expression could have been carved from stone.

Lane whistled. “Seems you three were quite the deadly team back in the day.”

Back then, and now.

Suspicion shone in Gwen’s eyes. “Archer had demolitions training. I’m thinking it would be pretty easy for him to rig a car to explode.”

Yes, it would be. Noah let his brows climb. “So now you think I’ve got my friends killing, too?”

“I think you get what you want…just like I said before.” She flashed another hard grin. “This time, though, I’m about to get what I want.”

“Trace…” He growled his friend’s name because he knew what was coming. “Stay with Claire.”

“You’re a person of interest in the murder of Senator Harrison.” Gwen pulled a small, white envelope out of her jacket pocket. “And I have the authority to take you in for additional questioning.”

“You’re going to drag me back to D.C.?”

“No, I’ll be dragging you down to the NYPD. We’re cooperating with them, you see. Because we think the murders of a PI named Sloan Hall and Senator Harrison are connected. Same MO. And the ballistics match proved the killer used the same gun for both crimes.”

Claire gave a frantic shake of her head. “You’re wrong. Noah didn’t kill Sloan. He was with me! He didn’t—”

“Every minute? Was he really with you every, single minute?” Lane pressed, his doubt obvious. “Because I’m betting he could have slipped away, and I think you know that, too.”

Claire swallowed. “Noah didn’t do it.”

“Then he can just explain to us who did kill the senator and Sloan Hall…he can explain all that down at the NYPD.” Lane slapped his hand on Noah’s shoulder. “Let’s go, York.”

“Call my lawyer,” Noah said to Trace. Because he knew the cops were about to go after him with every bit of power they had.

Lane pushed him past Claire.

“Stay with Trace,” he told her. “Stay with him.”

“Noah?” Worry darkened her eyes.

“I’ll be back before you know it.” But he would be damned if he’d leave her unprotected until he got this shit sorted out.

A few minutes later, Noah found himself being pushed into the back of Lane and Gwen’s unmarked car. At least it wasn’t a patrol car, but he knew word about this incident would spread through the city like wildfire. Engaged one night, arrested the next. A scandal like that would make headlines.

The cops climbed in the front of the vehicle. Before Lane could turn the key, Noah drawled, “Are you both really sure you want to go up against me?”

Gwen glanced back at him. “Am I supposed to be afraid of you?”


“We do our jobs, and we don’t care how much power you have.”
