Read Books Novel

Moon Child

And not only that, I knew the hour of his death, and it was approaching.


The beachfront homes gave way to marshy lands which gave way to beautiful condos and hillside homes. I swept over UCI and into a low-lying cloud which scattered before me, dispersed by my powerfully beating wings.

I had a decision to make. I had the biggest decision of my life to make. So I had to think. I had to get away, even for just a few minutes to sort through it. I had to know that what I was about to do, or not do, was the right decision.

Until I realized there was only one answer.

I was a mother first. Always first, and if I had a chance to save my son, you better damn well believe I was going to save him.

I flapped harder, powering through the cloud and out into the open air. My innate sense of navigation kicked in and I was locked on to St. Jude’s Hospital in Orange.

Chapter Two

It was late when I swept into the parking lot.

I circled just above the glow of halogen lighting, making sure the parking lot was indeed empty, before dropping down next to my minivan.

To think that this hulking, winged creature owned a five-year-old minivan with license plates that were about to expire was laughable. No, it was incomprehensible.

I wasn’t worried about security cameras. They would capture nothing…except maybe a car door opening and closing…followed later by a spunky, thirty-seven year old mother who may or may not fully appear in the image, depending on whether I wore make-up. Without make-up, the camera would capture only the curvy outline of empty clothing.

Of course, knowing that I did not appear on camera prompted me to remember to wear make-up, including a light coating on my arms and backs of my hands. Still, no doubt there were hundreds of surveillance videos out there of an unseen woman. Want to know how to find vampires? Check surveillance video.

For now, though, I alighted near the van’s cargo door, which itself faced a listless magnolia tree. The tree was surrounded by some low bushes and curved pipes that I assumed had something to with the hospital’s plumbing. But what the hell did I know?

The area wasn’t quite big enough to accommodate a hulking, mythical monster, and I ended up trampling some of the bushes, breaking a branch and denting one of the pipes.

Life goes on.

In my mind’s eye, I saw the woman in the flame, watching me calmly, waiting. I focused on her, and she seemed to move toward me, or I to her. I was never sure which. The feeling that came next was difficult to describe, since there really was no feeling. As if awakening from a short nap, I gasped lightly, and raised my head. I was on one knee, which was digging into a small spider plant that had seen better days. I fluffed up the little plant and stood. Next, I reached under my fender and found the small hide-a-key that I kept there.

Shh. Don’t tell anyone.

I unlocked the minivan and slipped inside. My clothing was still there, and a few minutes later, after a quick dusting of foundation, I emerged from the minivan, purse in hand. The transformation from giant monster bat into a concerned mommy was now complete.

My life is weird.

I checked the time on my cell. It was just after 2:00 a.m. I would say the vampire’s hour, but the truth is, any time between sundown to sunup are the vampire’s hours.

My daughter Tammy was staying with my sister, and no doubt they had all gone home by now. After all, Anthony appeared, to all those concerned, to be fairly stable. It was only me and my heightened extrasensory perception that suspected that not all was as it seemed.

Indeed, I knew my son had only hours to live. If that.

I had taken some of that time to come to a decision.

And I had made my decision.

With the waxing moon overhead shining its silent strength, a strength I seemed to somehow draw from, I turned and headed for the hospital, knowing the staff there would allow me in to be with my sick son.

A sick son, I thought determinedly, who would be sick no more.

Chapter Three

"Hello, Samantha," said Rob, the front desk security guard. Rob was a big guy who probably took steroids. You know there’s trouble when the night shift at a children’s hospital knows you by name.

I said "hi" and he smiled at me kindly and let me through.

At the far end of the center hallway was a bank of elevators. As I headed toward it, I heard a vacuum running down a side hallway. I glanced casually at the cleaning crew working away…and saw something else.

Crackling, staticy balls of light hovered around the cleaning crew. Many such balls of light. I knew what these were now. They were spirits in their purest forms. Some called them orbs, and sometimes they showed up on photographs. Many non-believers assumed such orbs were dust on the lens. But the camera could never fully capture what I could see. To my eyes, the balls of light were alive with energy, endlessly forming and reforming, gathering smaller particles of energy around them like mini-black holes in outer space. But there was nothing black about these. Indeed, they were often whitish or golden, and sometimes they appeared red. And sometimes they were more than balls. Much more. Sometimes they were fully formed humans.

As I swept past the hallway, a cleaning lady looked up at me. I smiled and turned my head just as one of the whitish electrified balls seemed to orient on me. Soon it was behind me, keeping pace with me.

I just hate being followed by ghosts.

And as the elevator doors closed in front of me and I selected the third-floor button, the ball of white light slipped through the elevator’s seam and joined me for a ride up.

It hovered just in front of me, spitting fire like a mini sun. It moved to the right and then to the left, and then it hovered about a foot in front of my face.

The elevator slowly rose one floor.

"It’s not polite to stare," I said.

The ball of light flared briefly, clearly agitated. It then shot over to the far corner of the elevator and stayed there for the rest of the ride up.

The doors dinged open and I stepped out onto my son’s floor.


* * *

Danny was there, sleeping.

He was sitting in one of the wooden chairs at the foot of the bed. His head had flopped back and he was snoring loudly up at the heavens. Probably irritating the hell out of God. One thing I didn’t miss from living with the man was all his damn snoring.

Well, that and the cheating.

My son wasn’t snoring. He was sleeping lightly. A black cloud hung over him, a black cloud that only I, and perhaps others like me, could see.

And it wasn’t so much as hovering as surrounding him completely, wrapping around his small frame entirely. A blanket, perhaps. A thick, evil blanket that seemed intent on obliterating the bright light that was my son.

The lights were off, although I could see clearly enough. The energy that fills the spaces between the spaces gives off an effervescent light. These were individual filaments, no bigger than a spark. By themselves, the light didn’t amount to much. But taken as a whole, and the night was illuminated nicely.
