Read Books Novel

Morning, Noon & Night

"Why did you leave Russia to come to Americat Kaminsky shrugged. ‘ is more opportunity here.’ Opportunity for what? Tyler wondered. There was something evasive _about the man’s manner. They spoke for twenty minutes, and at the end of -that time , was convinced that Dmitri Kaminsky was concealing something. Tyler telephoned Fred Masterson, an acquaintance of his with the FBI. ‘, I want you to do me a favor."

"Sure. If I’m ever in Chicago, will you fix my traffic ticketst ”m serious.’ 189 ‘." want you to check on a Russian who came over here six months ago." a minute. You’re talking CIA, aren’t yout "Maybe, but I don’t know anyone at CIA." do U ‘, if you could do this for me, I would really be grateful.’ Tyler heard a sigh.

"Okay. What’s his namet ‘ Kaminsky."’ll tell you what I’ll do.

I know someone at the Russian Embassy in DC. I’ll see if he has any information on Kaminsky. If not, I’m afraid I can’t help you."’d appreciate it.’ That evening, Tyler had dinner with his father.

Subconsciously, Tyler had hoped that his father would have aged, would have become more fragile, more vulnerable with time. Instead, Harry Stan *ford looked hale and hearty, in his prime. He’s going to live forever.

Tyler thought despairingly. He’ll outlive all of us. The conversation at dinner was completely one sided. ‘ just closed a deal to buy the’power company in Hawaii … – ”m flying over to Amsterdam next week to straighten out some GATT complication … 190 ‘ secretary of state has invited me to accompany him to China-‘ Tyler scarcely got in a word.

At the end of the meal, his father rose. ‘ are you coming along with the servant problem?"’m still checkin g them out, Father.", don’t take forever,’ his father growled, and walked out of the room. The following morning, Tyler received a call from Fred Masterson at the FBI.

"Tyler?"." picked a real beauty.’ 40ht ‘ Kaminsky was a hit man for polgoprudnenskaya."[email protected] hell is that ”ll explain.

There are eight criminal groups that have taken over in Moscow. They all fight among themselves, but the two most powerful groups are the chechens and the polgoprudnenskaya. Your friend Kaminsky worked for the second group. Three months ago, they handed him a contract on one of the leaders of the chechens. Instead of carrying out the contract, Kaminsky went to him to make a better deal. The polgoprudnenskaya found out about it and put out a contract on Kaminsky. Gangs have a quaint custom over there. First they chop off your fingers, then they 191 let you bleed for a while, and then they shoot you." God!" got himself smuggled- out of Russia, but they’re still looking for him. And looking hard."’s incredible,’ Tyler said. ”s not all. He’s also wanted by the state police for a few murders. If you know where he is, they’d love to have that information.’ Tyler was thoughtful for a moment. He could not afford to get involved in this. It could mean giving testimony and wasting a lot of tirne. ‘ have no idea. I was just checking him out for a Russian friend. Thanks, Fred.’ Tyler found Dmitri Kaminsky in his room, reading a hardcore porno magazine. Dmitri rose as Tyler walked into the room. ‘ want you to pack your things and get out of here.’ Dmitri stared at him. ”s the mattert Tm giving you a choice. You’re either out of here by this afternoon, or I’ll tell the Russian police where you are.’ Dmitri’s face turned pale. ‘ you understand?". I understand.’ Tyler went to see his father. He’s going to be pleased, he thought. rve done him a realfavor. He found him in the study. 192 ‘ checked on all the staff,’ Tyler said, ‘ … " "I’m im. Did you find any little boys to take to bed with yout Tyler’s face turned red. ‘.. ”re a queer, Tyler, and you’ll always be a queer. I don’t know how the hell anything like you came from my loins. Go on back to Chicago with your gutter friends.’ Tyler stood there, fighting to control himself. ‘,’ he said stiffly. He started to leave. ‘ there anything about the staff you found out that I should knowt Tyler turned and studied his father a moment. ‘,’ he said slowly. ‘.’ When Tyler -went to Kaminsky’s room, he was packing.

, ”m going,’ Kaminsky said sullenly. ”t. I’ve changed my mind." Dmitri looked up, puzzled. " don’t want you to leave. I want you to stay on as my father’s bodyguard." about … you know, the other thing?"’re going to forget about that.’ Dmitri was watching him, warily. ‘? What do you want me to dot ”d like you to be my eyes and ears here. I need someone to keep an eye on my father, and let me know what goes on.’ 193 .’Why should IT ‘ if you do as I say, I’m not going to turn you over to the Russians. And because I’m going to make you a rich man.’ Dmitri Kaminsky studied him a moment. A slow grin lit his face. ”ll stay.’ It was the opening gambit. The first pawn had been movea d. That had been two years earlier. From time to time, Dmitri had passed on information to Tyler. It was mostly unimportant gossip about Harry Stanford’s latest romance or bits of business that Dmitri had overheard. Tyler had begun to think he had made a ims-, take, that he should have turned Dmitri in to the police. And then the fateful telephone call had come from Sardinia, and the gamble had paid off. ”m with your father on his yacht. He just called his attorney. He’s meeting On in Boston Monday to change his will.’ Tyler thought of all the humiliations his father hadd heaped on him through the years, and he was filled with a terrible rage. Ifhe changes his will, I’ve taken all those years of abusefor nothing. -rm not going to let him get away with this!

There is only one way to stop him. ‘, I want you to call me again on Saturday.".’ Tyler replaced the receiver and sat there, thinking. It was time to bring in the knight.

Chapter Sixteen

In the Circuit Court of Cook C6unty, there was a constant ebb and flow of defendants accused of arson, rape, drug dealing, murder, and a variety of other illegal and unsavory activities. In the course of a month, Judge Tyler Stanford dealt with at least half a dozen murder cases. The majority never went to trial since the attorneys for the defendant would offer to plea bargain, and because the court calendars and prisons were so overcrowded, the State would usually agree. The two sides would then strike a deal and go to Judge Stanford for his approval. The case of Hal Baker was an exception. Hal Baker was a man with good intentions and bad luck. When he was fifteen, his older brotherhad talked him into helping him rob a grocery store. Hal had tried to dissuade him, and when he couldn’t, he went along with him. Hal was caught, and his brother escaped. Two years later, when Hal Baker got out of reform school, he was determined never to get in trouble with 195 the law again. One month later, he accompanied a friend to a jewelry store. ‘ want to pick out a ring for my, girlfriend.’ Once inside the store, his friend pulled out a gun and yelled, ‘, is a holdup!’ . In the ensuing excitement, a clerk was shot to death. Hal Baker was caught and arrested for armed robbery. His friend escaped. While Baker was in prison, Helen Gowan, a social worker who had read about his case and felt sorry for him, went to visit him. It was love at first sight, and when Baker was released from prison, he and Helen were married. Over the next eight years, they had four lovely children. Hal Baker adored his family. Because of his prison record, he had a difficult time finding jobs, and to support his family he reluctantly went to work for his brother, carrying out various-acts of arson, robbery and assault.
