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Morning, Noon & Night

"Absolutely, Tyler. That’s a wonderful thing you’re doing.’ Tyler moved Margo into his home and spent five full days briefing her on the Stanford family. ‘ are the names of your brotherst ‘ and Woodruff."."’s right – Woodrow." do we call himt "Woody." you have a sistert ‘. Kendall. She’s a designer." she married?"’s married to a Frenchman. His name is … Marc Renoir.".’ 207 ‘." was your mother’s narnet "Rosemary Nelson. She was a governess to the Stanford children." did she leavet ‘ got knocked up by …"!’ Tyler admonished her.

"I mean, she became pregnant by Harry Stanford." happened to Mrs. Stanfordt ‘ committed suicide." did your mother tell you about the Stanford childrent Margo stopped to think for a minute. ‘ "There was the time you fell out of the swan boat." didn’t fall out!" Tyler said. ‘ almost fell out.". Woody almost got arrested for picking flowers in the Public Garden." was Kendall …’ He was ruthless. They went over the scenario again and again, late into the nights, until Margo was exhausted. ‘ was bitten by a dog." was bitten by the dog.’ She rubbed her eyes. ‘ can’t think straight anymore. I’m so tired. I need some sleep." can sleep later!" long is this going to go ont she asked defiantly. 208 ”I think you’re ready. Now let’s go through it again.’ And on it went, over an dover, until Margo became letter perfect. When the day finally – arrived that she knew the answer to every question Tyler asked, he was satisfied. ”re ready,’ he said. He handed her some legal documents.

"What’s thist ”s just a technicality,’ Tyler said casually. What he had her sign was a paper giving her share of the Stanford estate to a corporation controlled by a second corporation, which in turn was controlled by an offshore subsidiary -of which Tyler Stanford was the sole owner. There was no way they could trace the transaction back to Tyler. Tyler handed Margo five thousand, dollars in cash. ”ll get the balance when the job is done,’ he told her. ‘ convince them that you’re Julia Stanford.’ From the moment Margo had appeared at Rose Hill, Tyler had played the devil’s advocate. It was the classic antipositional chess move. Irm sure you can understand our position, Miss … er … Without some Positive proof, there’s no way … I think the lady is afraud … ‘ many servants worked in this house when we were children? … Dozens, right? And some of them would have known everything this young lady told us … 209 Any one of them could have given her that photograph Let’s not forget that there’s an enormous amount Of money involved’ His crowning move had been when he had demanded a DNA test. He had called Hal Baker and given him his new instructions: ‘ up Harry Stanford’s body and dispose of it.’ And then his inspiration of calling in a private detective. With the family present, he had telephoned the district attorney’s office in Chicago.

"This is Judge Tyler Stanford I understand that your office retains a private detective from time to time who does excellent workfor you. His name is something like Simmons or -", you must mean Frank Timmons."

"Timmons! Yes, that’s it. I wonder if you could give me his telephone number so I can contact him directly?’ Instead, he had summoned Hal Baker and introduced him as Frank Timmons. At first Tyler had planned for Hal Baker merely to pretend to go through the motions of checking on Julia Stanford, but then he decided it would make a more impressive report if Baker really pursued it. The family had accepted Baker’s findings without question. Tyler’s plan had gone off without a hitch.

Margo Posner had played her part perfectly, and the fingerprints had been the crowning touch. Everyone was convinced that she was the real Julia Stanfor-d. 210 7, for one, am glad it’s finally settled Let me go up and see if she needs any help.’ He went upstairs and walked along the corridor to Julia’s room. He knocked at her door and called loudly, Vulia?"’s open. Come in.’ He stood in the doorway and they stared silently at each other. And then Tyler carefully closed the door, held out his hands, and broke into a stbw grim When he spoke, he said, ‘ did it, Margo! We did it!"

Chapter Eighteen

In the offices of Renquist, Renquist & Fitzgerald, Steve Sloane and Simon Fitzgerald were having coffee. ‘ the great hard once said, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.""’s bothering you?" Fitzgerald asked. Steve sighed. ”m not sure. It’s the Stanford family.

They puzzle me! Simon Fitzgerald snorted. ‘ the club." keep coming back to the same question, Simon, but I can’t find the answer to it-."’s the question?" family was anxious to exhume Harry Stanford’s body so they could check his DNA against the woman’s. So I think we have to assume that the only possible motive for getting rid of the body would be to ensure that the woman’s DNA could not be checked against Harry Stanford’s. The only one who could have anything to gain from that would be the woman herself, if she were a fraud! ‘." yet this private detective, Frank Timmons – I 212 checked with the district attorney’s -)ffice in Chicago, and he has a great reputation – ca ie up with fingerprints that prove she is the real 3ulia Stanford., My question is, who the hell dug up Harry Stanford’s body and whyt "That’s a billion-dollar question. If .. The intercom buzzed. A secretary’s voice came over the box. ‘. Sloane, there’s-a call for you on two., Steve Sloane picked up the telephone on the desk. ‘ ..

The voice on the other end of the line said, ‘. Sloane, this is Judge Stanford. I would appreciate it if you could drop by Rose Hill this morning.’ Steve Sloane glanced at Fitzgerald. ‘. In about an hourt "That will be fine. Thank you.’ Steve replaced the receiver. ‘ presence is requested at the Stanford house." wonder what they want."

"Ten to one they want to speed up the probate so they can get their hands on all-that beautiful money."? It’s Tyler. How are yout "Fine, thanks." really miss you.’ There was a slight pause. ‘ miss you too, Tyler.’ The words thrilled him. ‘, I have some really exciting news. I can’t discuss it over the phone., but it’s 213 something that’s going to make you very happy. When you and I -", I have to go. Someone’s waiting for me." … I The line went dead.
