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Morning, Noon & Night

There were paycheck deductions, and rent, and automobile expenses, and groceries, and clothes to buy. Julia owned a Toyota Tercel, and it seemed to her that she spent more on it than she did on herself. She was constantly borrowing money from Sally. 238 One evening, when Julia was getting dressed, Sally said, ”s another big Henry night, huh? Where’s he taking you tonigliff ”re going to Symphony Hall. Cleo Laine is performing." old Henry proposed against Julia hesitated. The truth was that Henry proposed every time they were together. She felt pressured, but she could not bring herself to say i6s. ”t lose him," Sally warned. Sally is Probably right, Julia thought. Henry Wesson would make, a good husband He’s … She hesitated. Be’s sober, reliable, decent … Is that enough? As Julia was going out the door, Sally called, Can I borrow your black shoest ‘.’ And Julia was gone. Sally went into Julia’s bedroom and opened the closet door- The pair of shoes she wanted was on the top shelf As she reached for them, a cardboard box that was sitting precariously on the shelf fell down, and its contents spilled out all over the floor. ‘!’ Sally bent down to, gather up the papers.

They consisted of dozens of newspaper clippings, photographs, and articles, and they were all about the Harry Stanford family. There seemed to be hundreds of them. Suddenly, Julia came hurrying back into the room. ‘ forgot my -‘ She stopped as she saw the papers on the floor. ‘ are you doing?’ [email protected] sorry,’ Sally apologized. ‘ box fell down.’ 239 Blushing, Julia bent down and started putting the papers back in the box. ‘ had no idea you were so interested in the rich and famous,’ Sally said. Silently, Julia kept shoving the papers into the box. As she gathered a handful of photographs, she came across a small gold heart-shaped locket ; her mother had given her before she died. Julia put the locket aside. Sally was studying-her, puzzled.

"Juliat ‘." are you so interested in Harry Stanfordt ”m not. I … This was my mother’s.’ Sally shrugged. ‘.’ She reached for a paper. It was from a scandal magazine, and the headline caught her eye: Tycoon GETS cmldrm’s GOVERNESS PREGNANT – BABY BORN OUT-017-WEDLOCK – MOTHER AND BABY DISAPPEAR! Sally was staring at Julia, openmouthed. ‘ God! You’re Harry Stanford’s daughted’ Julia’s mouth tightened. She shook her head and contmued putung the papers back. ”t yout Julia stopped. ‘, I’d rather not talk about it, if you don’t mind." Sallyjumped to her feet. ”d rather not talk about it? You’re the daughter of one of the richest men in the world, and you’d rather not talk about it? Are you insane?’ 240 ‘.. sm you know how much he was worth? Billions.’ That has nothing to do with me." you’re his daughter, it has everything to do with you. You’re an heiress! All you have to do is tell the aim y who you are, and .$No.’ "No … whaff ‘ don’t understand.’ Julia rose and then sank down on the bed. ‘ Stanford was an awful man. He abandoned my mother. She hated him, and I hate ‘ don’t hate anyone with that much money. You understand them." Julia shook her head." don’t want any part of them.", heiresses don’t live in crunnny apartments and buy clothes at flea markets, and borrow to pay the rent. Your family would hate knowing you live like this. They’d be humiliated." don’t even know I’m alive."

"Then you’ve got to tell them.". " the subject.’ Sally looked at her for a long time. ‘. By the way, you couldn’t loan me a million or two till payday, could you …

Chapter Twenty

Tyler was becoming frantic. For the past twenty-four hours he had been dialing Lee’s home number, and there had been no answer. no is he with?

Tyler agonized. What is he doing? He picked up the telephone and dialed once again. The phone rang for a long time, and just as Tyler was about to hang up, he heard Lee’s voice’. ‘."! How are You?, ‘ the hell is this?"’s Tyler."?’ There was a pause. ‘, yes." Tyler felt a twinge of disappointment. ‘ are you?",’ Lee said.

"I told you I was going to. have a wonderful surprise for you."?’ He sounded bored. ‘ you remember what you said to me about going to St. Tropez on a beautiful white yacht?" about it?" would you like to leave next month?’ 242 ‘ yo , serioust ‘ bet I am.", I don’t know. You’ve got a friend with a yacht?"’m about to buy a yacht."’re not on. something, are you, judget ‘ … ? No, no!

I’ve just come into some money. A lot of money.". Tropez, huh? Yeah, that sounds great. Sure, I’d love to go with you.’ Tyler felt a deep sense of relief. ‘ Meanwhile, don’t …’ He couldn’t bring himself even to think about it. ”ll be in touch with you, Lee.’ He replaced the receiver and sat on the edge of his bed. ‘ love to go with you.’ He could visualize the two of them on a beautiful yacht, cruising around the world together. Together. Tyler picked up -the telephone book and turned to the yellow pages. he offices of John Alden Yachts Inc. are located on Boston’s Commercial Wharf. The sales manager came -up to Tyler as he entered. ‘ can I do for you today, sirt Tyler looked at him and said casually, ”d like to buy a yacht.’ The words rolled off his tongue. His father’s Yacht would probably be part of the estate, but Tyler had no intention of sharing a ship with his brother and sister.

243 ‘ or sailt ‘ … er … I’m not sure. I want to be able to go around the world in it."’re probably talking motor." must be white.’ The sales manager looked at him strangely. ‘, of course. How large a boat did you have in mindt Blue Skies is one hundred and eighty feet. ‘ hundred feet.’ The sales manager blinked. ‘. I see. Of course, a yacht like that would be very expensive, Mr. – …" Stanford. My father was Harry Stanford.’ The man’s face lit up. ‘ is no object,’ Tyler said. ‘ not! Well, Judge Stanford, we’re going to find you a yacht that everyone will envy. White, of course.

Meanwhile, here is a portfolio of some available yachts. Call me when -you decide which ones you’re interested in.’ Woody Stanford was, thinking about polo ponies. All his life he had had to ride his friends’ ponies, but now he could afford to buy the finest string in the world.
