Read Books Novel

Morning, Noon & Night

I don’t like being alone.’ Tyler took a deep breath. ‘ seems that I underestimated you. You’re a very clever young woman." from you, that’s a big compliment." hope that you’re also a reasonable young woman." depends. What do you call reasonablet ‘ million dollars. Cash.’ Her heart began to beat faster, ‘ I can keep the things I bought todayt ‘ of them.’ 250 e oo t k a deep breath. ‘ have a deal.’ d. I’ll get the money to you as quickly as I can. going back to Chicago in the next few days.’ He k a key from his pocket and handed it to her. ere’s the key to my house. I want you to stay there wait for me. And don’t talk to anyone! right! She tried to hide her excitement. Maybe Id have asked for more, she. thought. ”ll book you on the next plane out of here.’ _4 What about the things I bought … T "I’ll have them sent on to you.’ Good. Hey, we both came out of this great, didn’t 3 *,E, He nodded. ‘. We did! Tyler took Margo to Logan International Airport to see her off. At the airport she said, ‘ are you going to tell i kr,’the others? About my leaving, I mean.’ 10 I’ll tell them that you had to go visit a very good nd who became ill, a friend in South America! e looked at him wistfully. ‘ you want to know thing, judge? That yachting trip would have been un.’ Over the loudspeaker, her flight was being called. ”s me, I guess! ‘ a nice flight.". I’ll see you in Chicago.’ Tyler watched her go into the departures terminal 251 and stood there, waiting until the plane took off. Then he went back to the limousine and said to the driver, ‘ Hill.’ When Tyler arrived back at the house, he went directly to his room and telephoned Chief Judge Keith Percy. ”re all waiting for you, Tyler. When are you coming back? We’re planning a little celebration in your honor." soon, Keith,’ Tyler said.

"Meanwhile, I could use your help with a problem I’ve run into."

"Certainly. What can I do for yout ”s about a felon I tried to help.

Margo Posner. I believe I told you about her." remember. What’s the problemt ‘ poor woman has deluded herself into believing she’s my sister. She followed me to Boston and tried to murder me." God!

That’s terrible!’ -‘She’s on her way back to Chicago now, Keith. She stole the key to my house, and I don’t know what she plans to do next.

The woman is a dangerous lunatic. She’s threatened to kill my whole family. I want her committed to the Reed Mental Health Facility. If you’ll fax me the commitment papers, I’ll sign them. I’ll arrange for her psychiatric examinations myself." course. I’ll take care of it immediately, Tyler."’d appreciate it. She’s on United Airlines Flight 307. It arrives at eight fifteen tonight. I suggest that 252 ave people there at the ai Mort to pick her up. be to be careful. She should put in maximum Item rity at Reed, and not allowed any visitors."111 see to it. I’m sorry you had to go through this, Tyler.’ There was a shrug in Tyler’s voice. ‘ know what they say, Keith: "No good deed, no matter how small, unpunished."’ goes ed At dinner that evening Kendall ask "Isn’t Julia join Ing us tonightt Tyler said regretfully, "Unfortunately, no. She asked a ke ae to s y good-bye to all of you.

She’s gone to ta care o a friend in South America who’s had a stroke. f t was r at her sudden.’ t the will has not been.. ia has given me her power of attorney and wants to arrange for her share to go into a trust fund.’ ant placed a bowl of Boston clam chowder in ront o Tyler. A "Ah,’ he said. ‘ looks delicious! I’m hungry *… tonight.’ nited Airlines Flight 307 was making its final roach to O’Hare International Airport on sched- metallic voice came over the loudspeaker. ies and gentlemen, would you fasten your seat ts, pleaset Margo Posner had enjoyed the flight tremendously. 253 -She had spent most of the time dreaming about what ‘ was going to do with the million dollars and all the clothes andjewelry shehadbought. Andallbecause I was bustedl Isn’t that a kick! When the plane landed, Margo gathered the things she had carried on board and started to walk down the ramp. A flight attendant stayed directly behind her. Near the plane was an ambulance, flanked by two paramedics in white jackets, and a doctor. The flight attendant saw them and pointed to Margo. As Margo stepped off the ramp, one of the men approached her. ‘ me,’ he said. Margo looked up at him. " you Margo Posnert ‘, yes. What’s … T ”m Dr. Zimmerman.’ He took her arm. ”d like you to come with us, please.’ He started leading her toward the ambulance. Margo tried to jerk away.

"Wait a minute! What are YOU doing?’ she demanded. The other two men had moved to either side of her to hold her arms. ‘ come along quietly, Miss. Posner,’ the doctor said. ‘!’ Margo screamed. ‘ me!’ The other passengers were standing there, gaping. ”s the matter with all of yout Margo yelled. ‘ you blind? I’m being kidnapped! I’m Julia Stanford! I’m Harry Stanford’s daughted’ 254 course, you are,’ Dr. Zi Intnerman said sooth- 1191y. ‘ calm down.’ e o Th bservers watched in astonishment as Margo @"was cam ed into the back of the ambulance, kicking screaming., side the ambulance, the doctor took out a syringe d pressed the needle into Margo’s arm. ‘,’ he id.

"Everything is going to be all right.’ sy ou must be crazyl’ Margo said.

"You must be [email protected]@,Her eyes began to droop. e ambulance doors closed, and the ambulance c, away. Tyler got the report, he laughed out loud..He uld visualize the greedy bitch being carried off. He uld arrange for her to be kept in a mental health ity for the rest of her life. Now the game is really over, he thought. rve done it! The old man would turnover in his grave fhestillhad one — #’he knew that I was getting control of Stanford Enterprises. I’ll give Lee everything he’s ever dreamed of.

Pcrfect – Everything was perfect. The evcnts of the day had filled Tyler with a sexual f @xcitement. I need some refie . He opened his suitcase -and from the back of it took out a copy of Damron’s VFp. Guide. There were several gay bars listed in Boston, He chose the Quest on Boylston Street. I’ll skip dinner. 255 t, What ril go straight to the chib. And then he though an oxymoron! Julia and Sally were getting dressed to go to work. Sally asked, ‘ was your date with Henry last night?’ 61me same.9 ‘ bad, huh? Have the marriage banns been posted yet?" forbiff Julia said. ‘ is sweet, but … 9 She sighed. ‘ isn’t for me.’ she might not be,’ Sally said, ‘ these are for you.’ She handed Julia five envelopes. I They were all bills. Julia opened them. Three of them were marked overdue and another was marked Tiurd NOTICE. Julia studied them a moment. ‘, I wonder if you could lend me … 71 Sally looked at her in amazement. ‘ don’t under- stand YOU- 9 ‘ do you mean?, ”re working like a galley slave, you can’t pay your bills, and all you have to do is lift your little finger and you could come up with a few million dollars, give or take some change."’s not my. money." course, it’s your money!’ Sally snap*. ‘ Stanford was your father, wasn’t he? Ergo, you’re entitled to a share of his estate. And I don’t use the word ergo very often.’ 256 it. I told you how he treated my mother. Hen’t have left me a dime.’ ly sighed. ‘!
