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Morning, Noon & Night

There was no way to escape them. Julia took out her key and opened the door to her room. She stepped inside and turned on the light. ‘ well. Come in.’ Hidden behind the door, Hal Baker was caught by surprise, the knife in his raised hand. As the reporters shoved past him, he quickly put the knife back in his pocket and mingled with the group..Julia turned to the reporters. ‘ right. One question at a time, please.’ Frustrated, Baker backed toward the door and slipped out.

Judge Stanford was not going to be pleased. For the next thirty minutes, Julia answered questions as best she could. Finally, they were gone.

Julia locked the door and went to bed. In the morning, the television stations and newspapers featured stories about Julia Stanford. Tyler read the papers and was furious. Woody and Kendall joined him at the breakfast table. ”s all this nonsense about some woman calling herself Julia Stanfordt Woody asked. ‘? s a phony,’ Tyler said glibly.

"She came to the door yesterday, demanding money, and I sent her away. I didn’t expect her to pull a cheap publicity stunt like this. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of her.’ He put in a call to Simon Fitzgerald.

"Have you seen the morning paperst ‘.’ she’T’shisurconistaerrtist is going around town claiming that Fitzgerald said, ‘ you want me to have her arrested?"! That would only create more publicity". I want you to get her out of town." right. I’ll take care, of it, Judge Stanford." you.’ Simon Fitzgerald sent for’Steve Sloane. ”s a problem,’ he said. Steve nodded. ‘ know. I’ve heard the morning news and seen the papers. Who is shet ‘ someone who thinks she can horn in on the family fortune. Judge Stanford suggested we get her out of town. Will you handle hert ‘ pleasure,’ Steve said grimly. One hour later, Steve was knocking on Julia’s hotel room door. When Julia opened the door and saw him standing there she said, ”m sorry. I’m not talking to any more reporters. I ”m not a reporter. May I come int "Who are yout ‘ name is Steve Sloane. I’m with the law firm representing the Harry Stanford estate.". I see. Yes. Come in." Steve walked into the room. ‘ you tell the press that you are Julia Stanford?"’m afraid I was caught off guard. I didn’t expect them, you see, and. – ." you didclaim to be Harry Stanford’s daughtert ‘. I am his daughter.’ He looked at her and said cynically, "Of course, you have proof of that.", no,’ Julia said slowly. ‘ don’t." on,’ Steve insisted. ‘ must have some proof.’ He intended to nail her with her own lies. ‘ have nothing,’ she said. He studied her, surprised. She was not what he had expected. There was a disarming frankness about her. She seems intelligent. How could she have been stupid enough to come here claiming to be ffarry Stanford’s daughter without any proof? ”s too bad,’ Steve said. ‘ Stanford wants you to get out of town.’ Julia’s eyes widened. ‘ "That’s right." … I don’t understand. I haven’t even met my other brother or sister.’ So she’s determined to keep up the bluff, Steve thought. ‘, I don’t know who you are, or what your game is, but you could go to jail for this. We’re giving you a break. What you’re doing is against the law. You have a choice. Either you can get out of town and stop bothering the family, or we can have you arrested.’ Julia stood there in shock. ‘? I … I don, t know what to say."’s your decision." don’t even want to see met Julia asked numbly. ”s putting it mildly.’ She took a deep breath. ‘ right. If that’s what they want, I’ll go back to Kansas. I promise you, they’ll never hear from me again.’ Kansas. You came a long way to pull your little scam.

"That’s very wise.’ He stood there a moment, watching her, puzzled.

"Well, good-bye.’ She did not reply. Steve was in Simon Fitzgerald’s office. ‘ you see the woman, Stevet ‘. She’s going back home.’ He seemed distracted. ‘. I’ll tell Judge Stanford. He’ll be pleased."

"Do you know what’s bugging me, Simont " dog didn’t bark." beg your pardont ‘ Sherlock Holmes story. The clue was in what didn’t happen.", what does that have to do with ‘ came here without any proof. I Fitzgerald looked at him, puzzled. ‘ don’t understand.

That should have convinced you." the contrary. Why would she come here, all the way from Kansas, claiming to be Harry Stanford’s daughter, and not have a single thing to back it upt ‘ are a lot of weirdos out there, Steve."’s not a weirdo. You should have seen her. And there are a couple of other things that bother me, Simon."

"Yes?" Stanford’s body disappeared. When I went to talk to Dmitri Kaminsky, the only witness to Stanford’s accident, he had disappeared … And no one seems to know where the first Julia Stanford suddenly disappeared to.’ Simon Fitzgerald was frowning. ‘ are you s . T aying. Steve said, slowly, ”s something going on that needs to be explained. I’m going to have another talk with the lady.’ Steve Sloane walked into the lobby of the Copley Square Hotel and approached the desk clerk. ‘ you ring Miss. Julia Stanford, pleaset The clerk looked up.

"Oh, I’m sorry. Miss. Stanford has checked out." she leave a forwarding address?", sir. I’m afraid not.’ Steve stood there, frustrated. There was nothing more he could do. Well, maybe I was wrong, he thought philosophically. Maybe she really is an impostor. Now we’ll never know. He turned and went out into the street. The doorman was ushering a couple into a taxi. ‘ me,’ Steve said. The doorman turned. ‘, sir?". I want to ask you a question. Did you see Miss. Stanford come out of the hotel this morning?." certainly did.

Everybody was staring at her. She’s quite a celebrity. I got a taxi for her." don’t suppose you know where she went?’ He found that he was holding his breath. ‘. I told the cab driver where to take her." "And where was that Steve asked impatiently. ‘ the Greyhound bus terminal at South Station. I thought it was strange that someone as rich as that would …" do want a taxi.’ Steve walked into the crowded Greyhound bus terminal and looked around. Julia was nowhere to be seen.
