Read Books Novel

Morning, Noon & Night

"Isn’t there some way … ‘ o’clock tomorrow morning.1 – Steve turned and walked out of the office. In Durer’s office, the capitaine was happily coping with the barrage of reporters’ questions.

53 A television reporter asked, ‘ can you be sure it was an accidentt , Durer looked into the lens of the camera. ‘, there was an eyewitness to this terrible event. Monsieur Stanford’s cabin has an open veranda. Apparently some important papers flew out of his hand, onto the terrace, and he ran to retrieve them. When he reached out, he lost his balance and fell into the water. His bodyguard saw it happen and immediately called for help. The ship stopped, and they were able to retrieve the body." did the autopsy showt ‘ is a small island, gentlemen. We are not properly equipped to do a full autopsy.

However, our medical examiner reports that the cause of death was drowning. We found seawater in his lungs. There were no brvises or any signs of foul play." is the body nowt – , ‘ are keeping it in the cold storage room until authorization is given for it to be taken away! One of the photographers said, ‘ you mind if we take a picture of you, capitainet Capitaine Durer hesitated for a dramatic moment. ‘.

Please, gentlemen, do what you must.’ And the cameras began to flash. He had lunch at La Fontana on Rue NOtre Dame, and with the rest of the day to kill, started exploring the town. 54 -Ajaccio was a colorful Mediterranean town that still basked in the glory of having been Napoleon Bonaparte’s birthplace. I think Harry Stanford would have -identfied with this place, Steve thought. it was the tourist season in Corsica, and the streets were crowded with visitors chatting away in French, Italian, German and Japanese. That evening Steve had an Italiaii’dinner at Le Boccaccio and returned to his hotel. ‘ messagest he asked the room clerk, optimistically. ‘, monsieur.’ He lay in bed haunted by what Simon Fitzgerald had told him about Harry Stanford. Did she get an abortion? No. Harry wanted her to have one, but sherefused They had a terrible scene. He told her he loved her and wanted to marry her. Of course, he had told that to dozens of women. But Emily overheard their conversation, and in the middfe of that same night she commit- ted suicide. Steve wondered how she had done it. He finally fell asleep. At ten o’clock the following morning, Steve Sloane appeared again at the Pr6fecture. The same sergeant was seated behind the desk. ‘ morning,’ Steve said. 55 ‘, monsieur. Can I help to assist yout Steve handed the sergeant another business card. ”m here to see Capitaine Durer." moment.’ The sergeant got up, walked into the inner office, and closed the door behind him. Capitaine Durer, dressed in an impressive new uniform, was being interviewed by an RAI television crew from Italy. He was looking into the camera. ‘ I took charge of the case, the first thing I did was to make certain that there was no foul play involved in Monsieur Stanford’s death.’ The interviewer asked, ‘ you were satisfied that there was none, capitainet "Completely satisfied. There is no question but that it was an unfortunate accident.’ The director said, ‘. Let us cut to another angle and a closer shot.’ The sergeant took the opportunity to hand Capitaine Durer Sloane’s business card. ‘ is outside." is the matter with yout Durer growled. ”t you see I’m busy? Have him come back tomorrow.’ He had just received word that there were a dozen more reporters on their way, some from as far away as Russia and South Africa. ‘."." you ready, capitaine?’ the director asked. Capitaine Durer smiled. ”m ready.’ The sergeant returned to the outer office. ‘ am sorry, monsieur. Capitaine Durer is out of business today.’ 56 ‘ am I,’ Steve snapped. ‘ him that all he has to do is sign a paper authorizing the release of Mr. Stanford’s body, and I’ll be on my way. That’s not too much to ask, is itt – ‘ am afraid, yes. The capitaine has many responsibilities, and ”t someone else give me the authorizationt ‘, no, monsieur. Only the capitaine can do the authority-, ISteve Sloane stood there, seething. ‘ can I see himt ‘ suggest if you try again tomorrow morning. The phrase ‘ again’ grated on Steve’s ears. ”ll do that,’he said. ‘ the way, I understand there was an eyewitness to the accident – Mr. Stanford’s bodyguard, a Dmitri Kaminsky.". [email protected] ‘ would like to talk to hiin. Could you tell me where he’s staying. ‘." that a hoteff ‘, monsieur.’ There was pity in his voice. ‘ is a country., Steve’s voice rose an octave.

"Are you telling me that the only witness to Stanford’s death was allowed by the police to leave here before anyone could interrogate himt ‘ Drurer interrogated him.’ Steve took a deep breath.

"Thank you.’ 57 "No problems, monsieur.’ [email protected] Steve returned to his hotel, he reported back to Simon Fitzgerald. ‘ looks like I’m going to have to stay another night here.9 ”s going on, Stevet "The man in charge seems to be very busy. It’s the tourist season. He’s probably looking for some lost purses. I should be out of here by tomorrow."

"Stay in touch.’ In spite of his irritation, Steve found the island of Corsica enchanting. It had almost a thousand miles of coastline, with soaring, granite mountains that stayed snow-topped until July. The island had been ruled by the Italians until France took it over, and the combination of the two cultures was fascinating. During his dinner at the Cr8perie U San Carlu, he remembered how Simon Fitzgerald had described Harry Stanford. He was the only man I’ve ever known who was totally without compassion … a sadistic and vindictive man. Well, Harry Stanford is causing a hell of a lot of trouble even in death, Steve thought. On the way to his hotel, Steve stopped at a news- stand to pick up a copy of the International Herald Tribune. The headline read: WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THE STANFORD EMPIRE? He paid for the newspaper, and as he turned to leave, his eye was caught by the headlines 58 [email protected] some of the foreign papers on the Stand. He picked them up and looked through them, stunned. Every tories about the single newspaper had front-page s death of Harry Stanford, and in each one of them, his photocapitaine Durer was prominently featured aravh beaming from the pages. So that’s what’s keeping him so busy! We’ll see about that. At nine forty-five the followini’ morning, Steve returned to Capitaine Durer’s reception office. The sergeant was not at his desk, and the door to the inner office was ajar. Steve pushed it open and stepped inside. The capitaine was changing into a new uniform, preparing for his morning press interviews. He looked up as Steve enteread.
