Read Books Novel

Most Irresistible Guy

She wants him.

Her hands are parked on her hips.

Her eyes are guns, aiming for him.

Chills skate down my spine as she stares at the quarterback, licking her lips.

Holy smokes. The owner’s sister wants to take Cooper home tonight, and that can’t sit well with the guy who’s trying to prove his worth to the team.

“That’s quite a large jump,” Sierra says.

“And that handsome fellow is worth every penny,” Maxine replies, her voice dripping with desire.

“Three thousand,” Sierra repeats. “Do we have thirty-one hundred?”

A few others in the crowd jump in with higher bids.

But Maxine raises her price every time, staring at Cooper like she wants to eat him for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a midnight snack.

She keeps outbidding everyone, determination in her tone.

Sheer certainty she’ll win him.

And in that moment, the stark realization hits me.

I don’t want her to get her hands on him. I know Cooper is no saint. I’m not trying to keep him pure for me because this isn’t about me. This is about Cooper. I can read him. I can see something in his face. It borders on fear. A whole new kind of worry.

This is the owner’s sister making a play for him. This is his first year as the starting quarterback, and all I can think is Cooper doesn’t want to ruin his big chance by having to fend off an out-of-nowhere bid from a woman who wants to sink her sharp teeth into him.

My friend. My guy. Mine.

Maxine stares at him, slashing an arm through the air and declaring five thousand dollars, eliminating pretty much anyone else.

Sierra’s eyes light up. “Going once?” she asks, scanning the crowd, waiting for one last bid.

My brain whirs.

My mind races.

When I see Maxine wink at Cooper, I burn.

She thinks Cooper wants her.

I clench my fists, flashing back to what Cooper said to me about footing the bill.

I can’t let Maxine win him. I can’t let his entire season go to hell over something he’s not expecting.

She’s gunning for the quarterback’s blind side, and that does not fly with me.

I’m his left tackle. It’s my job to protect him. I won’t let him get sacked.

I make eye contact with him, tapping my nose, a signal.

“Going twice,” Sierra says, her voice trailing off.

Cooper’s eyes light up, and he brushes his finger on the side of his nose.

We are the only ones speaking each other’s language. He wants me to do this.

My arm shoots high in the air. Like a determined woman who won’t let anything take her guy down, I shout, “Ten thousand dollars!”

Sierra smiles crazily. “Do we have ten thousand one hundred?”

No one else speaks. No one says a word. I’m not sure if Maxine is shocked into silence or if everyone is.

But I think I am, too, especially when Cooper sweeps me up on the stage, and before I know it, he kisses me in front of the whole crowd.
