Read Books Novel

Most Irresistible Guy

I let go of that swoopy, crazy feeling in my chest. I say goodbye to all the tingles and shivers. This is where I want to be right now. His friend.

I punch his shoulder. “Go get ’em, Tiger.”

He does.

He turns the season around the next week, and the next and the next, putting the Renegades in playoff position by early December, and making the city fall in love with the new quarterback again—handsome, talented, good, and winning.

He’s the most valuable guy on the team, and he’s become the toast of the town.

When December coasts into San Francisco, it’s time for the annual players’ charity auction.

That means he needs me to work my magic.


Cooper’s hair is sticking up. He has some kind of crazy bed head look going on tonight. But that’s part of his appeal.

So is his tailored charcoal suit, which makes him look completely edible.

Not for me, of course.

I’m over all those crazy crushing feelings.

My goal tonight is simple. Make the guys look good before the auction to raise money for the children’s hospital. “We need to domesticate your lovely locks, Cooper. I think this gel will do.”

I hold up a tube of hair gel, my silver bracelets jangling on my wrists, as I prepare to put the finishing touches on the stars of the team.

“What is that goop?” he asks suspiciously.

“Why this? It’s called Goop for Guys. It’s perfect for you.”

We joke some more, along with the other guys here in the suite. They’re all wearing three-piece suits, and damn, there’s something so yummy about a good-looking man wearing a vest with a suit.

Something that gets my blood heated to hot.

But I’m not that girl anymore. I’m not longing for him like I have in the past. I can simply appreciate him as a man, while enjoying him as my buddy.

As I work on his hair, I eye his attire. “I like this. You rarely see anyone wearing a vest around here.”

“Is that your way of telling me you’re a vest woman?” he asks in a flirty voice that makes me want to flirt back with him.

Just for fun.

Not for anything more.

I laugh and whisper, “I’m an everything woman.”

He blinks, like he’s surprised I said that.

Hell, maybe I am, too.

But even though there’s some kind of energy and excitement in this room tonight, I know that’s all it is. Maybe a year ago, I would’ve wondered if our friendship would catch on fire and make us both melt from the heat.

Tonight, though? I know we’re solid, and we’ll finish the evening as we started it.

I run my gel-covered hands through his hair, taming it for the camera since the auction is being carried live on local TV. Surveying my handiwork, I issue my pronouncement.

“You are one hot quarterback.”

His lips part. He takes his time answering. “I am?”

I flash him a coy smile and pat his shoulder. “Of course you are.”

If I were in the audience, I’d bid on him. Not that I’m a bidding girl, and I don’t have that kind of money to play with, but he looks like a prize.

They all do.

I spin around, regarding the guys. Harlan, the running back; Jones, the receiver; and Rick, the kicker. “You boys are all so pretty.”

Rick crosses his legs. “You want to bid on me tonight, Vi?”

I decide to have fun with them since I’m in that kind of mood. “It’s all I can think about.” Rooting around in my purse, I find my wallet and grab a few bills. “Will twenty dollars be enough for you?”

As the guys tease about whether that’s too much to pay for Rick, Cooper tenses and scowls, almost as if he dislikes the idea of me bidding on Rick.

I point to Harlan. “How much for you?”

Another round of joking ensues, as well as more grumbles from Cooper.

I glance back at my friend. “Coop, are you as cheap as the others? Should I try for you?”

He scoffs. “I’m a premium kinda guy,” he says, confidently. Then, with those brown eyes pinned on mine, he adds, “But if you wanted to bid on me, I’d foot the bill for it.”

His tone is intense and serious. Like he means it, and I can’t help but wonder if he’s saying I should bid on him for some reason. I don’t know why he would want that. Everyone will be bidding on him—he’s the main attraction.

Soon, the auction is about to start, and Jillian, the team publicist, leads the guys out of the room.

I call out to Cooper, and he turns around. I walk over to him in my high-heeled boots that don’t make me as tall as him, but do shoot me a little bit closer.

I raise my hand and smooth out a strand of his hair that’s out of place. He’s been part of this auction for the last three years, but this is the first time he’s going out there as the team’s starting quarterback. “You’ve killed every year as the backup. You’ll kill it even harder as the starter, and you’ve been playing great the last three months.”
