Read Books Novel

Most Likely to Score

“You make me so fucking hard. So fucking crazy. I want you under me, writhing and moaning and calling my name,” he says as he pushes against me, a tease of what’s to come.

“I don’t think that’ll be an issue.” Arching up into him, I revel in the feeling of his hard-on between my legs, knowing that soon there won’t be any layers between us. I murmur in pleasure, breathing out his name. “Jones.”

He curses and thrusts against me. “Do you have any idea how attracted I am to you? I think about you constantly.” His words come out in a rush, thick with emotion, brimming with heat and need.

I blink then swallow, trying to make sense of what he’s just said. It feels like more than sex. More than lust. “You do?”

He nods vigorously. “So much, for so long.”

Something bursts inside me, everything I’ve held back, and words spill free. “It’s the same for me. It’s exactly the same for me.” My voice feels like it’s breaking, but it’s not tears—it’s the emotion all stirred up with a desire that’s been bottled and finally let loose.

He grins. “Yeah?”

“That’s why it was so much harder not to look at you. I never stare at the guys anyway, but you—I wanted to see all of you, and I had to resist.”

He crushes his mouth to mine, kissing me like it’s a claiming, hot and fevered, sending me into a frenzy. My hips rock up against him, and we have to get naked soon or I will die.

He knows it, too, because he pulls away from me and stands, kicking off his flip-flops. He’s only wearing a T-shirt and swim trunks that don’t hide how aroused he is. “You can look at me now. I’m fair game.”

“Take your clothes off, please. I’m begging you.” I scoot back on the bed, resting on my elbows, gawking happily.

“This is just for you,” he says, all rough and husky.

“Just for me,” I repeat as if I’m in a trance, hypnotized by his body, which I can finally relish.

He grips the bottom of his shirt with crossed hands then strips it off in one quick move.

“Oh God,” I gasp. “You’re beautiful.”

I’ve seen him shirtless before, but this is brand-new. It feels like an unveiling, a private show. I have the one and only seat, and it’s front and center. I gaze at him with ravenous eyes, memorizing the firm shape of his pecs, the muscles in his arms, the grooves of his abs.

The V.

Dear God, the V. My mouth waters. I lift my fingers. I have to touch him. His lips curve in a grin. He knows I’m on the edge.

“Take your shorts off,” I tell him, my voice like a feather as my eyes roam over him, finally free to enjoy the view. And, oh hell, do I enjoy him.

He cocks a brow. “Are you sure?”

I howl with frustration. “So sure. Please. Just please take your clothes off.”

I’m begging, and I don’t care. I want him naked. Every glorious inch.

He hooks his thumbs into his shorts and waggles his eyebrows. “More?”

“All. The. Way.”

He laughs and pushes them down.

My mouth waters. His dick should be illegal. “Oh my God,” I mutter in admiration as I stare at his hard, impressive length. Long, thick, and proud. It points at me.

Jones grips his length, stroking slowly, squeezing the head.

I spin around and crawl to him, a wild woman on her knees for the man she wants. Like that, I wrap a hand around him, and he growls. The skin is hot and smooth, like steel and velvet. The sound he makes when I touch him seems to reverberate in the room. I waste no time. I lower my head and take him in my mouth.

“Fuck, baby,” he groans, threading his fingers in my hair.

I flick my tongue over the head, sucking him, savoring the salty, delicious taste of his cock.

“Jillian.” My name is a warning. I don’t heed it. I suck harder and tighter, trying to bring him deeper. But his hands push my shoulders, gently shoving me off him. “If you keep doing that, I’ll come too soon.”

“I want to taste you coming.”

“I want that.” He dips his face to mine. “More than you can know. And I want to taste you, too. I want to eat you, spread you open, and devour you. But I need to be patently honest right now.”

I tense. “Yes?”

“I have wanted to fuck you for so long that what I want more than anything is to slide inside you and make you come like that.”

Somehow, I’m even wetter. That heavy aching pulse throbs between my legs. I wrap my hands around his neck, yanking him close as I whisper my deepest wish, “Please fuck me.”



My three favorite words ever.

Jillian begging me. Jillian asking me to take her. The woman I’m crazy for is wildly aroused.

Everything about her turns me on to an insane degree. But I find it incredibly problematic that she’s still dressed, so I solve the clothing issue in seconds, stripping off her shorts and her panties as she takes off her top.

Then she’s spread out and naked before me on the bed. “Jesus Christ, you’re gorgeous. Hotter than I ever imagined.” I savor the view of her perky tits, her trim, tight belly, her long, lean legs, and that thatch of dark hair that points home. My whole body is buzzed, bursting with adrenaline.

Faster than I can run a forty, I grab a condom from my wallet on the floor, roll it on my eager dick, and kneel between her thighs. “Spread your legs, baby.”

There’s no shyness in her. None at all as she lets her knees fall open for me. She’s bold and confident, and it makes my skin sizzle. What makes me even hotter is how she stares at me—but now it’s all of me, with wide eyes and permission. It’s fucking awesome, not because I’m so vain I need the confirmation, but because it’s her. There’s nothing sexier than the woman you want admiring you as if you’re the object of her fantasies. She can objectify me all night long if she wants.

I love what I’m seeing, too. A groan rumbles up my chest as I learn how wet she is, how slippery she feels when I glide two fingers over her pussy. She rocks up into my hand and parts her lips. Please, please, please.

I do as I’m begged, rubbing the head of my dick against her slick opening.

“Yes,” she moans, and it’s as if the word lasts for days.

I sink inside a few inches, shuddering as sparks tear through me from the first touch. This is better than all my dirty dreams of her, and I’ve had thousands. Hell, it’s eons better than every time I’ve jacked off while imagining how it would feel to bury myself in her.

There is nothing, nothing at all, like the real thing.

She ropes her arms around my back, looks up into my eyes, and whispers, “All of you. I want all of you.”

An obliterating wave of lust rolls over me as I sink into her, savoring the heat of her pussy, filling her completely. Sensations fire off in my body, like fireworks every-fucking-where. She’s so warm, so tight, and I can’t believe I’m finally having her.

This is where I want to be, and it’s tremendous. Our eyes lock for a few seconds, and we’re silent, but it feels like we say everything—Finally. At last. I’ve wanted this. I’ve wanted you.

The last unspoken word echoes between us. You, you, you.

Then, we fuck.

We don’t go slow. We don’t ease into it. We’re off to the races, and she goes wild beneath me, arching and thrusting. She drags her nails down my back, scratching me.
