Read Books Novel

Most Likely to Score

I shut the hotel room door behind me, locking the chain.

I tiptoe, not because I need to, but because I want to. The lights are low, and when I enter the large, white-tiled bathroom, only the mirror lights are on. They illuminate him just enough. I see his reflection first in the mirror, and heat rushes to my core.

He’s naked in the shower.

He’s giving me my fantasy. Discovering him all alone.

As I walk into the room, I turn my gaze to stare directly at his carved, muscular body through the glass shower wall. He doesn’t look at me as he runs soap over his skin.

He’s bathing, and it’s erotic.

So much more than I dreamed.

That big left hand runs over his right pec, down his side, and I murmur, as if I’m watching a naughty video.

This is my filthy fantasy.

His private time.

As I watch him rub soap across those powerful thighs and legs, he doesn’t acknowledge me. I’ve become a voyeur, and I hope he’s saved the best till the audience arrived.

I walk past the enclosed shower, heading to the counter in front of the mirror. The shower is behind me now, and my back is to him as I stop at the counter. My view in the mirror reveals everything, shows every move he makes. He glides the bar of soap over his body, lathering up his arms, his stomach, and now his erection.

His hand slides over his hard-on.

A murmur falls from my mouth. He’s in silhouette, his hand washing his dick. He lets go of the soap, places it in the dish, and leans under the stream, rinsing the shampoo from his head. Both hands rise, giving me a view of those powerful arms as he drags them through his hair, the suds pooling at his feet.

With his eyes still closed, he lowers his hands, the right drifting down between his legs again.

His palm slides over his cock and strokes once, absently, as if he’s testing whether he wants to pleasure himself, as if he’s curious if he’s even in the mood.

I moan as a wild pulse beats in my body, heat rising in my core. As he runs a hand slowly down his shaft, desire rockets around inside me, flooding every square inch of my body. I’m dying to touch myself, to slide my fingers inside my panties and feel how slick I am.

But I don’t want to miss a minute of this private show. The pace of the water is relentless, insistent. The patter of the stream against the tiles is the soundtrack of his seduction as he grips himself, stroking his length. I can’t help but start to rock my hips. I’m dying to move my body against his, to find some relief for this absolute ache in my center.

Instead, I stare unabashedly in the reflection as he tugs on his cock, his other hand cupping his balls. His palm moves faster, his fist sliding over the head now, squeezing, then back down to the base. I’m so jealous of his hand. I want it to be my hand, my mouth, me. But I want this even more. I want this movie that he’s not acting in—he is in—to keep playing on the screen in the mirror.

I’ve never been more aroused in my life. He squeezes harder, his hips moving now, rocking, thrusting, and my God, he’s truly fucking his own fist.

I’m liquid. I’m a pool of heat. My skin flames red-hot, and my bones dissolve.

A loud groan echoes from the shower, and it triggers a wave of molten pleasure. The fact that he’s so turned on already is killing me. I jam my palms against the counter, gripping the edge, watching him, craving him, wanting to know what he looks and sounds like when he comes alone while thinking of me.

But tonight, he’s alone with me. His hand shuttles faster, up and down his erection. He still doesn’t meet my gaze, and I love it. I love that he’s showing me what he does when I’m not here.

His lips part.

A harsh breath comes.

A jerk of his hand.

A thrust of his hips.

A visible shudder.


My name is a dirty word. I break. I can’t take it anymore. I’ve become a bonfire, and I’m going to burn alive if I don’t get in there with him right now. Swiveling around, I strip in a frenzy, tossing my sundress on the floor along with my shoes, panties, and bra.

He turns to me, his eyes blazing with heat, even in the shadowy light. “Get in here.”

I nod. I’ll do anything he says. He opens the door, and I step into the shower with him. He doesn’t stop what he’s doing. His hand flies over his cock, and I’m on edge. So aroused. So wet. So needy.

His expression is marked with a lust that I want to experience for a long, long time. “You’re gonna make me come.” His voice is a growl.

I’m desperate as I answer, “I want to taste it. I want to taste you. Let me.”

He tips his chin. “Get on your knees.”

In a second, I’m on the floor, my knees digging into the tiles, my hands grabbing his hips, my eyes watching his.

He stares down at me as he jerks his length. “This what you pictured?” His hand is a blur. His words are rough.

“Yes, but it’s so much better.”

“Fuck, baby. The real thing is so much better with you.” His hand moves faster than I knew it could, and he grunts my name. His next words are one syllable only. Tinged with desire. “Yeah. Now. Fuck.”

He yanks his shaft to my lips and I open, but he doesn’t fill my mouth. He rubs the head over my top lip as he trembles and comes on my lips, rubbing it across my mouth. My tongue flicks out, licking it off, tasting him.

He pants and groans and swears again and again.

Like this is too much for him to take.

Like he can barely comprehend how hard he’s come, how much I want him.

He reaches for my shoulders and pulls me to my feet, wiping his hand across my mouth before he kisses me like a mad, hungry man. As our lips lock, his hand finds its way between my legs where he discovers how insanely wet I am there.

He breaks the kiss, murmuring in my ear, “You’re drenched, baby.”

I nod. I can barely speak now. I only want him to put me out of my misery. My sounds are wanton and wild as he strokes. It won’t take long at all. I’m practically there. He pushes two fingers inside, his thumb rubbing where I want him most, and all the nerve endings in my body sizzle at once, then crackle. An instant and shattering burst of exquisite pleasure overtakes me, and I come on his hand while his lips devour mine.

Afterward, he dries me off, carries me to his bed, finds a condom, and spreads me open once more. I’m still wet and eager for him, and he’s hard again, ready to go.

He sinks inside me, and we screw like the desperate creatures we are. But even as we pant, as we scratch, as we thrust, this time feels different. He brings me closer, wraps his arms tighter around me, lowers his mouth to my ear.

Becomes gentler.

More tender.


His words hook into me, surrounding me, warming my soul.

Want you.

Want this.

Wish I could have you again.

He takes me to the edge, talking dirty, talking sweet.

I’ll keep wanting this. I won’t stop wanting you.

Before I can even start to think about what this all means, I’m yanked under by another epic climax. He’s right behind me, flying in this land of ecstatic bliss by my side.

We spend the night together, and the morning comes far too soon, the dawn a cruel reminder that sultry, sexy Miami is nearly behind us and that we’re heading home to San Francisco, where our brief and explosive secret affair will become a fiery memory, one I will revisit over and over.

Endlessly, I’m sure, because I don’t know how I will ever get him out of my system.
