Read Books Novel

Most Valuable Playboy

My dick twitches with the fond memory of last night, making his presence in my pants even more noticeable. Cocky bastard. We reach the back of the salon and turn down a short hallway. I peer into one of the low-lit rooms and do a double take when I see a massage table in an empty room. “I didn’t know you did massage here.”

“Full-service spa, baby,” she says, stepping ahead of me to reach for the doorknob of what I presume is the utility closet. I call an audible in my head, though, changing the play right here on the line of scrimmage. I reach forward, grab her free arm, and tug her back.

She nearly stumbles, but I steady her, then pull her into the massage room.

“What are you doing?” she whispers as I close the door.

I grab the flowers and set them on the massage table.

“What I’ve been thinking about since you left this morning,” I say, as I walk her back to the wall beside the door, line up my body with hers, and kiss her.

Fuck, she tastes good. Like lip gloss and spearmint. I kiss her rough, with a singular goal in mind—kiss the breath out of her. My plan works. She slinks her arms around my neck and angles her lush body against me as she gives herself over to this kiss. I get lost for a minute in her taste, in her lips, in the feel of our mouths crushing together.

When we separate, she blinks, licks her lips, and says, “Wow.”

“All day. I’ve been thinking about that all day.” My voice is rough, full of need.

“You have?”

“So much.”

“Me, too,” she says, then tips up her chin, asking for more.

I grab her chin and bring her face closer. My lips are millimeters from hers, and for a few seconds I let this moment extend and unfold, our lips so damn close, nearly touching. Wanting and waiting. Then I slam my lips to hers, hungry for her. So damn hungry and greedy. I could kiss her all day. I could kiss her all night. I don’t want to stop. Because there’s so much of her to kiss. So much skin and flesh. I travel along her jaw, kissing her there as she gasps and moans and sighs my name. I push against her harder, grinding my hips into her body, and she pushes back. I bend slightly at my knees, finding a better angle, then rub my hard-on against her, right fucking there. “I’ve been thinking of how you taste. How you felt on my tongue.”

“Oh God, me, too,” she says, rubbing shamelessly into me, her voice like a confession.

“Yeah? What do you think about?”

She drags her finger over my top lip. “These perfect lips. The way you went down on me.” She cups my cheeks, stares into my eyes. “Mostly, how I felt when I looked down my naked body and saw this pretty face between my legs.”

The world goes up in flames.

Hot lust floods my veins, and my groin aches—just fucking aches for her. “Jesus Christ, Vi. That’s so fucking hot. I loved tasting you. I fucking loved making you come. Can’t get it out of my head. The way you sound. The way you move.”

“How did I sound?”

“Like you were desperate for me.”

She moans. “I was. I still am.”

I can’t resist. I inch my hand under her skirt, rubbing my fingers against the cotton panel of her panties. She’s soaked, beautifully fucking wet for me, and I need to feel all this slick heat. Need to touch her. Judging from her instantaneous reaction to my fingers—how she rocks against me—she needs it, too.

“Let me,” I rasp out.

She glances at the door, worry etched in her eyes. “I have an appointment in ten minutes.”

I flick my finger against her swollen clit through the panties. “Baby, I don’t even need that much time.”

She bites down on her bottom lip, holding in a cry. “I shouldn’t do this at work,” she manages, a feeble protest.

I drag my finger across her center. I’m fucking relentless. “Say the word and I’ll stop.”

No words come. Only whimpers. Only murmurs. Only gasps.

I bury my face in her neck, licking her skin to her ear. “You’re the boss, Vi.” I slip a finger inside her panties, and the blood rushes straight to my dick. She’s so soft and so wet. “No one knows you’re in the empty massage room, getting your sweet little pussy fingered by me.”

She sinks into my touch, whimpering my name. The way she says Cooper thunders through my body. It’s pure, liquid lust.

I grind against her, letting her feel my hard length. “All day long. My golf game was total shit. I’d line up a shot and think about the way you taste. I’d take a swing and remember how you moved against my mouth. You’re on fucking repeat in my head,” I say as I stroke her, my fingers sliding across all that heavenly sweetness.

She rocks with me, moaning, “I can’t take it. It’s so good.”

“You’ve been thinking about coming again, Vi?”

Her eyes squeeze shut. Her breath rushes fast. “So much.”

“Are you glad I stopped by?” I thrust a finger inside her, feeling the way she clenches me tightly. So fucking tight that I burn. My skin prickles with heat. My body floods with nothing but longing for her. I add a second finger.

Her mouth falls open and her head lolls back, hitting the wall. “So glad,” she says, panting as she fucks my fingers.

I growl her name. “I jacked off to you in the shower. God, it felt so fucking good.”

Her eyes snap open. “What were we doing? When you came?”

“I was fucking you, Vi. I was fucking you hard. Your palms were against the wall. Your hair was in my fist. I wasn’t a gentleman in the least.”

“Were you rough?” Her voice is colored with excitement.

“I gripped your hips and pounded into you, and I fucked you hard until you screamed my name.”

She moans my name now, as if she’s demonstrating how she’d sound. She dips down on me, grinding into my hand as I rub my thumb over her sensitive clit. “I got off to you, too,” she blurts out. “This morning after I was home.”

“Yeah?” I ask, and this turns me on even more. I didn’t think it was possible to be more wound up than I am right now, but picturing her with her legs spread, fucking her own fingers, does the trick. My entire body is strung tight with this raging desire. “What was I doing?”

“You wouldn’t let me touch you. But I wanted you so much, and I begged you to come on me.”

My brain goes haywire from her dirty mouth. I’m white-hot in every damn molecule in my body. I rub my hard-on against her hip just for the barest relief as I finger-fuck her. “You want to see that? That gets you off?”

“I want to see you naked,” she says, and her voice is the most desperate sound I’ve ever heard. She grinds and rocks and thrusts, and all I can think is how much I want the same things with her. How absolutely fucking much I want this woman under me, over me, beside me. With me.

“You will, baby,” I say, as I crush my mouth to hers, kissing her right when I know she’s about to shatter. As I kiss her, I feel as if I’m devouring her pleasure with my mouth, as if I’m swallowing whole the sounds of her orgasm as she comes on my hand.

A minute later, when she seems to float down from her high, I say with a grin. “By the way, I got you another gift.”

“You did?” Her voice is raspy.

“I thought you might need these,” I reach into the back pocket of my jeans and hand her a pair of bikini panties from Victoria’s Secret. Green with a giraffe print on them.
