Read Books Novel

Moving On

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Peter said, meaning it.

“Speaking of trouble, do you know Rose Slater?” Gabriel asked.

“What about her?” Peter tensed thinking about the other woman.

“She keeps coming into the station and then turns around leaving it. I don’t know what to do with her. It happens a couple of times a day,” Gabriel said.

“I don’t know what’s going on,” Peter said.

He knew where she lived, and he was going to find out.

“Okay, I’ll come and see William soon. Don’t let him know about my leaving.”

Peter waited for Gabriel to leave before heading in the opposite direction. He was worried about Rose. Her quitting the library was not like her. She’d spoken to him about going to college and doing so many things. Why would she suddenly be frequenting the sheriff’s office?

None of it made sense to him.

Crossing town, he headed toward her home. There were no cars in the driveway. He opened the gate, going down the garden path toward her house.

Before he could bail out he knocked on the door. After several minutes Rose opened the door. Her eyes went wide when she saw him. He saw she was shaking, and she looked past his shoulder.

“What’s going on, Rose, and don’t f**king lie to me,” he asked, warning her.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

Frustration ate at him. Charging past her, Peter slammed the door. Rose looked sick. Her blonde hair was bound in a clip, and she folded her arms. He saw her shaking, and he also heard the sound of her stomach growling.

“What the hell is going on?” he asked. Peter cupped her cheek, and she stared at his chest.

Wanting answers, he charged down her house, and when he passed the kitchen he glanced inside.

“Peter, please, stop. You shouldn’t be here,” Rose said.

He stopped and looked at the kitchen. What he saw turned his stomach. Going inside, he tested the chains to make sure it wasn’t a trick. They were locked solid.

Opening the fridge he saw the lines on the milk and the monitoring of the fridge.

“What the f**k is this?” he asked.

She lifted a hand to her face, wiping her eyes. He saw the glint of a diamond on her ring finger.

Grabbing her hand, he looked at the ring.

“Tell me what’s going on now,” he said.

Tears filled her eyes as she stared at him. “My Mom and Dad will be home soon.”

“Then you better f**king explain fast.” He let go of her hand. “How does a woman who wants to go to college and enjoys working at the library suddenly get engaged and quit her job?”

“You don’t understand?”

“Why is that same woman being monitored on what she eats?”

Peter had heard about this sort of lifestyle before for a submissive. Some submissives allowed for this kind of lifestyle. Rose was not in a submissive relationship. She was in her parents’ house.

Leaving the kitchen, he opened doors, cupboards and drawers looking for the scales, tape measure and notebook. He found them in the long cupboard. Flicking them open he got the answers as to why her lunch had been reduced.

“Tell me what the f**k is happening, or I’m phoning Gabriel to report abuse.”

He grabbed his cell phone ready to do it.

“Don’t. It’s Brad and my family.”

Peter stopped, looking at her. “Speak, Rose.”

She looked behind her before speaking. “I’m engaged to Brad, the guy you saw at the library. He’s the one who organised that.” She pointed at the book in his hand. “If I don’t marry him then my parents will kick me out. I don’t have what it takes to survive on my own, Peter. I’ve got to do what they say.”

“You look hungry, Rose. What are your meal times now, and what are you allowed?” he asked.

Her cheeks were red. He didn’t give a shit about her embarrassment. This kind of control was not healthy, especially to a woman like Rose. They were starving her and could be doing long term damage.

“I’m allowed a slice of toast for breakfast, two pieces of fruit for lunch and some dinner. I also have to complete ten miles a day on the running machine. Brad doesn’t want a fat bitch, and I’m to stick to a strict regimen and be a v-virgin on my wedding day.” Tears were pouring down her face as she spoke.

His heart went out to her.

“Why didn’t you come to me?” Peter asked. He would have done something to help her.

“Why would I come to you, Peter? You’re in love with another woman. I’ve got no one else to turn to. I know this is my future.”

Peter closed the distance, cupping her face. “This future will get you killed, Rose. Brad’s the one in control, and what makes you think he’s not going to stop this control or make it worse? He could make you go days without food.” He stopped as his anger threatened to consume him. Rose was being abused, and from the look inside the book this had been her life for a good few months and he’d not seen it. “Do you love him?”

She shook her head. “He scares me, Peter. If I don’t do as he says he’s going to share me with his friends. I don’t want to do that. I wouldn’t survive that. I’ll be good. I promised.”

He shook his head. “No, that’s not going to happen. Brad is bad news.” Peter cupped her cheek, resting his head against hers.

“There’s no stopping it.”

“Yeah, there is.”

“How?” Rose asked.

“You’re coming with me.” He stormed up the stairs, opening the doors until he found her room.


Rose had to stop him, but as she followed him up the stairs and entered her room, she couldn’t form the words. She watched him throw her clothes into an overnight bag, pack up some of her books, and then he was done. Peter was saving her from her parents and from Brad. It was only a matter of time before something bad happened to her. She knew the rumours about Brad had to be true. The way he kept warning her about sharing her with his three friends scared her. Each time he mentioned it, he looked more and more aroused. There was no stopping him, and Brad was the one who held all the cards right now. He made sure she knew who was in control of her and the situation.

“You can’t take me with you. If Brad finds out…” She couldn’t finish her words.

“I’m counting on Brad finding out. I’m not afraid of that little prick.” The violence in Peter’s words shocked her. “No one should ever withhold food like that.” He dropped her cases and stood near a wall. She couldn’t tear her gaze away as he thumped the wall.
