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Murder Game

Murder Game (GhostWalkers #7)(61)
Author: Christine Feehan

“You’re so f**king beautiful,” he whispered, his hands going to her br**sts.

He’d never forget this night or the way she looked. She’d loved him with every touch of her hands, with her mouth and now her body. She’d loved him and he felt it and knew what the word meant, what the emotion was. Love. He tasted the word and it tasted like cinnamon—like Tansy.

I have nothing else to give you. Only me, only my body, only the way I feel about you.

Tansy wanted this night to be perfect, her gift to be the ultimate expression of love. He had sacrificed for her, risked his life, and come back to her expecting nothing in return. This was all she had to show him what he meant to her.

You’re everything to me. And he meant it, filling her mind with the way he felt, with the overwhelming intensity of his emotions for her.

She lifted her body leisurely, as if she had all the time in the world, rolling one way and then the other, moving her h*ps in small circles as she slid up and then down, inch by inch, filling herself with the hard, thick length of him. His shaft was scorching, fiery-hot, hard, like velvet over steel, stretching and filling her to bursting. Going so slow, she could feel every inch of him, the friction sending streaks of pleasure up through her body, spreading to her thighs and br**sts in waves.

She opened her eyes to look at him and found him watching her through half-closed, glittering eyes. The emotion was stark and raw and so intense her vaginal walls rippled in response and her heart gave a funny flip. He looked at her with more than just dark lust; he looked at her as if she were the only one in his world. She could see a kind of worship in his eyes. His breath came in ragged pants and she felt the dig of his fingers into her hips.

A slow smile teased her mouth. “You really like this, don’t you?”

Kadan wasn’t certain he could get a sound out through his clenched teeth. Hell yeah. It was the best he could do when her tight sheath gripped and suckled, hotter than he’d ever known. He wanted the ride to be hard and fast, to grip and pound into her; the slow pace was killing him by degrees, but how could he give up the sensation of pure pleasure washing over and over him as she lifted her body and worked her muscles?

She rose again, a sultry, sensuous move that took his breath as she lowered herself again, her h*ps twisting into a tight roll that nearly destroyed him. His fingers dug into her h*ps hard, thighs bunched as he drove hard upward to meet that downward spiral. Lightning streaked again and his balls tightened painfully, her muscles tight and hot and strangling him.

He was done. At his end. He flexed his hands once, her only warning, and then he took control, lifting her with his enormous strength, driving her down onto him hard, tearing through those tight folds over and over, pounding into her the way he needed. He hit the back of her cervix and kept plunging deep and hard, using his strength and his speed. Her womb spasmed around him and the walls rippled and pulsed. Still he drove into her, hammering out a rhythm that took her over the edge fast.

He felt her shudder, felt her body clamp down on his. He refused to let it end for either of them, driving her to a second orgasm before the first subsided. Her muscles locked down, milking him hard, so that he couldn’t stop the violent explosion, tearing up past his legs, centering in his groin, flooding her deep with his hot release. Her keening cry echoed more in his mind than through the room, but his hoarse cry of satisfaction joined the soft sound.

Kadan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down over him like a soft, living blanket as the walls of her sheath continued to ripple powerfully around him.

Tansy. He whispered her name, his soft voice shaky with emotion even in her mind. How can I ever go back to living without you? He couldn’t. He wouldn’t.

She’d given him more than the most erotic experience he’d ever known; she’d given him a gift that was beyond measure. She hadn’t held back anything from him. She’d poured everything she was into their lovemaking. She’d given the gift of herself—of her love.

He rocked her gently, trying to regain control of his breathing, of his scattered wits. Around his, her body continued to rock with small aftershocks. He could feel the little shudders that went through her and the way she struggled to breathe. He rubbed his way down her back, massaged the curves of her bu**ocks, kissed his way along her shoulder and neck.

When she was quieter, he rolled her over, still buried deep, and found her mouth with his. His kissed her with everything he was, with every bit of tenderness he could manage. He was never a gentle man, and he certainly could never articulate in words the depth of his feeling for her, or his appreciation of what she’d given him, but he tried to show her, kissing her over and over, taking her mouth and giving her his own while his hands stroked caresses in her hair.

“Where in the hell did you get that oil?” He rolled to his side, allowing his body to separate from hers, tucking her close to him.

“I made it.” She brushed his hair from his face. “Did you like it?”

He turned his head to kiss her fingers. “You know I loved it, Tansy. What do you mean you made it?”

“I don’t suppose you noticed all the flower gardens on the estate? When I was a little girl my mother tried to think of things we could do together that would be fun, girly, and didn’t involve touching. So we gardened at first. I had my own little garden that really grew into a huge project. I loved being outdoors with her. She’d talk about all the different plants and their different uses historically. She mentioned perfume and oils and I was intrigued. She always smelled so good, and she told me how my dad took her to this perfume shop and had a special scent made just for her. I decided I wanted to do that myself.”

He nuzzled her neck. She smelled delicious. “So you did.”

She nodded, turning her head just a bit to give him better access. Maybe it was because she’d been deprived of human touch for so long that she craved his hands on her, but she wanted to feel his palm cupping her br**sts, his thumb stroking back and forth over her nipple and his mouth skimming the hollow of her shoulder.

“I did. And I discovered that different oils could be bases used for different purposes. Arnica can help with bruising and is great for massages. Grapeseed is a great moisturizer. There are so many natural oils and herbs and flowers that can be used for all sorts of uses while also creating great fragrances. The cinnamon is my favorite, and fortunately I found a way to make it absorb, taste, and smell good.”

“And you just happened to carry candles in your pack as well?” He leaned over and blew them out, then lay back, licking at her shoulder and then teasing with his teeth, producing a little shiver.
