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Murder Game

Murder Game (GhostWalkers #7)(65)
Author: Christine Feehan

“And you wanted to believe that.”

“I had to believe it, for my own sanity. She was my daughter. My own child. I wanted her living with us any way I could get her. And I knew Sharon would take a damaged child, no matter how bad she was. Sharon desperately wanted children.”

“You’re a selfish son of a bitch, aren’t you?” Kadan said, his tone mild.

Chapter 13

“Damn it! I’m a victim here too,” Don insisted. “You have no idea what it was like.”

“You didn’t want to face up to the music. Whether or not Whitney drugged you, and it is probable he did, you still participated in the rape of a thirteen-year-old girl and you got her pregnant.”

“She had no one. Whitney told me she was a street girl there that night to try to steal from us.”

“I believe she probably didn’t have anyone to protect her. Whitney wanted her genes. The rest of her was an inconvenience. He must have found her on another trip, recognized that she had psychic ability and ‘bought’ her, just like he did the others. He probably offered her money to stay in a nice warm room and she waited there, thinking she had a good gig, a place to stay and food to eat. Hell. For the first time in her life, she wasn’t on the street. And then Whitney brought you to her.”

“I don’t remember.”

“You didn’t want to remember. And you may have put out a few feelers to try to satisfy your guilt about what happened to her, but you have enough money and enough contacts to find anyone in the world. You didn’t want anyone to ask questions about why that girl was important to you.”

“She’s dead. Whitney told me she was dead.”

“And you wanted to believe that.”

Don glared at him. “I don’t think someone like you has a right to judge me. Do you think I can’t take one look at you and know you’re a killer?”

If he meant to make Kadan wince, he was mistaken. Kadan knew exactly what he was; cold as ice and willing to get the job done. “Then we understand each other,” he said, his voice pitched low. “There is a difference though. I know I’m a bastard and I don’t deserve Tansy. I fully admit it to myself and to her. I’m taking her anyway because I’m selfish and I’ll work every day of my life to make her happy, and at the end of our days, I hope she’ll have no cause for regret. You pretend you’re a good guy. You deceive yourself and your family. And you left those little girls with a madman so you could continue your life just the way you wanted.”

“I’m telling you, he was putting them up for adoption. The damage to them had already been done.”

“He didn’t put most of them up for adoption. He’s using them in his breeding program.”

There was another shocked silence. Kadan could tell by the man’s expression that the shock wasn’t feigned.

“Are you certain of your information?”

“Yes. And there were other girls as well.”

Ryland stirred for the first time. “What about Lily? You had to have known he kept Lily.” His voice was very low, almost a whisper, but his tone was pure menace.

Don started, his gaze jumping to the man he couldn’t quite make out in the shadows. “He was good to Lily.”

“He experimented on Lily. What do you think it did to her when she found out about him? When he let her believe someone murdered him? You knew, didn’t you, that he was alive?”

Don nodded. “Someone high up, someone really connected wanted him dead. They knew he was enhancing Special Forces soldiers and they thought it was an abomination. Peter wanted superweapons for his country. He didn’t know who it was, but they’d made several attempts to kill him and they’d hit at his soldiers. He told me they’d murdered at least one of them and he was afraid for the others. He had to disappear until he knew who his friends were.”

Ryland shifted again, as if he might pursue the subject of his wife, but he let it go. He’d been the man targeted for murder by the faction who thought Whitney’s experiments were abominations. He’d seen several of his men die and he’d barely escaped with his own life.

He knows more than he’s telling us, he sent silently to Kadan.

“We were locked in cages,” Kadan said, “in Whitney’s research center. We were the men Lily helped escape.”

“Her father wanted her to help them escape. He told me he maneuvered her into the position with the hope that she could do what he couldn’t,” Don said hastily. “For all of his sins, he wanted all of the soldiers he’d worked on to survive and serve their country.”

“Did he know who wanted him dead?” Kadan asked.

“Someone very high up in the food chain. Whoever it is works in the White House and Whitney couldn’t touch him. Fortunately, Peter has a lot of friends who covered for him and helped him carry on his work . . .”

“His breeding program,” Kadan said. “The one he wants Tansy to participate in.”

Don shook his head. “He doesn’t want any harm to come to her. I know that. When he got word that his enemy was forming a coalition to wipe out his soldiers, he insisted I hire Fredrickson to guard Tansy. Someone got to Fredrickson.”

“Fredrickson worked for Whitney,” Kadan pointed out. “No matter how you spin this, you aren’t going to make Whitney into a saint just so you can condone the fact that you let him get away with experimenting on children. He experimented on your own child, and kept it up as she grew. You allowed it. And you hired Fredrickson at his command. His orders were to take Tansy if she ever discovered what was going on. She asked you the wrong question and Fredrickson did his job. He was going to take her to Whitney.”

“I know he’s a bastard, but he would have kept her safe.”

“He would have forced her to have sex with a man she didn’t want to have sex with, just like he forced that little teenage girl to have sex with you.” Kadan remained absolutely still, a statue carved in stone. Even his stillness seemed a threat.

Don’s face crumbled. “Damn you, you’re leaving me with nothing.”

“You would have given her up.” Kadan’s voice was as cold as ice.

Kadan, Ryland warned softly, clearly fearing what his friend might do.

Kadan didn’t know himself. The thought of Don Meadows even contemplating turning his daughter over to a man like Whitney after he’d seen the experiments, the rape of a teenage girl, his wife hit by Fredrickson . . .
