Read Books Novel


“What about Tate?”

“The club came first, and I broke my promise. You knew what I was like, Killer. I f**ked any woman I wanted. I was a monster. ”

“What are your thoughts now?” Killer asked.

“I’ve got to win her back. For the past couple of years I’ve stood back and watched her grieve and change. I can’t let her go, Killer.”

They were silent as they finished their smokes.

“How come you don’t feel betrayed by me?” Murphy asked, getting up.

“You didn’t turn your back on the club, Murphy. I wasn’t there when the shooting went down, but I knew you’d be the kind of person I’d want to be joined with. The Skulls are bastards, and yet, there’s a sense of friendship and support. You don’t turn on each other. I want that.”

Killer grabbed the clothes, and they headed down to the lobby.

Angel and Lash were wrapped around each other, kissing and making a spectacle of themselves.

The drive to the airport was tense. The only sounds were Lash’s moans and Angel’s giggles, which were driving him insane.

When they hit the earth after the long flight back home, Murphy was anxious to get to Tate’s house.

“I’m going home. Bring Tate back home tomorrow,” Tiny said, leaving him to handle everything. The airport housed their bikes. It had cost a pretty penny, but it was worth it.

Climbing on his bike he noticed Killer follow him as he neared the apartment building where Tate lived. Stopping into a lay-by he waited for Killer to catch up with him.

“What are you doing, man? Tate’s going to be fighting me. You don’t want to see that.”

“I was going to give Cherry back her clothes. She deserves to have them back after we ruined their weekend.”

Nodding, Murphy gave the other man a bag. “I’ll get her apartment number for you to give the clothes back.”

They were riding toward the apartment building once again. With every mile they drove Murphy was tensing up ready for a fight. Tate was different, and he knew she was going to fight him every step of the way. He couldn’t lose sight of what he wanted.

The Tate she’d once been was still in there. He was the one responsible for ruining everything for her.

Parking the bike in the first available space he waited for Killer to do the same. “Go to the front door. I’ll text you the number.”

“Where are you going?” Killer asked.

“I always surprise my girl.”

Going around the back of the building, Murphy found the ledge he needed to start climbing the building. The first time he’d climbed into her bedroom window, Tate hadn’t been able to stop laughing at his gesture. He’d showed her it was lame and clichéd for a guy to sneak into a woman’s bedroom window. What Tate didn’t know was he’d gotten Eva’s help to do it. She kept Tiny occupied while he gave Tate what she always wanted.

Climbing up the building Murphy cursed his efforts. “Fucking killed men and wasting my time making shit special for my woman. Bad f**king form. I should just use my dick instead.”

Her window was partially open.

“If you’re trying to make women go crazy then stop ranting at yourself,” Tate said. She was stood facing the window with her arms folded.

“How the f**k did you know I was coming?” he asked, closing the window behind him.

“I heard the bikes and saw you heading toward the back. You’re a creature of habit, Murphy. The window? You’ve told me loads of times before how f**king lame it is.”

She left the bedroom, and he went after her. He was struck by the curves of her ass, and his c**k thickened. Fuck, he needed to get inside her again very soon. He was going to lose his mind.

“My guy is downstairs. He’s got Cherry’s clothes for her.”

“Her name is Kelsey. Okay, K.E.L.S.E.Y. That’s her name, not Cherry, not tubby, but Kelsey.”

“Okay, Killer’s got Kelsey’s clothes for her.”

“Killer? Seriously, you’ve got a killer with my friend.” She shoved him hard. He grabbed her arms stopping her from pushing him away.

“I get it. You don’t want me calling your friend by any other name. Give me her number, and I promise you he won’t hurt her.”

“She’s not part of the club, Murphy.”

Murphy agreed. Tate gave him the room number. He sent the text to Killer and got the response that he was there.

Turning his cell off, he threw the device on the coffee table. He found Tate in the kitchen, making a hot chocolate. The scent of cinnamon, milk, and chocolate filled the air. It was her mother’s recipe. He knew because she’d told him about it.

“Does Tiny know Eva’s leaving?” Tate asked.

“She won’t leave.”

He moved up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. She was so soft. Burying his head in her neck, Murphy groaned. She smelt so good.

“Then you’re all going to be shocked because she’s leaving him.” Tate didn’t pull away from him.

“Why did you run this morning?” he asked. He searched for the sash of the robe and started to untie it. Her hands covered his.

“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. This, us, is staying there.”

He tugged on the sash releasing her robe. “I don’t think so.”


Why was he being difficult? They were never going to work together, and he was only going to make it worse. Not to mention what her father was going to do when he realized the truth. Tiny had known about her feelings, but he’d never known how far things had gotten.

His hand touched her bare stomach, and she gasped, sucking her stomach in.

“You shouldn’t be doing this,” she said, trying to find ways to stop him.

Don’t stop him. I want his touch so damn much.

She was drowning with her need for him. From the sight of him coming through her bedroom window she’d been ready for him. His long hair, wide shoulders, and impressive c**k was all it took to make her horny. She’d never been the type of woman to be controlled by her hormones. Murphy was her only exception.

“No, we should be doing this. Our mistake was waiting this long to do this.” He nibbled on the lobe of her ear. She squealed as his tongue pressed inside.

“You left to f**k your whores, Murphy. This is over.”

“Are you sure about that?” Murphy asked.

She spun around facing him and gasped as he pushed the robe to the floor. He lifted her up onto the counter, spreading her thighs wide.
