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Glancing behind her, Tate stared at him. “What?”

“Seriously, Angel and Lash are husband and wife.”

“I thought they were having a big wedding?”

“They couldn’t wait.” Murphy pushed her hair out of the way to kiss her neck.

“I was supposed to be a bridesmaid.”

He licked her neck, nibbling on her ear.

“Angel didn’t say anything, but she was a little upset you didn’t invite her to Vegas with you and Eva. You invited a girl you’ve only just met instead of Angel.” His hand stroked up and down her hip.

“Kelsey’s nice. She’s different.”

“Different, how?” he asked.

“She’s not involved in the club. Angel is Lash’s woman. She’s part of that world. I don’t want to be part of that world anymore.”

“You’re Tiny’s daughter. It makes it part of your world. Besides, you’re my woman, and I’m part of the club.”

Tate shook her head. “No, we’re having sex. This is not part of anything other than a bit of fun.” She felt him tense behind her.

“A bit of fun?” he asked.

“Yeah. I’m not serious about you, Murphy. I could never trust you. You f**k everything that walks.”

Her words were a lie, but she said them anyway.

“Say what you want, Tate. I know the truth. I know the real you even if you do try to hide it from everyone else.”

Tears were so close to the surface. Tate batted them away. Tears were not useful. They were a pain in the ass, and she would only end up hurt by them

He pressed a hand to her stomach. “Anyway, I’m not going anywhere because you could be pregnant. I’ve not been wearing a rubber, and last time I checked you weren’t taking any precautions either.”

Tate jerked. She tugged out of his arms and stared down at him, pressing a hand to her stomach. No, it couldn’t be, but she knew he spoke the truth. They’d had sex multiple times without him wearing anything.

How could she have been so stupid?

Chapter Eight

“You stupid f**king bastard.” Tate threw a pillow at him and stormed out of the room. Her face was bright red. Murphy checked her ass out as she walked out. She looked so f**king sexy. His c**k hardened at the thought of her pregnant with his child. He’d love for her to have a boy and a girl. Murphy didn’t care which as long as they were healthy and looked like him and Tate.

Hearing dishes and pans crashing about in the other room, Murphy followed her through to the kitchen. She was moving shit around. He’d seen her do this growing up when she had an argument with her father.

“Tate, what are you doing?” he asked. Checking the time he saw it was a little after ten. If she didn’t be quiet the neighbors would complain, which would mean more shit for him.

“I f**king hate you. I hope your dick falls off.” She charged toward him, poking him in the chest as she spoke. “No, I hope you get some disease that rots your dick off and you can’t have any sex, ever.”

He caught her hand, pulling her close. “Why are you so angry?”

“Pregnant? Murphy, I don’t want to have kids with you. I didn’t even want to sleep with you let alone keep up a relationship with you.”

Her words stung.

“There was a time when you loved me,” he said. “You wanted me, and you wanted this.”

Wrapping an arm around her back, Murphy stared down into her glistening eyes. She looked so lost and scared.

Her lip quivered. “I wanted everything with you, Murphy. I wanted the big house with the white picket fence and the shitty neighbors who gossiped behind our backs.” She stopped to take a breath. “I thought we’d have a house full of kids, boys and girls. We’d get married, and everything would be perfect.”

“Everything can be perfect. We can have those things, Tate.”

She shook her head. “No, we can’t because I wanted all of those things, and then you went and joined The Lions. You put the club first, and I get that.”

His heart ached as he knew what was coming next. He didn’t want to hear the rest of her words. Murphy wanted her to be quiet as he knew he’d hurt her deeply.

“I saw you around the mall, and even before that I saw you with them.”

“What are you talking about? I saw you at the mall, and I kept my distance,” Murphy said. He’d done everything to keep her safe and away from the shit that was going on.

“When Dad told me what was going on and that you’d left to go to The Lions. I didn’t believe him. I went to your cabin out by the lake to see for myself. The one you said you only went to in order to think.” The tears she’d been holding in were dripping down her face. “I was stood behind a tree, and I saw you all. I heard you as well.”

He felt sick to his stomach. The cabin had been the place he’d started his initiation into The Lions. They’d started to hang out there. He’d since gutted the place and intended to do it all up.

“What did you hear and see?” he asked.

“I heard you telling them about me, Murphy. Laughing at how you got me to fall in love with you. I was just some sport for you to play with.”

Murphy cupped her cheeks. “Stop, that wasn’t the real me. I did what I had to for the club. You think I liked doing that? Do you think I liked talking about you in that way?” He stroked her cheek. “I hated every second of my time with them. All I wanted to do was be with you.”

“You chose the club.”

“I chose to protect you, Tate. I didn’t choose the club.”

“You left me all alone. I was confused, and you’d promised me forever. What do you want from me, Murphy? What more do you want to take? I can’t be the person you want. I’m not cut out to be an old lady.”

He tilted her head back and claimed her lips. “I’m going to go for tonight. I need you to calm down, and I’ve got some thinking to do. I’ll be back.” Murphy kissed her again. “I love you.”

Turning away, Murphy walked out of her apartment and went straight for his bike. He saw Killer’s bike was still there in the parking lot. Murphy didn’t bother going back to talk to him or seeing what the other guy was doing. It wasn’t his place, and he needed to get away from the shit that was going on in his own life.

Straddling his bike, he drove toward the cabin. He’d not been back to this place since the shooting in Tiny’s place. With the wind in his face, Murphy remembered the look of fear on Tate’s face as she’d looked at him. She’d been terrified of him because she knew what he was capable of.
