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Tiny shoved her in the direction of the truck. Murphy squared his shoulders waiting.

“If anything had happened to my daughter I’d kill you slowly and make you wish you were dead long before I’d grant it.”


“Thank you for getting her to safety.” Tiny shook his hand then turned toward the van. “What we got?”

“I don’t f**king know,” Murphy said, filling him in on all the details.

“Leave one of the bikes here. Round this shit up and bring it back. I want to know what’s going on.”

“What are you going to do?” Killer asked, joining them.

“I’m going to find the threat to my daughter, and then I’m going to annihilate them,” Tiny said.

“What if this has nothing to do with Tate? With The Skulls, the club comes first,” Whizz said.

“Then some people are about to learn a very valuable lesson. No one f**ks with my family. Tate, the club, it’s all the same. It’s all family, and family will always come first.”


“He protected me, Tate. I never thought a guy was like that out there, but he is,” Kelsey said.

Tate smiled at her friend as she relived the moments of the shooting. Kelsey looked in love. It was sweet but also dangerous. Tate didn’t know Killer very well, but his name alone scared her. They were travelling back to the compound. She heard some of the men sniggering. Rolling her eyes, she kept her back to them.

“I’m sure he’s a nice guy. I don’t know anything about him, and I’d suggest you be careful around him,” Tate said.

“I will. I promise.” Kelsey grabbed her hand, squeezing it tight.

Back at the compound she saw Zero, Butch, Mikey, and Rose waiting. They all embraced her as she came out of the van. Seconds later, Killer, Whizz, and Time made it through followed by the van being driven by Hardy.

Kelsey was drawn into the embrace as well. Tate made the introductions, and they were rushed inside.

They showed Kelsey to a spare bedroom, and Tate took her old room. Walking past her friend’s bedroom she saw Kelsey sat on the bed, white as a ghost.

“Are you all right?” Tate asked.

“It’s suddenly dawning on me, we got shot at.”

Tucking some hair behind her ear, Tate walked into the room, shutting the door behind her.

“Club life takes some getting used to,” Tate said, taking a seat beside her.

“Did you get used to it? Has this happened often to you?”

“Several months back a rival gang broke into my dad’s house and pointed a gun at me. I saw two prospects get shot and almost die. Eva, my nanny was shot, and Angel was as well. It was one of the first shootings I’ve seen. The Skulls don’t usually include families, and we’re left out of the equation.”

“This time is different?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

Tate took Kelsey’s hand like the other woman had done in the back of the van.

“We could have died today,” Kelsey said.

“We didn’t. We’re here to tell the tale and drink and party.” Tate looked down at her lap. “I’ll understand if you don’t want to be friends with me anymore. This takes a lot to digest, and you’re not part of the life.”

“I want to be your friend. I’m going to lie down and process everything that’s happened, okay?”

“Yeah, I’ll come and check on you soon.” Tate squeezed Kelsey’s hand and left the room silently. Killer was stood outside the door.

Tate stopped and looked at the other man.

“How’s she doing?” he asked.

“Pretty shook up. It’s to be expected. Being shot at is not something she’s used to.” Tate stared at him trying to get a good read of the man who clearly had a thing for her friend.

“What? You got a question, just ask.”

“I don’t know you. I’ve known most of these men my whole life, but I don’t know you. I know you’re from The Lions, and they were first class ass**les. I didn’t like them.” She took a step closer and pressed a finger against his chest. “I’ve not known Kelsey very long, but I like her. She’s a good woman. A great person. If you hurt her because of whatever shit you think women deserve then I’ll hurt you. I’ll castrate you and make you wish you’d never crossed me.”

“You’re a woman. You can’t do anything to me.”

Smiling, Tate reached down, grabbed his balls and twisted them. It was a move Murphy had showed her and one she remembered. Killer growled, covering her hand with his. She tugged and moved in close to whisper against his ear.

“I’m a woman. I’ve got a delicate nature. I’ve got tits, cunt, and an ass. I’m like a lot of women in a lot of ways, but I’m different.” Looking into his eyes, Tate squeezed. “I’m my father’s daughter, and I don’t say shit I don’t mean.” She let him go and watched him fall to the floor. “Be warned, I will hurt you if you hurt my friend. You want to f**k around with people, use the sweet-butts. They don’t expect anything better. Kelsey expects better, and she likes you. Make sure you give me a reason to like you.”

She walked away without a backwards glance. Tate hoped her message got across to him. If not, the guy was in for some hard lessons.

Kelsey was only involved in The Skulls because of her. Tate would do everything in her power to protect her new friend. She found Angel working behind the bar with Mikey, one of the original members. Mikey left the bar and pulled her in for a tight hug.

“It’s not been the same without you, honey,” he said.

Hugging him back, Tate looked at Angel. The other woman had tears in her eyes.

“You keep getting shot at, and I’m going to have a heart attack.” He kissed the top of her head.

“I’m not going to get shot. Murphy was there, and he saved me.”

“I don’t like those other boys he’s with. They’re not good.”

“Mikey, you always put the guys through their paces. Everyone knows you hate change.”

“Exactly, so when are you moving back home?” he asked.

“I’m not moving back home.”

“Mikey, over here we need you,” Tiny said, shouting across the room.

Rolling her eyes, Tate moved away going to Angel, giving Mikey some room. Sitting at the counter, she waited for the younger woman to speak.

“I’ve missed you,” Angel said.
