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My Lord Vampire

My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)(16)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

The dark eyes flared with loathing before Gideon managed to regain control of his brief display of emotion.

“A waste of your time.”

Mr. Soltern’s expression was smug, as if delighted at having managed to stir the younger gentleman’s wrath.

“I think not. Besides, it was more a pleasure than duty.”

Gideon briefly glanced toward the warily suspicious Simone before returning his attention to the gentleman standing in the center of the room.

“This is not the place for our private conversation. Perhaps you will join me at my home?”

“A tempting offer, of course, but I fear I have an appointment.” Without warning Mr. Soltern turned toward Simone and swept a bow. “My dear Lady Gilbert, I do hope you will consider my offer.”

Unnerved to be once again pinned by that relentless gaze, Simone gave a vague shrug.

“I will think upon it.”

“Very well. I shall call later in the week.” Mr. Soltern offered a slight nod toward Gideon. “We shall no doubt meet again. Now I must be off.”

Moving with a supple grace the gentleman was across the room and disappearing from the room before Gideon could protest. He watched his retreat with a dark frown.

Deeply relieved to be free of the company of Mr. Soltern, Simone drew in a shaky breath. She did not like the sense she was poised on the edge of a rapier. Nor the ridiculous desire to wash herself after encountering the older gentleman.

It made her feel vulnerable in a manner she had thought to put behind her long ago.

And she certainly did not like the realization that she had been deeply grateful that Gideon had once again rudely intruded into her home without so much as an apology.

She was an independent woman who depended upon no one but herself. She was not about to become one of those weak, clinging ladies who could not manage to make do without a gentleman to lean upon.

She sucked in a deep breath as she turned her attention to the man still regarding the empty doorway.

“I suppose I owe you my gratitude for ridding me of Mr. Soltern… .” Her stiff words abruptly trailed away as Gideon slipped swiftly toward the door and left her standing alone in the room without so much as glancing in her direction.

Her mouth hung open in shock at his rude departure. Of all the nerve, she seethed in disbelief. It was not bad enough that he had thrust his way into her home, but to disappear without so much as a word went beyond all bearing.

Did he think her home was his to come and go as he pleased?

Did he possess no manners whatsoever?

Conveniently forgetting her earlier relief at his timely arrival she planted her hands upon her hips and dredged up the most condemning blasphemy she could conjure.


Chapter 5

No human eye could have detected the shadow that moved down the streets of London with enough stealth that the dust did not so much as stir beneath his black boots.

Gideon, however, was unconcerned with human eyes. He knew quite well that Tristan could easily detect his form no matter how he clung to the shadows. And that with his shape-shifting powers he could trap him without warning.

Still he continued to follow the faint scent that Tristan had left behind when he had fled Simone’s home. After nearly a fortnight in London he was no closer to finding the vampire’s hidden lair and he was becoming impatient with his failure.

No, more than impatient, he reluctantly acknowledged.

After Tristan had taunted him by providing yet another gift for him, his control had nearly snapped.

He did not doubt that there would be another golden-haired woman discovered upon the streets of London. A stark warning that Tristan was all too aware of his growing weakness toward Lady Gilbert. A weakness he would use to his full advantage.

His teeth clenched as he made his way past the British Museum on Great Russell Street and turned onto the narrow, dirty street ridiculously claiming the title of Queen Street. How long would it be before Tristan became infuriated enough to forget that killing Simone would destroy the Medallion as well? His pride and ambition were far too deeply ingrained to allow him to accept defeat gracefully.

Swiftly becoming lost in the maze of squares, Gideon picked up his pace. The haunting scent of Tristan was much nearer. Perhaps with a bit of luck …

Gideon ground out a curse as he entered a darkened alley and was abruptly confronted by a thick mist that reached out to strike a razor-thin cut across his cheek. His fingers lifted to touch the warm blood that welled from the slice, inwardly chiding himself for his stupidity.

He had been fully on guard and yet he still had walked blindly into the ambush. A certain warning that his growing desperation to put an end to Tristan was rattling the cold logic he had always taken such pride in.

As if sensing his self-disgust, Tristan gave an eerie chuckle as he swirled in mist before Gideon.

“You have grown slow and weak, Gideon, hiding behind the Veil. Or is it from hiding behind the skirts of a woman?” he taunted.

“You begin to annoy me,” Gideon retorted in icy tones. “Show yourself.”

“So that you can strike that dagger you are hiding in your jacket into my heart? I think not.”

Gideon forced a mocking smile to his stiff lips. “You always were a coward, Tristan, choosing to prey on those weaker than yourself and hiding in the shadows.”

The mist briefly swirled, as if Gideon had managed to strike a raw nerve.

“And you have always been an arrogant prig. However did the Great Council compel you to return to this world of disgusting, inferior humans?”

Slipping his hand into the jacket to grasp the hilt of the dagger, Gideon gave a shrug. He would not be caught off guard again.

“Unlike you I comprehend my duty to the vampires. I seek our glory, not our destruction.”

“Glory?” There was a rasping laugh. “Cowering behind that ridiculous Veil like we are pathetic weaklings rather than the masters of all? These mortals should be our servants; they should bow before us and feed our lust. They should tremble in fear at the mere thought of our presence.”

It was a call that had been made by more than one vampire since they had left the world behind. There had always been those who desired to conquer and enslave the weak. Tristan, however, had taken the need for conquest to near madness.

To even think he would seek to destroy the Veil and to challenge the great Nefri herself was unforgivable.

“We do not cower, we seek the higher truth that makes us superior,” he said in proud tones.

The mist shimmered, cloaking Gideon in a sensation of malignant disdain.
