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My Lord Vampire

My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)(20)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

It was beyond infuriating to know that his prey silently stalked through the streets, and yet not even his large band of urchins had been able to so much as catch a glimpse of him. Night after night he haunted the poorer districts of London searching for even the faintest trail of the vampire, only to return to his home bested yet again.

What was Tristan plotting?

Had he hoped that Gideon would tire of protecting Simone and return to the Veil? Or was he concocting some evil plot to lure her into a trap?

Not knowing what was going through the mind of Tristan was far worse than any open battle could possibly be.

At least he had managed to ward Simone’s house to warn him if the traitor attempted to enter, he consoled himself. He had been forced to call upon the help of the Great Council, but with their added power he had managed to lay the invisible web about the home. It had come as rather a surprise when Valkier had actually arrived to help him. The ancient, always aloof vampire more often than not secluded himself from the other vampires, preferring to study alone; but Gideon could only presume the dire need had forced him to realize that he was as much at risk as the others. He had even taken interest in Simone, asking a number of questions as to how the amulet had been bound to the woman and whether she was still in contact with Nefri. Gideon had answered the questions as best he could, unsurprised when the man had simply disappeared when he realized that Gideon did not possess the information he desired. He was not alone in claiming arrogance among the vampires.

With a shake of his head he returned his attention to the woman at his side. Although he was angered by his inability to lay his hands upon Tristan, he could not deny he had enjoyed keeping a close guard on Simone. During the past week he had devoted at least some portion of each day with her, whether it was dining at her house or taking her to the museum or simply enjoying a drive.

Of course, such constant contact carried its own share of danger, he thought with a faint sigh.

It was certainly understandable that his newly discovered passions would be aroused by such a delectable female. She was far too tempting to ignore. But the vast amount of time they were spending together only made him more aware of her swift intelligence, her undoubted courage and the inner vulnerability that she struggled so hard to hide. She was slowly but firmly entrenching herself within his life, to the point that he wondered what would occur when it was time to return to the Veil.

He gave a sharp shake of his head, not at all willing to brood upon the disturbing thought. For now the safety of the Medallion was all that mattered.

“Well?” he prompted, hoping to divert the alarms that raced through the back of his mind.

Lifting her head, Simone smiled as she daintily wiped her fingers. Over the past week she had bounced between playing the alluring temptress and aggravated maiden at the knowledge he would not be tamed. He found her confusion a delight and readily teased her fiery temper. No doubt it would have been best had she turned out to be a milk-and-toast miss who eagerly allowed herself to be led by his stronger will. But, he could not deny a decided pleasure in her vibrant spirit.

“It is unusual,” she admitted as she set the now empty plate aside, “but tasty.”

“It is a dish from China.”

Her gaze widened in surprise. “Really? Have you traveled there?”

His lips twitched. He had indeed traveled through China, but it had been nearly four hundred years ago.

“Yes, but not for some time.”

Her eyes abruptly glowed with interest. “Where else have you been?”

He shrugged. “I have traveled most of the world.”

“How fortunate you are.” She smiled rather sadly. “I should like to travel someday.”

Gideon found himself startled by her revelation. Travel for humans was a grueling, usually tedious task. He could not imagine Simone without her comforts.

“I thought you were a creature of London.”

“Not at all.” She leaned back on her hands, making him fiercely aware of the thrust of her nicely curved bosom. “I lived very quietly in Devonshire for most of my life. I have never had the opportunity to see the world. And with Napoleon ravaging Europe it appears I shall have to wait.”

Taming the urge to lean forward and explore the vast amount of skin revealed by her low-cut neckline, Gideon regarded her with a raised brow.

“There are other places beyond Europe.”

“You mean India?”

“It is certainly an intriguing country,” Gideon agreed. “There is also the Orient, Russia and the West Indies.”

An unmistakable longing rippled over her countenance before she gave a grimace. “I am not certain I am so daring as to travel so far alone.”

Gideon experienced a stab of regret that he could not show this woman the world. How he would enjoy watching her eyes widen with wonder at the beauty of China and the wild, untamed lands of the Americas.

“A beautiful woman need never be alone unless she chooses to be,” he instead forced himself to point out. “Besides which, you do not strike me as a woman afraid to dare anything. You are very bold.”

She gave a low chuckle. “Is that a compliment or an insult?”

His own lips curved at her teasing. “I suppose there are gentlemen who would consider you to be too much a challenge. I, however, am not one of them.”

A sudden glow of satisfaction warmed her eyes. “Ah, so you admit that you find me enticing.”

The passions within him flared with a shimmering heat at her provocative words. Enticing? He found her captivating, seductive and utterly irresistible. Had it not been for Tristan he would already have given in to his dark urgings and made her emphatically his own.

Still, he could not ignore the dangers of allowing himself to be distracted by lust. To lose himself in the pleasures of the flesh might satisfy him, but it would also divert him from the reason he had traveled to London.

Until he had the vampire returned to the Veil, or dead, he would have to hold his desire in check.

“Perhaps I do find you reasonably enticing, but then, London is filled with delectable ladies. I am in the fortunate position of being exquisitely selective.”

Predictably, a lovely flush stained her cheeks. “Is that so? Well, I …”

Her words abruptly trailed away, and instantly on alert, Gideon flowed to his feet. At the same moment his hand reached beneath his jacket to grasp the dagger beneath.

“What is it?” he demanded as his sensitive gaze scanned the empty field for sign of any danger.

“Nothing.” Oddly she raised her hands to press them to her cheeks in embarrassment. “It is absurd.”
