Read Books Novel

Never Forget

Never Forget (Memories #1)(13)
Author: Emma Hart

I snort and Dad laughs at the memory.

”My arm is still sore to this day,” he jokes. ”She carried everything but the kitchen sink in that blasted bag.”

”I can’t believe you actually beat Dad with your handbag!” I look at Gram and there’s a fond smile on her face.

”I believe I remember that,” she chuckles and turns her attention to me. ”You make sure to tell your Alec about my handbag skills.”

”He’s not my anything!” I insist.

”Of course, honey,” Mum says and puts her empty cup in the sink. ”Are you ready, Mum? Tesco won’t do the shopping for you.”

”Yes, yes, Em. I’m ready.” Gram kisses my cheek and picks up her bag. Dad takes the car keys from Mum and goes to start the car up.

”See you in a bit, Mum.” I flick my magazine open.

”Bye, love.”

”Oh, Lexy,” Gram turns in the door, and that twinkle I’ve come to expect is in her eyes. I narrow my eyes. ”Your Alec will be here in ten minutes. He’s putting my shed up for me.”

”What?!” I exclaim and jump out of my seat. ”Why does no one tell me this stuff?” I stomp past them. ”And for the last time, he’s not my Alec!”

”Oh, Emmy,” I hear Gram giggle as I run up the stairs to get changed. ”That girl has it bad.”

”Mother, you’re incorrigible.” Mum sighs. I hear the front door open then close again.

I turn to the mirror. My hair is shoved up in a messy bun, I have smudges under my eyes from yesterday’s make up and I’m still wearing my pyjamas.

My Snoopy pyjamas.

If there’s any chance of me being ready to face the hottest guy on the face of the Earth, I’m gonna need a freakin’ miracle.

And if I’m now referring to him as ‘the hottest guy on the face of the Earth’, I need a brain transplant.


Miraculously, I’m ready by the time Alec knocks on the door.

”You’re not exactly dressed for shed building, Princess.” He leans against the door frame.

”I wasn’t under the impression I would be shed building,” I reply and flounce into the kitchen.

”Well, you are.” He follows me in.

”Says who?” I turn and nearly smack into his chest. I tilt my head back and look up at him.

”Says me,” he says in a low voice that does funny things to my knees. Yeah, the guy is a walking advert for sexiness.

”It’s a shame I say no then, isn’t it?” I smile sweetly and step away from him before the rest of my body goes into overdrive. ”Gram said you’ll find all the tools you need outside.”

”Ah, the Princess is afraid to get her hands dirty,” he says in a knowing voice.

”Nope,” I say casually. ”But ladies don’t build sheds.”

”You’re not eighteen yet, Princess.”

I roll my eyes. ”Alec, I wear a bra. That makes me a lady.” I slap my hand over my mouth. ”Totally didn’t mean to say that.”

Alec laughs and wraps his arms around me. I bury my face into my hands and try to ignore how warm his body is, how strong his arms feel and how freakin’ hard and muscular his chest is.

This is so not on board with my ‘Resist Alec’ plan.

I extract myself from his arms with a tiny bit of reluctance. So what? I enjoyed the hug. I can appreciate a good hug.

”Get building, go on.” I give him a friendly shove towards the sliding doors.

He pushes them open easily and looks at me over his shoulder.

”Whatever you say, Princess.”

”I wish you’d stop with the pet name,” I mumble as I head upstairs to my room.

My head can only be cleared with one thing.

It’s time to grab my iPod and listen to my secret Westlife play list.


There’s something satisfying about finding the last piece of a puzzle and slotting it in.

There’s something satisfying about finding a piece of my heart I didn’t know was missing and slotting her into my arms.

When she blushes, it’s like my body goes into overdrive and I want – no, need – to touch her. I need to make her mine, run my fingers through her hair, my lips across her neck. My hands need to trail down her back to cup that pretty little ass and hold her against me.

She shoves me towards the back door and I grin when I hear her mumbling about her ‘damn pet name.’ I shouldn’t wind her up, I know this, but she gets this fire in her eyes when she’s angry and it’s illegally sexy.

One day, I’ll get that fire spreading through her whole body.

The sun beats down as I work hard at putting the shed up. I’m almost done when Vi strolls into the garden with a cold glass of lemonade.

”Here, drink this, muscle man.” She chuckles and hands it to me. I wink at her and down it in one. ”Dinner’s available if you’d like it.”

I glance past her and see the back of Lexy’s head. ”Dinner sounds good.”

Vi grins and her eyes twinkle. ”Excellent. You two are getting kinda close, huh?”

”I guess,” I say warily, seeing where she’s going with this.

”She’s a lovely girl,” she carries. ”So kind, friendly..” Sexy as f**k. Playful. Enthralling. Beautiful. Addictive.

”She doesn’t know, does she?” I look at her seriously.

”Shush,” Vi hisses, glances over her shoulder. ”No. No, she doesn’t know, and I don’t want her to. Not yet. I want her to enjoy this summer. I want to watch her grow.”

”And that’s why you hired me to work in your garden this summer,” I suss out.

”No, Alec,” she says softly. ”I hired you to work in my garden because you needed an outlet for your grief besides alienating every damn female between the ages of sixteen and twenty two. Your relationship with Lexy?” Her eyes twinkle again. ”That’s a bonus.”

”I’m sure,” I mumble, picking the hammer back up. ”I don’t know how I’m supposed to keep it to myself.”

”Ask no questions and I’ll tell you no lies. She doesn’t ask, you don’t tell. Simple as.”



Alec ends up staying for dinner, and it’s awkward to say the least. Grammy spends the whole time gazing at us both with her twinkly eyes, Dad discusses the latest Man U score and Mum looks at me with sympathy.

Me? I spend the whole time looking at the table and wishing I could disappear into the corner where my Grandmother-come-cupid can’t find me.

”What are you doing tomorrow?” Alec asks me.

”Jen said something about going to Croyde.” I shrug.

”Come earlier. I’ll teach you to surf.” He smiles his charming smile.

”Oh, Lexy, that’s a wonderful idea!” Grammy claps her hands.

Mum rolls her eyes.

”I don’t know..” I bite my lip. Alec’s eyes flick to my lip and I release it.

”Come on. It’ll be fun!”

”I think it would be fun, Lexy,” Dad interjects. ”You used to love body boarding when you were little. You’re too much of a city girl, it’ll do you some good to get your hair wet.” He winks at Grammy.

Great. Now they’re a team.

I look at Mum for support and she shrugs helplessly.

”It’s your choice, love.” She gives me a small smile.
