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Never Forget

Never Forget (Memories #1)(21)
Author: Emma Hart

”My thoughts exactly, Lexy!” I hear Dad call down.

I put my face in my hands and laugh. Crazy, crazy family.

Alec is smiling at me when I drop my hands.

”I’ll leave you to it before your brother beats me,” he chuckles softly.

”Probably best,” I agree.

He steps outside then turns back to me.


”Hm?” I look at him absently.

”I’m ready when you are.” He walks backwards to his Jeep and I watch him go.

I don’t know what else to do.


I’m undecided if there’s anything cuter than Alexis Edwards, city girl extraordinaire in Snoopy pyjamas. Really. Especially when the bottoms are flowery, and there’s bunny slippers on her feet.

Yep. She’s done something to my brain alright.

I smirk at my thoughts as I drive away, remembering how close I came to kissing her tonight. Again. But it’s always close, never quite there.

Why? There’s nothing I want more than to hold her head still with her lips against mine and let her feel how much I want her. I’m starting to lose my patience with myself.

I have to kiss this girl.

Preferably sometime last week.

Mum’s pottering around the kitchen when I get back, still dressed in her clothes from the day. It doesn’t phase me anymore, it’s just a part of life. Cleaning is her therapy, what surfing is to me.

”So, who is she?” Mum turns her bright blue, knowing eyes on me.

”What do you mean?”

”The girl that’s got you all in a tizzy flap. I never thought it would happen, but it looks like it has.”

She sees far too much that should be kept invisible.

”Who says there’s a girl?”

She barks out a laugh and pats my shoulder. ”Oh, honey. No one needs to say it. You’ve got stars in your eyes so bright they might as well be a galaxy. So, tell Mummy, who is she?”

I smile at her choice of words. ”Well, Mummy, dearest.” I chuckle. ”There might be a girl.”

”Ain’t no might about it, Alec Johnson. Spit it out.”

I mock salute her and she flicks her cloth at me.

”She’s called Lexy-”

”And she’s Vi’s granddaughter.” Mum snickers. ”Good on that woman. I always knew she was a sneaky old girl. Her granddaughter will do you some good.”

”Gee, thanks, Mum.”

”I’m just sayin’, son. You play the field too much. Have ever since..” She trails off and I sigh.

”I know. I just.. I had to deal with it in my own way – as f**ked up as that way was.”

”Was?” She raises her eyebrows and I say nothing. ”You’re too much like him, and you know what?” She smiles slyly. ”All he needed was a good girl to settle down with. Just like you do.”

”I’m only nineteen.”

”And? You think you can’t find ‘The One’ at nineteen? I fell in love with your father when I was sixteen. Never loved another, and I never will.”

”You don’t think you’ll ever move on, Mum? Meet someone else?”

”Oh no, son. Your father is my heart and even in death, he still holds it. I’d never take it back. I don’t want it back. Besides, half of it lives in you, and what good to me is a broken heart?”

I stand and walk around the table to her. I hug her softly and she rests her head on my shoulder.

”Don’t hold back, Alec. You never know how much time you have with someone and before you know it, it’s gonna be too late to tell her how you feel.”

”I don’t even know how I feel,” I say quietly.

”Oh, you do. You just haven’t figured it out yet, that’s all. Away with ya now, let me finish cleaning up here.” She wriggles from me and I roll my eyes. ”Don’t roll your eyes, Alec.”

”Yes, Mum.” I laugh and make my way through the kitchen.

”Oh, and Alec?” she calls after me. ”Bring her over for dinner. I wanna meet her, make sure she’s good enough for my boy.” She winks.

”I will. And she is good enough, she’s too good. You’ll see that when you meet her.” For some reason, the thought of Lexy meeting my Mum makes me grin like a lunatic. I don’t do the whole ‘bringing girls home’ bit, so this should be…




”What do you mean, you have nothing to wear?”

”I mean I didn’t pack for partying.”

Jen spins around and points her hairbrush at me. ”The city girl doesn’t have anything to wear on a night out?”

”Of course I do.” I sigh. ”They’re just all at home, in London. I wasn’t expecting to meet up with you again!”

”Well.” She starts brushing her hair. ”We’ll just head into Barnstaple. You should be able to find something there.”

”How will we get there?”

”Bus.” She shrugs. ”There’s a stop right by Cara’s Café, it’ll take us right into the bus station.”

”Okay,” I say. ”Let’s go. When’s the next bus?”

Jen checks her phone for the time. ”In about fifteen minutes. If we go now, we’ll make it.”

”Sorted.” I smile and grab my bag. She grabs hers and we leave.

”How are the wedding plans coming?” I ask her at bus stop.

”Oh my god, do not even mention that damn wedding to me!” She huffs. ”You think you’ve seen Bridezilla? Well, nuh-uh.” She shakes her head vehemently. ”You ain’t met Bridezilla until you’ve met Hannah.”

I grimace slightly. ”That bad?”

”Mmhmm. The roses are wrong, the centrepieces aren’t even, what if no-one turns up? What if he doesn’t show?” Jen nearly growls in frustration.

I smile, amused at her tirade. I remember what it’s like – when my cousin got married back in February she was an absolute demon.

The bus arrives and we get on and pay our fares. We laugh and joke the whole way into Barnstaple. I find myself looking forward to my birthday with Jen and the guys. Back in London it would have just been a normal weekend, but here?

Here it’s something different because they don’t do it often, living so far out of town.

”I like this.” Jen holds up a black, one shoulder dress. It’s plain and simple.

”Hmm.” I finger the gauzy material at the shoulder. ”In the basket. I’ll try it on.” We grin and she puts it in my basket.

”So…” she begins discreetly, fingering some clothes. ”You and Alec..?”

I muffle my groan. ”I don’t know.”

”You’re getting there, though?” She glances at me. ”Like, trusting him.”

”I don’t know, Jen.” I sigh. ”I don’t know if I know how to trust him. I do want to, but I don’t know if I can.”

”Carl used to be just like Alec, you know.”

”Really?” I look over at her, surprise splashed across my face.

She nods and holds a top up against her in the mirror. ”It took him ages to convince me to give him a chance. It was a bit rocky at first, but then I realised that he really did only have eyes for me. That was nearly two years ago.” She puts the top in her basket. ”He looks at other girls – I’m not stupid – but I know that’s all he is doing. It’s still me he’s coming to at the end of the day, and while I know he used to be a bit of a get around, he’s completely faithful to me.”
