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Not Quite Enough

Not Quite Enough (Not Quite #3)(40)
Author: Catherine Bybee

There were over a dozen friends of Trent’s, and a few new friends of Monica’s that were on foot or in cars looking for the missing couple.

A new face pulled up in an old jalopy that rivaled the car she owned before she met Jack. The man parked beside the house and jumped out of the car. Jessie welcomed the new arrival, in fact she welcomed anyone willing to help.

“You must be Monica’s sister,” the man said.

“I am.”

“I’m Walt. I work with Monica.”

“One of the doctors?”

“Yeah. Dr. Eddy.”

He ran a hand through his short brown hair. His hazel eyes looked as tired as Jessie felt. Jessie remembered a few conversations she’d had with Monica about Dr. Eddy, and for some reason never thought he’d be a young attractive man.

“Have we heard anything?” Dr. Eddy asked.

Jessie shook her head. Jack was on foot, somewhere, Gaylord at his side. Jessie stayed behind to help direct traffic and keep those who helped fed. Ginger barked at the newcomers until they greeted her with a pet.

“Not a word.” Jessie looked beyond the doctor, half expecting him to arrive with more people. “Are there others coming?”

“Dr. Klein is still at the main hospital. The rest of the team has already left the island or are leaving in the morning.”

They needed a village. “You’re staying?”

Dr. Eddy kicked the dirt off his shoes. “I’m the one who introduced Monica to Borderless Nurses. I’m not leaving until we find her.”

His conviction came through with a tight voice. Jessie couldn’t help but wonder if maybe Dr. Eddy had deeper feelings for Monica.

“You know she was last seen with Trent Fairchild, right?”

Dr. Eddy shook his head, a small smile on his lips. “Yeah. Nice guy. They seemed to be getting along… well, getting along.”

“And you’re OK with that?”

“Me? Oh… you think Monica and I?” He shook his head, dismissing any thought in Jessie’s mind about a romantic attraction. “Oh, no. Monica’s like a sister to me. She doesn’t put up with anyone’s shit, she’s the best damn nurse I’ve ever worked with, and if something’s happened to her—”

She held up her hand, stopping him. “We’ll find her, Dr. Eddy.”


Jessie smiled.

She bent over a map of the island and pointed out where the current searches were taking place. “The helicopters are coming down with the sun. My husband and team one are concentrating their efforts here, team two is here.” She pointed to places along the road.

“This is the clinic. Did anyone get beyond this point?”

“Not yet. Reynard thinks Trent would have stayed on the south side of the island because of the water damage. So far there’s nothing along the shore to indicate they are there.”

“The island is full of waterfalls, pools… Trent might have taken her someplace like that.”

Jessie sighed. “Someplace romantic.”


“Yeah, we’ve thought of that. The locals are checking out the hot spots for romance. Most are met with clear roads and no signs of Trent’s car.”

“I’m guessing that he didn’t take her to a house… a hotel.”

“The hotels aren’t taking in guests.”

“And Monica is too dedicated to her job to toss her responsibilities to the wind for an island fling.”

Jessie’s heart flipped in her chest with worry. “Monica’s the most responsible person I know. She’s always been determined to make her own way. She’d never run away with any guy. It’s just not the way she’s built.”

Walt studied the map. “Ice Queen,” he whispered.

“What’s that?”

He shook his head. “Nothing. So we agree that she didn’t run off, and she’s not in a hotel.”

“Or if she was in a home, a cabin, something… and the next quake came along…” God, Jessie hated to think like that. But something was keeping her sister away. They processed Monica’s personality and the map.

“It was a big jolt,” Walt said. “I called the clinic after it hit. Portions of it came down. Luckily Monica had already moved the patients from that section when she noticed dust coming down a couple of days before.”

Monica’s bossiness followed her everywhere. “Her common sense wouldn’t have put her in a crumbling house. Even for great sex.”

“Where does that leave?”

“Open spaces? Secluded beach? I wish I knew this Trent guy better. Knew what he did around here.”

“Monica wouldn’t have volunteered for a helicopter ride.”

“Right. Hates heights.” Jessie was glad to know Walt knew that much about her sister.

“That leaves something close by.” Walt tapped his hand on the map.

“You’d think.”

Jessie swallowed the lump in her throat. “You’d think.”

Something shook his leg, waking him. Trent opened his eyes to complete darkness.

Like a blind man waking for the first time in a dark world, it took him a moment to process where he was, why he couldn’t see, and what had woken him.

The shaking started again. Accompanying it was a moan. Monica’s moan.

He dropped a hand to her shoulder, expecting to wake her from a dream, only to remove his wet palm.

She shivered again, a violent trembling movement that should have woken her, but didn’t.

Inside he started to panic. He ran a hand over her forehead, felt the heat radiating from her, the sweat.

“Monica? My angel?” His words were whispered at first and then became louder when she didn’t wake. “Monica!”

She woke saying, “I’m cold.”

Those two words let him know she was alive, coherent. “You’re burning up.”

He fumbled around in the dark for his phone. It took a few seconds to locate it and turn it on. The battery power showed half strength.

Her blonde locks were flush against her head, her face rosy with too much color.

Even in the dark, he noticed her eyes lose focus before finding him. “Motrin.”

The backpack holding her belongings was under her leg. He lifted her injured limb away and once again fumbled around until he found what she needed.

Motrin would take care of it. It’s just a fever. Everyone gets them from time to time.

Yet even as he thought the words deep inside he knew the larger danger. She’d been working with the sick, the injured for over a week. He’d seen her leg earlier in the day when she didn’t think he watched. The angry skin had turned red and swollen beyond any wound he’d ever seen. She’d hid it from him quickly when he’d turned and looked.
