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Not Quite Forever

Not Quite Forever (Not Quite #4)(56)
Author: Catherine Bybee

“So they really named their child Billy Junior?”

“Yep. Happens a lot around here.”

“Do they realize he’s going to be called BJ at some point?”

Dakota laughed. “See why Junior is off-limits? No undesirable nicknames. Ever.”

“Glad we’re on the same page.”

The costumes were brilliant. Dakota congratulated herself. She forced an awkward yes, I’m pregnant and single moment into a let it go moment with a simple shirt. Carol Ann and Kevin showed up, excusing their absence at the carnival because Tanner was sick.

Seemed everyone wanted to talk about the trials of parenthood. Or maybe Dakota was hyperaware of the information.

“Are you guys going to be here through the holidays?” Carol Ann asked.

Dakota met Walt’s gaze. “I don’t think so.”

Walt winked. They hadn’t discussed where they should settle, or what the next step was. Now that she was in her second trimester and her body seemed to be adjusting better, it was time to plan the next six months.

Carol Ann offered a pout. “I was hoping you’d move home.”

Dakota looked around the room. “There are more places out there, Carol Ann. You know I’m not one for small-town politics and gossip. Do you know how many people have come up to me asking if I was Elaine’s pregnant daughter?”

“I’ll bet Mom loves that.”

“It’s eating her up. I’d make her suck it up if I needed her to.” Dakota patted Walt’s hand that rested on her thigh. “I think I’m going to be OK.” The way Walt was looking at her assured her she would be.

Her bladder had been knocking for the past quarter hour, and she stood to find the ladies’ room. “I’ll find the bathroom,” she told Walt. “Can you order me a club soda, skip the vodka.”

“Sounds good.”

“Want me to come with you?” Carol Ann asked.

“Nawh, why don’t you interrogate Walt. He hasn’t had nearly enough of that tonight.”

Walt rolled his eyes. “Way to throw me under the bus, hon.”

She leaned over, kissed him. “It’s OK, Baby Daddy. You can handle it.”

He slapped her ass as she walked away. “Careful,” she said over her shoulder. “I might like that.”

“Dakota!” Carol Ann scolded with a laugh.

The line into the bathroom was ten minutes long and filled with a couple of familiar faces. After repeating the mantra of the night, yes, I am, and no, I’m not married, Dakota wiggled through the throng of women.

On her way out of the restroom, she found herself blocked by a familiar face. “Tommy.”

Louise’s husband stood toe-to-toe with her, nearly eye level with her heels. His eyes slid down her body and stopped on the way back up at her breasts. “Well, if it isn’t Dakota Laurens.”

Dakota might wanna take notes on how it felt to be violated with a look, and not in a good way.

“Hello Tommy.”

“Mmm, mmm. You don’t look all preggers.” He moved a little too close and Dakota stepped back.

“How is your wife? Haven’t seen her since I first came back.” The gossip girl had seen her, spread the news, and disappeared.

Tommy waved a hand, his glassy eyes indicated the amount he’d had to drink. “She’s around here somewhere. You always were damn sexy, Dakota.”

“You’re married, Tommy.”

“And you’re not.” He had the nerve to reach out and run his hand over her arm before grasping it in a tight hold.

She pulled away, had to put some muscle in it to dislodge his fingers.

“You always were a prick. I see nothing has changed.”

He offered a grin. “Feisty. Nothing like a girl with a little fight in her.”

“Touch me again, and you’ll see just how much fight I have in me.”

He reached for her a second time only to have his hand gripped by someone standing behind her.

Walt pushed her aside.

The people standing around them grew quiet and stood back. “The lady said to back off.”

“Who the fuck are you?”

“I’m the man who is going to wipe that smile off your face if you don’t walk away.”

Tommy stood taller, looked around, and pulled his arm from Walt’s grip.

Just when the tension started to fade, Walt turned to her. “You OK?”

“I’m fine.”

“So,” Tommy said over the crowd. “You’re the one she spreads for.”

One minute Walt was beside her, the next he was swinging a fist and connecting it to Tommy’s face with a sound crack.

Dakota was sure she screamed as Tommy came back with the same force.

Someone shoved her away as men jumped in to separate them. The fight didn’t break up until several punches were thrown.

Louise, dressed as Marie Antoinette, ran to her husband’s side, turned to Walt, and then noticed Dakota standing there. “What’s goin’ on?”

Dakota moved next to Walt, ran a hand over his red jaw.

“That bastard just up and hit me,” Tommy said.

Dakota sent what she hoped was a deadly look. “You’re a piece of shit, Tommy. Next time you wanna try and score with another woman, make sure she doesn’t know your wife.”

“What are you saying?” Louise yelled over the voices in the crowd.

“Let’s go, Dakota.” Walt wrapped an arm around her waist.

Dakota couldn’t remember being this pissed. She didn’t move, just glared at someone she once called her friend. “I’m saying you’re married to a two-timing asshat that couldn’t spell the word monogamy, let alone practice it.”

Sure enough, one look at Tommy’s face while he was trying to process her insult proved the man wasn’t smart enough to be offended.

Dakota let Walt guide her away.

Behind them, she heard Louise shout, “At least I’m married.”

Dakota lifted one finger and waved it.

Sis, Billy, Carol Ann, and Kevin met them in the parking lot. “And here I thought Dakota was the one to watch out for,” Billy said. “Nice right hook there, Doctor.”

Walt shook out his right hand, flexed his fingers. When she caught his gaze, she noticed the dark shade covering his normal warmth inside his eyes.

Dakota took Walt’s hand in hers and examined his knuckles. “Ouch.”

“I’ve wanted to punch that man for years,” Kevin said.
