Read Books Novel

Nothing Lasts Forever

The one other time Ken Mallory had gone to an opera, he had fallen asleep. On this night he was watching Rigoletto at the San Francisco Opera House and enjoying every minute of it. He was seated in a box with Lauren Harrison and her father. In the lobby of the opera house during intermission, Alex Harrison had introduced him to a large number of friends. "This is my future son-in-law and a brilliant doctor, Ken Mallory."

Being Alex Harrison's son-in-law was enough to make him a brilliant doctor.

After the performance, the Harrisons and Mallory went to the Fairmont Hotel for supper in the elegant main dining room. Mallory enjoyed the deferential greeting that the mattre d' gave to Alex Harrison as he led them to their booth. From now on, I'll be able to afford places like this, Mallory thought, and everyone is going to know who I am.

After they had ordered, Lauren said, "Darling, I think we should have a party to announce our engagement."

"That's a good idea!" her father said. "We'll make it a big one. What do you say, Ken?"

A warning bell sounded in Mallory's mind. An engagement party would mean publicity. I'll have to set Kat straight first. A little money should take care of that. Mallory cursed the stupid bet he had made. For a mere ten thousand dollars, his whole shining future might now be in jeopardy. He could just imagine what would happen if he tried to explain Kat to the Harrisons.

By the way, I forgot to mention that I'm already engaged to a doctor at the hospital. She's black... .

Or: Do you want to hear something funny? I bet the boys at the hospital ten thousand dollars I could fuck this black doctor... .

Or: / already have one wedding planned... .

No, he thought, I'll have to find a way to buy Kat off-

They were looking at Mallory expectantly.

Mallory smiled. "A party sounds like a wonderful idea."

Lauren said enthusiastically, "Good. I'll get things started. You men have no idea what it takes to give a party."

Alex Harrison turned to Mallory. "I've already started the ball rolling for you, Ken."


"Gary Gitlin, the head of North Shore Hospital, is an old golf buddy of mine. I talked to him about you, he doesn't think there will be any problem about having you affiliated with his hospital. That's quite prestigious, you know. And at the same time, I'll get you set up in your own practice."

Mallory listened, filled with a sense of euphoria. "That's wonderful."

"Of course, it will take a few years to build up a really lucrative practice, but I think you should be able to make two or three hundred thousand dollars the first year or two."

Two or three hundred thousand! My God! Mallory thought. He makes it sound like peanuts. "That ... That would be very nice, sir."

Alex Harrison smiled. "Ken, since I'm going to be your father-in-law, let's get off this 'sir' business. Call me Alex."

"Right, Alex."

"You know, I've never been a June bride," Lauren said. "Is June all right with you, darling?"

He could hear Kat's voice saying: Don't you think we should set a date? I thought maybe June.

Mallory took Lauren's hand in his. "That sounds great." That will give me plenty of time to handle Kat, Mallory decided. He smiled to himself. I'll offer her some of the money I won getting her into bed.

"We have a yacht in the south of France," Alex Harrison was saying, "Would you two like to honeymoon on the French Riviera? You can fly over in our Gulfstream."

A yacht. The French Riviera. It was like a fantasy come true. Mallory looked at Lauren. "I'd honeymoon anywhere with Lauren."

Alex Harrison nodded. "Well, it looks like everything is settled." He smiled at his daughter. "I'm going to miss you, baby."

"You're not losing me, Father. You're gaining a doctor!"

Alex Harrison nodded. "And a damn good one. I can never thank you enough for saving my life, Ken."

Lauren stroked Mallory's hand. "I'll thank him for you."

"Ken, why don't we have lunch next week?" Alex Harrison said. "We'll pick out some decent office space for you, maybe in the Post Building, and I'll make a date for you to see Gary Gitlin. A lot of my friends are dying to meet you."

"I think you might rephrase that, Father," Lauren suggested. She turned to Ken. "I've been talking to my friends about you and they're eager to meet you, too, only I'm not going to let them."

"I'm not interested in anyone but you," Mallory said warmly.

When they got into their chauffeur-driven Rolls-Royce, Lauren asked, "Where can we drop you, darling?"

"The hospital. I've got to check on a few patients." I He had no intention of seeing any patients. Kat was on I duty at the hospital.

Lauren stroked his cheek. "My poor baby. You work I much too hard."

Mallory sighed. "It doesn't matter. As long as I'm helping people."

He found Kat in the geriatric ward.

"Hi, Kat."

She was in an angry mood. "We had a date last night, Ken."

"I know. I'm sorry. I wasn't able to make it, and - "

"That's the third time in the last week. What's going on?"

She was becoming a boring nag. "Kat, I have to talk to you. Is there an empty room around here?"

She thought for a moment. "A patient checked out of 315. Let's go in there."

They started down the corridor. A nurse walked up to them. "Oh, Dr. Mallory! Dr. Peterson has been looking for you. He - "

"Tell him I'm busy." He took Kat by the arm and led her to the elevator.

When they arrived at the third floor, they walked silently down the corridor and went into Room 315. Mallory closed the door behind them. He was hyperventilating. His whole golden future depended on the next few minutes.

He took Kat's hand in his. It was time to be sincere. "Kat, you know I'm crazy about you. I've never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. But, honey, the idea of having a baby right now ... well ... can't you see how wrong it would be? I mean ...we're both working day and night, we aren't making enough money to ..."

"But we can manage," Kat said. "I love you, Ken, and I - "

"Wait. All I'm asking is that we put everything off for a little while. Let me finish my term at the hospital and get started in private practice somewhere. Maybe we'll go back East. In a few years we'll be able to afford to get married and have a baby."

"In a few years'? But I told you, I'm pregnant."

"I know, darling, but it's been what, now ... two months? There's still plenty of time to abort it."

Kat looked at him, shocked. "No! I won't abort it. I want us to get married right away. Now."

We have a yacht in the south of France. Would you two like to honeymoon on the French Riviera? You can fly over in our Gulf stream.

"I've already told Paige and Honey that we're getting married. They're going to be my bridesmaids. And I told them about the baby."

Mallory felt a cold chill go through him. Things were getting out of hand. If the Harrisons got wind of this, he would be finished. "You shouldn't have done that."

"Why not?"

Mallory forced a smile. "I want to keep our private lives private." I'll get you set up in your own practice... . You should be able to make two or three hundred thousand dollars the first year or two. "Kat, I'm going to ask you this for the last time. Will you have an abortion?" He was willing her to say yes, trying to keep the desperation out of his voice.


"Kat ..."

"I can't, Ken. I told you how I felt about the abortion I had as a girl. I swore I could never live through such a thing again. Don't ask me again."

And it was at that moment that Ken Mallory realized he could not take a chance. He had no choice. He was going to have to kill her.
