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Nothing Lasts Forever

"You’re planning to go into internal medicine, Dr. Taft?"


The resident turned to Kat. "Dr. Hunter?"


"You’re interested in neurosurgery."

"I am."

He consulted a list. "You’ll be assigned to Dr. Lewis."

The resident looked over at Paige. "Dr. Taylor?"


"You’re going into cardiac surgery."

"That’s right."

"Fine. We’ll assign you and Dr. Hunter to surgical rounds. You can report to the head nurse’s office. Margaret Spencer. Down the hall."

"Thank you."

Paige looked at the others and took a deep breath. "Here I go! I wish us all luck!"

The head nurse, Margaret Spencer, was more a battleship than a woman, heavyset and stern-looking, with a brusque manner. She was busy behind the nurses’ station when Paige approached.

"Excuse me …"

Nurse Spencer looked up. "Yes?"

"I was told to report here. I’m Dr. Taylor."

Nurse Spencer consulted a sheet. "Just a moment." She walked through a door and returned a minute later with some scrubs and white coats.

"Here you are. The scrubs are to wear in the operating theater and on rounds. When you’re doing rounds, you put a white coat over the scrubs."


"Oh. And here." She reached down and handed Paige a metal tag that read "Paige Taylor, M.D." "Here’s your name tag, doctor."

Paige held it in her hand and looked at it for a long time. Paige Taylor, M.D. She felt as though she had been handed the Medal of Honor. All the long hard years of work and study were summed up in those brief words. Paige Taylor, M.D.

Nurse Spencer was watching her. "Are you all right?"

"I’m fine." Paige smiled. "I’m just fine, thank you. Where do I . . .?"

"Doctors’ dressing room is down the corridor to the left. You’ll be making rounds, so you’ll want to change."

"Thank you."

Paige walked down the corridor, amazed at the amount of activity around her. The corridor was crowded with doctors, nurses, technicians, and patients, hurrying to various destinations. The insistent chatter of the public address system added to the din.

"Dr. Keenan … OR Three. … Dr. Keenan . . . OR Three."

"Dr. Talbot . . . Emergency Room One. Stat. . . . Dr. Talbot . . . Emergency Room One. Stat."

"Dr. Engel . . . Room 212. … Dr. Engel . . . Room 212."

Paige approached a door marked DOCTORS’ DRESSING ROOM and opened it. Inside there were a dozen doctors in various stages of undress. Two of them were totally naked. They turned to stare at Paige as the door opened.

"Oh! I… I’m sorry," Paige mumbled, and quickly closed the door. She stood there, uncertain about what to do. A few feet down the corridor, she saw a door marked NURSES’ DRESSING ROOM. Paige walked over to it and opened the door. Inside, several nurses were changing into their uniforms.

One of them looked up. "Hello. Are you one of the new nurses?"

"No," Paige said tightly. "I’m not." She closed the door and walked back to the doctors’ dressing room. She stood there a moment, then took a deep breath and entered. The conversation came to a stop.

One of the men said, "Sorry, honey. This room is for doctors."

"I’m a doctor," Paige said.

They turned to look at one another. "Oh? Well, er . . . welcome."

"Thank you." She hesitated a moment, then walked over to an empty locker. The men watched as she put her hospital clothes into the locker. She looked at the men for a moment, then slowly started to unbutton her blouse.

The doctors stood there, not sure what to do. One of them said, "Maybe we should—er—give the little lady some privacy, gentlemen."

The little lady "Thank you," Paige said. She stood there, waiting, as the doctors finished dressing and left the room. Am I going to have to go through this every dayl she wondered.

In hospital rounds, there is a traditional formation that never varies. The attending physician is always in the lead, followed by the senior resident, then the other residents, and one or two medical students. The attending physician Paige had been assigned to was Dr. William Radnor. Paige and five other residents were gathered in the hallway, waiting to meet him.

In the group was a young Chinese doctor. He held out his hand. "Tom Chang," he said. "I hope you’re all as nervous as I am."

Paige liked him immediately.

A man was approaching the group. "Good morning," he said. "I’m Dr. Radnor." He was soft-spoken, with sparkling blue eyes. Each resident introduced himself.

"This is your first day of rounds. I want you to pay close attention to everything you see and hear, but at the same time, it’s important to appear relaxed."

Paige made a mental note. Pay close attention, but appear to be relaxed.

"If the patients see that you’re tense, they’re going to be tense, and they’ll probably think they’re dying of some disease you aren’t telling them about."

Don’t make patients tense.

"Remember, from now on, you’re going to be responsible for the lives of other human beings."

Now responsible for other lives. Oh, my God! The longer Dr. Radnor talked, the more nervous Paige became, and by the time he was finished, her self-confidence had completely vanished. I’m not ready for this. she thought. I don’t know what I’m doing. Who ever said I could be a doctor! What if I kill somebody!

Dr. Radnor was going on, "I will expect detailed notes on each one of your patients—lab work, blood, electrolytes, everything. Is that clear?"
