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Nothing Lasts Forever

Not by a long shot, Paige thought. I’m going to find some way to pay him back.

In the doctors’ dressing room, Ken Mallory was getting ready to make his rounds. Dr. Grundy and three other doctors walked in.

"There’s our man!" Grundy said. "How are you doing, Ken?"

"Fine," Mallory said.

Grundy turned to the others. "He doesn’t look like he just got laid, does he?" He turned back to Mallory. "I hope you have our money ready. I plan to make a down payment on a little car."

Another doctor joined in. "I’m buying a whole new wardrobe."

Mallory shook his head pityingly. "I wouldn’t count on it, suckers. Get ready to pay me off!"

Grundy was studying him. "What do you mean?"

"If she’s a lesbian, I’m a eunuch. She’s the horniest broad I ever met. I practically had to hold her off the other night!"

The men were looking at one another, worried.

"But you didn’t get her into the sack?"

"The only reason I didn’t, my friends, is because we were interrupted on the way to the bedroom. I have a date with her Saturday night, and it will all be over but the shouting." Mallory finished dressing. "Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me . . ."

An hour later, Grundy stopped Kat in the corridor.

"I’ve been looking for you," he said. He looked angry.

"Is something wrong?"

"It’s that bastard Mallory. He’s so sure of himself that he’s telling everyone he’s going to get you into bed by Saturday night."

"Don’t worry," Kat said grimly. "He’s going to lose."

When Ken Mallory picked Kat up Saturday night, she had on a low-cut dress that accentuated her voluptuous figure.

"You look gorgeous," he said admiringly.

She put her arms around him. "I want to look good for you." She was clinging to him.

God, she really wants it. When Mallory spoke, his voice was husky. "Look, I have an idea, Kat. Before we go out to dinner, why don’t we slip into the bedroom and . . ."

She was stroking his face. "Oh, darling, I wish we could. Paige is home." Paige was actually at the hospital, working.


"But after dinner …" She let the suggestion hang in the air.


"We could go to your place."

Mallory put his arms around her and kissed her. "That’s a wonderful idea!"

He took her to the Iron Horse, and they had a delicious dinner. In spite of herself, Kat was having a wonderful time. He was charming and amusing, and incredibly attractive. He seemed genuinely interested in knowing everything about her. She knew he was flattering her, but he really seemed to mean the compliments he paid her.

If I didn’t know better . . .

Mallory had hardly tasted his food. All he could think was, In two hours I will be making ten thousand dollars. . . . In one hour, I will be making ten thousand dollars. . . . In thirty minutes . . .

They finished their coffee.

"Are you ready?" Mallory asked.

Kat put her hand over his. "You have no idea how ready, darling. Let’s go."

They took a taxi to Mallory’s apartment. "I’m absolutely crazy about you," Mallory murmured. "I’ve never known anyone like you."

And she could hear Grundy’s voice: He’s so sure of himself that he says he’s going to get you into bed by Saturday night.

When they arrived at the apartment, Mallory paid the taxi driver and led Kat into the elevator. It seemed to Mallory to take forever to get up to his apartment. He opened the door and said eagerly, "Here it is."

Kat stepped inside.

It was an ordinary little bachelor’s apartment that desperately needed a woman’s touch.

"Oh, it’s lovely," Kat breathed. She turned to Mallory. "It’s you.’"

He grinned. "Let me show you our room. I’ll put some music on."

As he went over to the tape deck, Kat glanced at her watch. The voice of Barbra Streisand filled the room.

Mallory took her hand. "Let’s go, honey."

"Wait a minute," Kat said softly.

He was looking at her, puzzled. "What for?"

"I just want to enjoy this moment with you. You know, before we …"

"Why don’t we enjoy it in the bedroom?"

"I’d love a drink."

"A drink?" He tried to hide his impatience. "Fine. What would you like?"

"A vodka and tonic, please."

He smiled. "I think we can handle that." He went over to the little bar and hurriedly mixed two drinks.

Kat looked at her watch again.

Mallory returned with the drinks and handed one to Kat. "Here you are, baby." He raised his glass. "To togetherness."

"To togetherness," Kat said. She took a sip of the drink. "Oh, my God!"

He looked at her, startled. "What’s the matter?"

"This is vodka!"

"That’s what you asked for."

"Did I? I’m sorry. I hate vodka!" She stroked his face. "May I have a scotch and soda?"

"Sure." He swallowed his impatience and went back to the bar to mix another drink.

Kat glanced at her watch again.

Ken Mallory returned. "Here you are."

"Thank you, darling."

She took two sips of her drink. Mallory took the glass from her and set it on a table. He put his arms around Kat and held her close, and she could feel that he was aroused.

"Now," Ken said softly, "let’s make history."

"Oh, yes!" Kat said. "Yes!"

She let him lead her into the bedroom.

I’ve done it! Mallory exulted. I’ve done it. Here go the walls of Jericho! He turned to Kat. "Get undressed, baby."
