Read Books Novel

Nothing Lasts Forever

Dr. Barker was examining some slides under a microscope when Paige entered. He looked up. "I’m told you’ve decided to quit the hospital."

"That’s right. You finally got your wish."

"And what was that?" Barker asked.

"You’ve wanted me out of here from the first moment you saw me. Well, you’ve won. I can’t fight you anymore. When you told me I killed your patient, I . . ." Paige’s voice broke. "I . . .1 think you’re a sadistic, cold-hearted son of a bitch, and I hate you."

"Sit down," Dr. Barker said.

"No. I have nothing more to say."

"Well, I have. Who the hell do you think you . . .?"

He suddenly stopped and began to gasp.

As Paige watched in horror, he clutched his heart and toppled over in his chair, his face twisted to one side in a horrible rictus.

Paige was at his side instantly. "Dr. Barker!" She grabbed the telephone and shouted into it, "Code Red! Code Red!"

Dr. Peterson said, "He’s suffered a massive stroke. It’s too early to tell whether he’s going to come out of it."

It’s my fault, Paige thought. I wanted him dead. She felt miserable.

She went back to see Ben Wallace. "I’m sorry about what happened," Paige said. "He was a good doctor."

"Yes. It’s regrettable. Very …" Wallace studied her a moment. "Paige, if Dr. Barker can’t practice here anymore, would you consider staying on?"

Paige hesitated. "Yes. Of course."

Chapter Twenty-eight

His chart read, "John Cronin, white male, age 70. Diagnosis: Cardiac tumor." Paige had not yet met John Cronin. He was scheduled to have heart surgery. She walked into his room, a nurse and a staff doctor at her side. She smiled warmly and said, "Good morning, Mr. Cronin."

They had just extubated him, and there were the marks of adhesive tape around his mouth. IV bottles hung overhead, and the tubing had been inserted in his left arm.

Cronin looked over at Paige. "Who the hell are you?"

"I’m Dr. Taylor. I’m going to examine you and—"

"Like hell you are! Keep your fucking hands off me. Why didn’t they send in a real doctor?"

Paige’s smile died. "I’m a cardiovascular surgeon. I’m going to do everything I can to get you well again."

"You’re going to operate on my heart?"

"That’s right. I …"

John Cronin looked at the resident and said, "For Christ’s sake, is this the best this hospital can do?"

"I assure you, Dr. Taylor is thoroughly qualified," the staff doctor said.

"So is my ass."

Paige said stiffly, "Would you rather bring in your own surgeon?"

"I don’t have one. I can’t afford those high-priced quacks. You doctors are all alike. All you’re interested in is money. You don’t give a damn about people. We’re just pieces of meat to you, aren’t we?"

Paige was fighting to control her temper. "I know you’re upset right now, but—"

"Upset? Just because you’re going to cut my heart out?" He was screaming. "I know I’ll die on the operating table. You’re going to kill me, and I hope they get you for murder!"

"That’s enough!" Paige said.

He was grinning at her maliciously. "It wouldn’t look good on your record if I died, would it, doctor? Maybe I will let you operate on me."

Paige found that she was hyperventilating. She turned to the nurse. "I want an EKG and a chemistry panel." She took one last look at John Cronin, then turned and left the room.

When Paige returned an hour later with the reports on the tests, John Cronin looked up. "Oh, the bitch is back."

Paige operated on John Cronin at six o’clock the following morning.

The moment she opened him up, she knew that there was no hope. The major problem was not the heart. Cronin’s organs showed signs of melanoma.

A resident said, "Oh, my God! What are we going to do?"

"We’re going to pray that he doesn’t have to live with this too long."

When Paige stepped out of the operating room into the corridor, she found a woman and two men waiting for her. The woman was in her late thirties. She had bright red hair and too much makeup, and she wore a heavy, cheap perfume. She had on a tight dress that accentuated a voluptuous figure. The men were in their forties, and both had red hair. To Paige, they looked like a circus troupe.

The woman said to Paige, "You Dr. Taylor?"


"I’m Mrs. Cronin. These are my brothers. How’s my husband?"

Paige hesitated. She said carefully, "The operation went as well as could be expected."

"Oh, thank God!" Mrs. Cronin said melodramatically, dabbing at her eyes with a lace handkerchief. "I’d die if anything happened to John!"

Paige felt as if she were watching an actress in a bad play.

"Can I see my darling now?"

"Not yet, Mrs. Cronin. He’s in the recovery room. I suggest that you come back tomorrow."

"We’ll be back." She turned to the men. "Come along, fellas."

Paige watched as they walked away. Poor John Cronin, she thought.

Paige was given the report the next morning. The cancer had metastasized throughout Cronin’s body. It was too late for radiation treatment.

The oncologist said to Paige, "There’s nothing to do but try to keep him comfortable. He’s going to be in a hell of a lot of pain."

"How much time does he have?"

"A week or two at the most."

Paige went to visit John Cronin in intensive care. He was asleep. John Cronin was no longer a bitter, vitriolic man, but a human being fighting desperately for his life. He was on a respirator, and being fed intravenously. Paige sat down at his bedside, watching him. He looked tired and defeated. He’s one of the unlucky ones, Paige thought. Even with all the modern medical miracles, there’s nothing we can do to save him. Paige touched his arm gently. After a while, she left.
