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Obsidian Flame

Obsidian Flame (Guardians of Ascension #5)(117)
Author: Caris Roane

He split his resonance a few more times and just groaned into her ear. She cried out but sent, You can make me come faster than any man I’ve ever known.

“Wrong words, Marguerite. Never talk about other men to me. Ever.” He was pissed, but he felt her smile and then he understood. Dammit, she’d said that to him on purpose.

He withdrew his fingers and flipped her over in a smooth arc that brought her onto the couch beneath him but on her stomach, one of his favorite positions.

He lifted her up so that he was poised behind her hips. “You’re being very bad and I’m going to have to punish you.”

She turned and looked back at him. “What are you going to do to me?”

He let her feel the tip of his c**k at her opening, then he spelled it out for her. When her legs started trembling, he shoved himself in deep.

She balanced her hands on the arm of the couch and spread her legs wide. He set up a rhythm; then he leaned down and she stretched out her neck for him, ready to take her punishment.

He bit her hard, which brought her internal muscles wrapping tight around him and spasming. She cried out over and over as the orgasm rocked her. He released chemicals at the same time that, because of his new ability to feel her, caused shivers to race up and down his spine the way they were racing up and down hers.

His orgasm followed as he pumped into her, a streak of profound pleasure because she climaxed again and he could feel at the same time what his hard c**k was doing to her. The combined sensation was like fire. He released her neck and roared as the orgasm rolled and rolled, on and on, until he’d spilled himself inside her and at last her hips grew quiet.

He collapsed to his side, taking her with him, keeping himself connected. He was breathing hard, trying to figure out which sensations were his and which were hers. Her lungs gulped for air; his c**k twitched. His legs were sweaty against the leather; so were hers. Her nose itched. The muscles of his shoulders flexed.

He held her close, loving this, loving sex with his woman, loving that she was game, that she was here, that she belonged to him, that love had found them both. He hugged her and she caught his arms and held them, pressing them against her chest. He felt her br**sts flex from the inside and he smiled.

“I love you,” he said.

“You work me up.”

He laughed. “Ditto, sweetheart.”

She sighed. “How the hell am I supposed to be a mother?”

“You’ll be fine. The woman who brought me back from the dead, twice, will do just fine with anyone and anything. Two babies? Piece of cake.”

He felt her stiffen. “What do you mean, two babies?”

Thorne could have kicked himself for not being more diplomatic. He’d have to work on that.

But after a few more seconds, he felt her relax and something more, a vibration that clicked with his own obsiddy power. He could feel her power moving within her body, deep within her mind. He could sense that she was having a vision.

She turned slowly in his arms so that she was now face to face with him and her eyes were lit up. “I saw them, both of them.”

He nodded. “With baby Helena?”

Marguerite smiled. “They were walking hand in hand. You saw them, too?”

“Helena flew above them.”

“Yes.” She put her hand on his face, then kissed him. “More than anything that’s happened in the past few weeks, that image gives me hope, Thorne. Real hope. Our kids had to be at least two, maybe three, don’t you think? And they had wings.”

“Yes. Wings.”

“Do you think the war will be over by then?”

He drew in a deep breath. “I hope so, sweetheart, but if it isn’t, we’ll figure it out.”

She dipped her chin and snuggled close so that her head was buried against his neck. Together, we’ll figure it out, she sent.

“Yes, together.”

Together. The sweetest word he’d heard in a long, long time.
