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Obsidian Flame

Obsidian Flame (Guardians of Ascension #5)(77)
Author: Caris Roane


Yeah, sweetheart. He groaned. You taste of rose and woman blended and I’m hard as rock because of it. But, yeah, what do you want? More of this? He flicked his tongue over her in quick little pats so that her back arched and he had to hold her pelvis down to keep her on the platform. His warm laughter rippled through the damp air.

Oh, God, she could so get used to this, being with him all the time. She felt him inside her mind as well, a strong presence. Her heart started to hurt all over again.

You said you wanted something.

She looked back down at his head bobbing between her legs. Actually, I was wondering, before you plunge into my obsiddy power, whether you needed some, you know, sustenance. Sustenance very low this time.

He stopped lapping and groaned so deeply, pushing away from the stone, that she knew the thought of what she was offering had nearly brought him.

When he finally met her gaze, his eyes were at half-mast and his lips were parted as he worked to drag air in.

“Take me low,” she said and she stretched her right leg out, pushing her knees even farther apart, and ran a hand slowly down along the side of her thigh.

He caught her fingers and kissed her hand but immediately settled his face into her groin and nuzzled her. Then he began to lick, long hard swipes to coax the vein to rise.

Her body began to tense because that kind of activity, so close to her clit, told her exactly what was coming. Thorne was no novice, either, and in preparation for what he knew this would do to her, he slid his fingers inside. You’re so wet.

Of course I am. Oh, God, Thorne. I’m ready. Just do it.

He took his free arm and pressed across her lower abdomen in order to keep her anchored. Thank God he was strong, because as soon as he started taking her blood, she wouldn’t be able to control her body’s reactions.

One last lick, then he struck.

She didn’t care how he did it, but she loved when he penetrated her: tongue, fingers, cock, fangs. Her body did exactly what she knew it would do, a full-body roll lifting her off the platform, but he was strong, and his left arm kept her pinned in place so that his fangs wouldn’t tear her apart.

He drank hard and fast and she could hear his breathing take on a desperate quality, forcing his chest up and down in almost heaving gasps as he dragged air through his nose.

She was so close, but he suddenly rose up, his mouth covered in her blood.

She would have complained at the abrupt cessation, but she glanced low. His c**k was a missile. She scooted her hips closer toward him, until she was almost falling off the side of the pool, but he stood breathing hard, his hands in fists.

His eyes were closed and he almost looked like he was in pain.


He held up one hand to still her. Hold on, he sent.

But for just a moment, as he stood there, that silvery white light poured over him until he was bathed in light, transfigured, a god once more.

* * *

Thorne didn’t quite understand what the hell was happening to him. Shit, Marguerite’s blood was suddenly a fire in his stomach, in his chest, in his veins, now flowing through his heart and setting his soul on fire, more than ever before.

He felt stronger, more fit for the world, ready to take on what was about to descend on Second Earth. Sweet Jesus, this was one helluva drug.

He was hard as flint and ready to come, but he didn’t want to, not yet, not like this, not separated from her. And he wanted to delve into her obsidian flame power. He could feel the source waiting for him since he was within her mind, like a radiating heat not far away.

He opened his eyes and looked at her.

“Thorne, your eyes.”

“What?” They felt warm, almost hot.

“They’re almost glowing.”

He nodded and moved toward her, toward all the swollen parts of her, opened wide and waiting. He wasn’t exactly present. His need spoke for him, to be inside her as her blood was inside him, making him burn, making him hard.

He put one hand over her bare mons, savoring the feel of her. He took his c**k in his hand and guided himself to her opening, holding himself in place. He began to push, his hips jerking forward.

“Sorry,” he murmured.

“No, it felt good. Oh, God, Thorne.”

He looked at her now and she dragged the towel from beneath her head so that she could lie flat. Her head rolled from side to side. “I love you inside me,” she said, her voice breathy.

“I love being here so much.”

She was so wet, so ready for him that three long pushes and he was buried deep. She accommodated him all the way to the end. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he moved over her, covering her because he was just that much bigger than her. He leaned down and arched to kiss the side of her head, her temple, her forehead.

She stretched and he found her lips, kissing her deep for a moment. It was the one thing they couldn’t do because of the difference in their heights: really kiss face-to-face while doing this. But like hell he was complaining when she was everything he could have ever wanted in a partner.

He rolled his hips and drove into her, quickening his pace a little, groaning as she grew so tight, so close, so ready to come.

I want to dive now, he sent.

Oh, God, do it, Thorne.

If I hurt you, I’ll back out, I promise.

I know you will, but I just have this feeling …

I know. Me, too.

He stretched out, settling his forearms next to her shoulders. In this position, his chest touched hers. She tilted her head, and her mouth found his neck. The groan that left him ricocheted around the rough dark stone walls. “Take my blood, Marguerite. Yes, do it.”

He positioned himself as well as he could. She slid her arm around his neck to anchor him. She struck and the sensation caused his c**k to jerk inside her. He tensed, holding back. Dammit, he almost came. He breathed light shallow breaths as she began to draw on his blood.

Whatever he was going to do, he had to do it quick.

He closed his eyes. You ready?


Within her mind, he moved swiftly to her obsidian flame channel. He dove within and he heard her groans and it was all good.

Thorne. Oh, God, Thorne.

I know. I’m feeling it, too. Sweet Jesus all that sensation is going straight to my groin. He pumped faster. The tunnel was dark and long. Pleasure flowed all around him, teasing his mind, sending streaks of pleasure down through his torso and into his lower abdomen in pulsing streaks that built the deeper he dove.

He saw the pinprick of light that zoomed toward him opening suddenly and then he was inside her power, inside obsidian flame. All that pleasurable sensation intensified and the pulses quickened.
