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Obsidian Flame

Obsidian Flame (Guardians of Ascension #5)(91)
Author: Caris Roane

Alison moved closer to Fiona and put in her two cents’ worth. “If you stand next to Havily and hold her, would that make it easier? He could take her blood at the wrist.”

Marguerite was dumbfounded. Why Havily’s blood? The warriors had begun forming a tight knot near the entrance to what looked like the library. Tension in the room seemed to be mounting.

Sweet Christ, what the hell was going on?

But when Parisa, who really didn’t like to share, joined the group of women, Marguerite’s mouth fell open.

“Marcus, we can all stand with her, surround her. Will that help?”

Marcus pushed his way through this feminine onslaught until he stood before Thorne. “I can’t do this. You have to order Havily not to do it.”

Marguerite watched Thorne, wondering what he was going to do. He stared up at Marcus for a good long moment. His breathing was strange, really rough, like he was just barely holding himself together. He let go of Marguerite’s hand and squared his shoulders. He rose to his feet and leveled his hard stare on Marcus, that commanding stare that Marguerite knew so well. Oh, shit. Thorne was going to allow it. What the hell?

Thorne put a heavy hand on Marcus’s shoulder. “How about you and I and the boys go out on the front patio and have a smoke. Medichi has some great cigars and I’ve missed a lot of stuff over the past couple of weeks. Jeannie’s kept me informed, but I’d like to hear what you’ve got going on.”

“Shit,” Marcus muttered. He put a hand to his face and shaded his eyes.

Thorne stepped in close and put his arm around Marcus’s shoulders. He got the man moving in the direction of the foyer and kept him moving.

The women quickly flowed in to fill up the space behind, almost like a barricade to the couch where Leto breathed in small puffs of air.

Thorne signaled for the rest of the men to back him up and together, as one giant mountain of testosterone, they ushered Marcus outside.

Alison cried out, “Havily, make it quick.”

Marguerite’s mouth grew dry from having it so wide open as she watched female peer pressure orchestrate a move against one of the bonded warriors. It was no small thing that the rest of the warriors supported Thorne despite the fact that he’d been AWOL.

The next thing she knew, Havily dropped to the carpet next to Grace and offered her wrist to Leto. He moved his head around and wouldn’t take it.

Grace got in close as well and began to kiss him and play with lips. She rubbed her face against Havily’s arm several times, scenting it up. She then loomed over him, held his face in her hands, and looked into his eyes.

“Take it, Leto. Do it for me.”

Marguerite couldn’t see the strike from where she sat, but she watched Havily’s back arch then settle down. Her shoulder began to bob.

After a few seconds had passed, Alison, who now stood behind the couch with Parisa, murmured, “Look how fast his color is coming back.”

Parisa touched her arm and drew her away, whispering to her.

Alison drew back and met Parisa’s gaze. “Oh, God, you’re probably right. Oh, shit.” This, from Alison. “Well, so much for dinner and welcoming either Thorne or Leto back.”

Parisa leaned over the back of the couch and said to Grace, “You’ll have the house to yourself for an hour or so. Do whatever you need to do. Everyone’s taking off as soon as Havily’s done. Uh … except that Antony and I will be in his suite of rooms, but I’ll keep him there.” Her cheeks had turned a dark pink.

Marguerite was so confused. She was trying to piece everything together and failing. Why was everyone leaving?

Alison approached her. “Will you continue to hold Helena for a couple more minutes while I settle things with the men?”

“Only if you tell me what the hell … I mean, what’s going on?”

“Oh, that’s right. You probably wouldn’t know. Havily’s blood has unique properties: It mimics dying blood. That’s why there was such a dustup about this. Leto will probably emerge much stronger and, um, well, he’ll have certain needs.”

“Oh, my God.”

“You got that right. So this”—she extended a hand toward the couch—“is going to get very interesting in about three minutes, maybe less. And our warriors just aren’t going to handle this at all.”

“I’ll watch the baby.”

Alison left the room, her heels clicking on the hardwood floor. Marguerite felt a rush of cool air from the front door opening and closing.

Parisa approached her, looking worried. “The men will have to head to the Borderlands soon, but once this is finished”—she jerked her head in the direction of the couch—“at the very least Marcus will need to assert himself with Havily, if you know what I mean.”

“But she’s just trying to help, maybe even save his life.”

Parisa shrugged. “They’re bonded. This is a big no-no, especially Havily’s blood.”

“I get that, but…”

Parisa was chewing on her lower lip, and her complexion was flushed. She kept glancing in the direction of the front door.

Finally, Marguerite understood. Parisa’s complexion hadn’t pinked up because she was embarrassed.

Alison came back in and called Fiona over. “We’re going to have to break this up. Kerrick practically attacked me. Antony’s shaking. Marcus is sitting in a chair with his arms tight around his chest and rocking like he’s going crazy. Fiona, I’d suggest you go out to Jean-Pierre and take him home … now. He’s pacing like a madman. It’s as though whatever Marcus is feeling the rest of them are as well, even the ones that aren’t bonded. Thorne sent Zach, Luken, and Santiago off to the Blood and Bite for some R and R.”

Fiona didn’t hesitate. “Got it.” She lifted her arm and folded.

Parisa was next. A couple of seconds later she and Medichi materialized outside their bedroom door, way down the hall, at least thirty yards away. He was kissing her hard as he pushed open the door to what Marguerite supposed was his suite of rooms. He all but dragged her inside then shut the door so hard the walls shook.

Alison moved to the front of the chair. “I’ll take Helena now. Sorry about this. I suppose it’s not exactly a rousing endorsement for the breh-hedden. We’ll catch up later, okay?”

“Sure.” The blond beauty leaned down and lifted her baby oh-so-carefully, cradling her in her arms. “Thank you for holding her. It meant a lot.” Then she was just gone.
