Read Books Novel

On One Condition

“Or when it comes out.”

He laughed, kissing her into silence.

Chapter Eleven

Damon entered their house with a sense of completeness, unable to hold back his smile. They were home. Happy. In love. Could things get any better?

He yanked Johanna into his arms, kissing her senseless.

She clung to his shoulders, pressing her delicious body against his. Moaning low in his throat, he deepened the kiss, his hands creeping down her back.

“Ahem,” Jeff said from the office. Johanna jumped out of Damon’s embrace, flushing. “I’m glad to see you two looking so cozy, but you might want to come in here.”

“No offense, but no thank you.” Grabbing Johanna’s hand, Damon tugged her toward the stairs.

Chuckling, she followed without hesitation. “Sorry. Gotta agree with the husband on this one.”

Jeff sighed, rolling his eyes. “Fine. I’ll tell the fake lawyer in the library to wait until you’re done having sex, then.”

Damon froze. “Fake lawyer?”

“Yes,” Jeff answered, examining his fingernails. “But, hey.

You two go ahead. Have fun.”

Damon growled, heading down the stairs with Johanna in tow. “Jeff, don’t piss me off. You know how that ends.”

Jeff snorted. “Yeah, with my foot up your—”

“Jeff!” he growled. Jeff entered the library, followed closely by Johanna and Damon. Damon’s head raced when he saw the scrawny man who had crashed into his life and changed everything. “You? You’re a fraud?”

“That’s what he says,” Jeff answered. “But he’ll tell you the rest.”

“Speak,” Damon commanded, motioning for Johanna to sit. She sank into a nearby chair, biting her lip. “And be quick.”

The man cleared his throat, blanching at the sight of Damon. “Your father’s will never stated you must marry.

My employer threatened my family’s safety and forced me to falsify the documents and come to you, telling you of the clause so you would have to marry her. Now that she’s fled back to England, I can tell you the truth.”

All the puzzle pieces snapped into place, and Damon groaned. “Let me guess. Your employer is Cecile.”

The man nodded enthusiastically. “Yes. And her cousin, a Mr. Smith.”

Johanna sat upright, gasping. “Tim Smith?”

“Yes, my lady,” Mr. Johnson responded, bowing his head.

“They have both fled the continent, and I told the police.

They’re searching for them even now.”

“Bloody hell,” Damon murmured, sitting next to Johanna and capturing her hand. “So is that how Tim knew about Lilly?”

“Yes, my lord. I heard her tell him,” Mr. Johnson said.

Damon shook his head, then looked at Johanna. “Can you believe this?”

She laughed, shaking her head. “Not really.”

After an incredulous moment, laughter overwhelmed him.

The “lawyer” cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, my lord, for my part in their scheme. I wanted to be the one to tell you the truth.”

Damon nodded, bringing himself under control. “It ended up bringing me my wife, so I forgive you.”

“I’m glad.” Mr. Johnson rose to his feet, rubbing his bald head. “I’ll be going, now.”

Damon didn’t spare him another glance as he left the room, instead focusing on Jeff. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Just proves the point I’ve been trying to beat into your thick skull all along. You can’t trust everyone who ‘works’ for you.”

Damon sighed. “I know. Believe me, I know. I’ve been working on being more involved lately. And I shall continue to grow ever more so. Apparently, you can’t trust people when it comes to money,” he said.

“You think?” Johanna said, meeting his eyes.

His face grew hot and he dropped his own gaze to his hands. “I know. I need to focus more on my personal and business life. I’m trying.”

“Yes, you are. But you have a long way to go,” Johanna said. “I hope you realize now just how many people out there would love to take advantage of you.”

“Oh, come now. There can’t be that many,” he argued.

Jeff and Johanna rolled their eyes.

Damon chuckled. “Okay, okay. I get it. The rich boy learned his lesson. Cue the commercial break.”

“Good,” Jeff said. Grabbing his jacket, he saluted them and headed to the door. “On that note, I’m out of here. I have no desire to listen to the two of you moaning for the rest of the day.”

Johanna closed her eyes, blushing, but Damon only chuckled. “He’s right. I plan on making you moan all night.”

“Hm. I think I need food first,” she replied. “Baby is hungry.”

“Well, in that case, follow me. Maybe I’ll cook for you, and test out my independent streak a little bit more.” He shrugged, rubbing his head. “It can’t be that hard, can it?”

“Uh, honey?” She hesitated. “Not on your life. Leave the cooking to the professional, please. Baby likes tasty food, not what you would make.”

He scowled at her over his shoulder. “Are you insinuating that I wouldn’t make a good cook?”

“Yep. Absolutely.”

“Oh ye of little faith.” He chuckled. “You have no idea what I can do when I set my mind to it.”

She knew exactly what he could do. He’d won her over, after all.

If he could do that, he could do anything.


Valentine’s Day, 2012

Amazing how one year could change a life.

One year ago, Johanna had been bitter, alone, and incapable of trusting anyone—let alone falling in love. Yet now, she thought her heart might burst with the joy that filled her to overflowing.

And all it had taken was an extremely stubborn, and very handsome, British lord.

Damon looked at her, and a smile lit up his face. Tears shone in his eyes as he turned his attention back to their daughter.

Johanna stared into the child’s dark blue eyes with wonder. The baby wailed and scrunched her eyes shut, arching her little back and flailing her fists. Tears spilled down Johanna’s cheeks, and she dropped her head back against the pillow. “It’s a girl.”

“Jessica,” he whispered. He reached out a finger tentatively, and the baby latched onto it with a tight grip.

“Look! She’s holding my hand.”
